10-17-2009 08:58 PM
reloading issue
Is there an issue with reloading? Ever since 2.4 came out I have trouble reloading at random times. I usually notice while playing soldier. I will fire off a few rockets and the only way it will reload is if I fire all 4 of them. This will usually happen 4-5 times in an hour. Just trying to find out if you know of this problem and if not just trying to make you guys aware of this possible issue.
Issue Details
Category General Game
Status Confirmed
Priority 4
Affected Version 2.4
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug
Users unable to reproduce bug
Assigned Users
10-17-2009 10:26 PM
Stuff Do-er
Been a known issue since 1.0. One day it'll be fixed... one day.
10-17-2009 11:33 PM
Yeh always been a problem for me, I would like to advice you get a movement reload script. works a charm. a TFC one would work.
10-18-2009 04:04 AM
cool. . .thx guys. . .I guess this is the first I noticed this.
10-18-2009 05:12 PM
Title title title title
Press R.
10-18-2009 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by gibz
Press R.
odly that doesn't always work as well!
best bet is to either switch weapons, or get a movement reload script.
10-18-2009 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by gibz
Press R.
Wow really. . .thx for the help there. Your 1337ness has just fixed the game.
10-20-2009 09:48 PM
dont mind gibz he gets picked on daily in ff.pickup channel :P must be getting to him
10-21-2009 01:02 AM
Stuff Do-er
Oh by the way, hlstriker might have fixed this. Still need to test it extensively to make sure, though.
10-21-2009 12:12 PM
alias +f "+forward; +reload"
alias -f "-forward; +reload; -reload"
alias +b "+back; +reload"
alias -b "-back; +reload; -reload"
alias +l "+moveleft; +reload"
alias -l "-moveleft; +reload; -reload"
alias +r "+moveright; +reload"
alias -r "-moveright; +reload; -reload"
bind w "+f"
bind s "+b"
bind a "+l"
bind d "+r"
10-21-2009 12:33 PM
Title title title title
Well whenever it happens to me, I just rapidly tap R and it goes back to reloading.
I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything..
10-21-2009 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by gibz
Well whenever it happens to me, I just rapidly tap R and it goes back to reloading.
I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything..
Sorry it looked sarcastic to me, but thats my bad. On subject though and I guess I didnt put it in the original post. . .pressing reload would not work either. But hopefully it may be fixed like Squeek posted earlier. I will probably add the movement script just to try and help eliminate the problem. Thanks for the feedback.
10-21-2009 03:34 PM
Title title title title
Must mean that the bug happens differently sometimes, maybe.
Either way yeah it has to be fixed!
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