No player shadows in ff_destroy
01-20-2009 10:43 PM
Pew pew ze beams
No player shadows in ff_destroy
No shadow players on players amo sentry etc
Playing destroy map, i ve noticed that theres no shadows on the players amo bags armor bags sentry gun dispenser etc.. it looks like FF 2.0 :x and same thing with openfire..
Issue Details
Category Visuals
Status Fixed
Priority 7 - Med/Low
Affected Version 2.2
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug
Users unable to reproduce bug
Assigned Users
01-20-2009 10:58 PM
Destroy is too damn bright. Someone needs to lower the amount of lights used, so it looks mellow instead of HOLY FUCKING SHIT I AM SO GODDAMN BRIGHT RIGHT NAO.
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