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Passing through teammates Issue Tools
issueid=284 04-24-2010 04:49 AM
I like to spam binds
Passing through teammates

If there's one thing I think TF2 got right, it's the ability to pass through teammates.

I feel awful when a teammate is making a hasty escape with the flag, only to bump into me around the corner and come to a screeching halt.

Just a suggestion :-)
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Issue Type Feature
Project Fortress Forever
Category General Game
Status Implemented
Priority Unknown
Suggested Version Undefined
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Votes for this feature 5
Votes against this feature 6
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04-24-2010 05:00 AM
Stuff Do-er
Definitely something we'd like to do... sometime.
04-24-2010 11:24 AM
I kind of like the solid feel of FF, but on the other hand, I'm sure everyone hates getting stopped dead in their tracks by a teammate cutting in front of you. Would a compromise of being repelled work at all? Like say you're flying forward from a jump pad then a teammate runs in front of you as you're taking off. Instead of losing all your speed, how about being repelled to the left or right at say 30 degrees, but keep moving forward?
04-24-2010 01:11 PM
This would destroy cooperativity,sort of.
04-24-2010 01:18 PM
There are benefits to both. I like it the way it is now.
04-24-2010 03:45 PM
Slayer of humans
I like the way it is now cause you can help people on your team get up on boxes or get up on a spot that they just can't seem to jump up on.

Don't like getting blocked, well too bad it happens now and then.
04-24-2010 05:01 PM
Gets tickled by FF
hence soft clipping. should mean you can still 'mount' one another but when running into one another you won't stop dead.

We'd like this very much but getting it in is another matter :(
04-24-2010 06:55 PM
Implementing this would also destroy the strategy of D making a human fort around a dropped flag. :D
04-24-2010 07:16 PM
Stuff Do-er
Originally Posted by moosh
Implementing this would also destroy the strategy of D making a human fort around a dropped flag. :D
Hence the teammates part of it.
04-24-2010 09:03 PM
Yeah, soft clipping sounds like the best solution, though I can see where it would be tricky to code in.
04-24-2010 09:41 PM
AKA LittleAndroidMan
It certainly can be frustrating to leave the spawn with 3 other teammates and get tripped up because of a bad hop from one of your teammates, or just plain slow bunnyhopper.
04-25-2010 02:41 AM
I've said numerous times that getting blocked by teammates trying to get out of spawn is the most annoying thing in TFC/FF. All for it.

There are a few downsides as mentioned. Perhaps head/feet can still clip, to allow standing on another teammate.
06-24-2010 12:56 AM
I suggested a method somewhere else, that should be fairly easy to implement, it would fix a lot of blocking issues, and not disrupt gameplay, only problem is it wouldn't be a total fix.

My solution:

In all the 'non-buildable' areas, (ie. in tight corners, doorways, spawn, etc) team-mates, and only team-mates are 100% non-clippable.

This would address lamer spawn blockers, or people unable to to bunnyhop around team-mates in tight areas. Also it means players can still block opposing team members in these areas (ie. HWguy standing in a doorway will still be able to block incoming opposing scouts). Also on custom trick/jump maps, people can still stack on top of each other to complete sections.

My only concern with this method is that when two players leave a buildable area at the same time and their models are inside each other, i would be worried they may get stuck inside each other when they get set back to normal. It also may not be that clear to newcomers why they can sometimes go through their team-mates and other times not...

Other option is to just set it to map specific, so map creator picks if the teammates are clippable or not. I don't really see the need to have teammates clippable (apart from realism), but i do see the need to have enemies clippable. The only problem with this option i can see, is that you would easily be able to tell enemy cloaked spies apart if they are clippable and ur team mates arnt.
06-24-2010 04:22 PM
Nade Whore
I think soft clipping would be ideal. Get to it devs! *cracks whip*

07-16-2010 10:38 AM
Stuff Do-er
hlstriker has been working on this and we are testing it currently.
07-16-2010 11:03 AM
Gets tickled by FF
feels sexy to me so far.
07-16-2010 08:19 PM
zE zE is offline
Pew pew ze beams
i kinda like this idea, only issue i see is that it will kill some cooperative fun and trimp maps, so please make this possible to edit in lua like the fall damage from the scout D:
07-16-2010 08:27 PM
100% gotta have the option to edit this in lua.
07-16-2010 09:08 PM
UI Designer
Front-End Developer
Originally Posted by moosh
100% gotta have the option to edit this in lua.
Nah, not lua, then each server would be different. There is no real valid reason to use it, even with escape maps, which FF has two of that are not played.
07-16-2010 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Ricey
Nah, not lua, then each server would be different. There is no real valid reason to use it, even with escape maps, which FF has two of that are not played.
It still destroys any future ideas of fun/strange/quirky coop maps. I hope the devs find a workaround for this problem.
07-16-2010 10:01 PM
Stuff Do-er
I think we can find a way to still allow stacking on other players' heads.

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