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building animations Issue Tools
issueid=392 06-07-2012 11:16 PM
building animations
its gotta be done sometime

when i first started playing this game 2 years ago they weren't animated and after several patches they still aren't. its time someone does something about it.

now whether we go all out or a little at a time. I think its something that makes the mod look loads better and can be appreciated as well as useful. so to do such I'm going to break down what needs animating. by animation i mean it actually building up like the TF2 sentry. however with a more realistic out take not so bouncy and cartoonish.

build animation for teir 1
upgrade animation for teir 2 and 3
turret mini-gun animation (this is the most important thing in my book.) its been along time procrastinating time to get er done.

make screen function make the screen function like it should, showing its scrap metal totals.
build animation

jump pad:
build animation
Issue Details
Issue Type Feature
Project Fortress Forever
Category Classes (Scout/Engineer/etc)
Status Suggested
Priority 10 - Lowest
Suggested Version Undefined
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 1
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

06-10-2012 03:32 AM
Mini-gun animation is done and working in beta.

Building and upgrading animations aren't going to happen unless I completely re-design the models to do that. Probably never going to happen.

Functional dispenser screen would be cool and probably doable, but it's not priority. We don't have a lot of art people on the mod right now.
06-14-2012 01:29 PM
UI Designer
Front-End Developer
Hey Carl,

Let me know the dimensions of the dispenser screen and I'll whip something up over the weekend.
06-15-2012 12:01 AM
It's roughly 250 by 200 but we'd probably render it to 256x256 and scale it to fit. Or higher if we need the resolution.
06-22-2012 11:57 PM
Honestly I'd rather see 3rd person reloading/firing animations before any of these things. The current firing animations make it look like the character is having a seizure with most guns.

And a 3rd person reloading animation could be a great combat cue, letting you know when there's a window in your enemies attack.
06-23-2012 12:07 AM
I've suggested it before FDA but I was told no by squeek :<
06-23-2012 12:23 AM
Stuff Do-er
Told no? I don't know why I'd say that.

The potential problem with 3rd person reload animations, though, is auto-reload. Everyone would pretty much be reloading all the time. Plus, reloading is always interruptable, so I don't know how much useful information you'd actually get from it.
06-23-2012 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by squeek.
Told no? I don't know why I'd say that.

The potential problem with 3rd person reload animations, though, is auto-reload. Everyone would pretty much be reloading all the time. Plus, reloading is always interruptable, so I don't know how much useful information you'd actually get from it.
Tf2 has an available auto reload, and third person animations. It just feels kind of shoddy not having them.
06-23-2012 12:38 AM
Stuff Do-er
Yeah, I'm not against them, I just think that they probably won't affect gameplay much at all.
06-23-2012 04:10 AM
I've done a bit of work already on third-person weapon animations, and reload animations are certainly something I'd want to work on (If any animation work gets done, It'll be by me).
06-23-2012 07:49 AM
Thanks carl. That's good to hear.

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