10-23-2013 08:42 PM
Can't connect
Connected to a server crashed restarted tried again got this
Latest version? I guess?
SteamGetEncryptedUserIDTicket failed (1)
reason-- SteamGetEncryptedUserIDTicket() failed with error 1: Unknown internal error occurred - AS command error
Issue Details
Category Unknown
Status Unconfirmed
Priority Unknown
Affected Version 2.41
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug
Users unable to reproduce bug
Assigned Users
10-23-2013 08:50 PM
Stuff Do-er
In Steam, go to Library, select Tools from the dropdown, find Source SDK Base 2006, right click it and go to Properties. In the properties window, go to the Local Files tab and click "Verify Integrity of Tool Cache"
That should update you to the new Steampipe file system and then you should be able to connect to servers.
10-23-2013 09:07 PM
Okay trying this now
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