Fortress Forever

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Class Select Screen - Class Descriptions Issue Tools
issueid=362 07-20-2011 02:21 PM
Nade Whore
Class Select Screen - Class Descriptions
Class summary, weapons, strengths, weaknesses, speed, etc

I think this is needed badly. We need something to let people know what the classes are generally used for, along with a list of weapons, the class' strengths and weaknesses as well as some indication of how fast the class moves compared to other classes.
Issue Details
Issue Type Feature
Project Fortress Forever
Category Classes (Scout/Engineer/etc)
Status In Progress
Priority 1 - Highest
Suggested Version Undefined
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 3
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users squeek.
Tags (none)

07-23-2011 06:12 PM
#ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier #ff_help_soldier
07-26-2011 04:52 AM
The Crowbar Commander
There's actually a post on this with pictures in the beta area of the forums. I even put in my two cents, but I'm sure it's coming.

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