Out of date info / version check
04-10-2009 04:19 PM
Out of date info / version check
It's very nice that the version is checked when I start FF, however this isn't done when I launch FF via the Steam server browser (joining a game).
(Result was when trying to select a team FF crashed, so I tried again, crash, checked HL2 file consistency, then I was trying to launch FF first and join a game with a different map running (because I wasn't sure if the problem was with HL2, FF, the map or something else), but this time I got the pop-up saying it's out of date.)
Summary: a lot of trouble could be avoided if the version check was done when launching FF via Steam server browser, too.
My version is v2.2, not sure if this suggestion has been implemented already in v2.3 ?
Edit: Actually the version is checked, but it doesn't display because it's only visible in the main menu. So the updated suggestion is to not load a map if the version if out of date. Or put the pop-up on top of everything else, so it's visible in-game.
Issue Details
Category Unknown
Status Rejected
Priority Unknown
Suggested Version 2.3
Implemented Version (none)
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04-10-2009 08:59 PM
Time Lord, Doctor
Wouldn't the only way for it to check before you launch the game would be to put it on SteamWorks? .. Which the devs have to sign an NDA with Valve and a bunch of other shit in order to get the process going.
04-11-2009 06:12 PM
I wouldn't have to be checked in advance, just either the map shouldn't load (after FF launched) so you can see the pop-up in the FF main menu, or the pop-up should be visible in-game if the map is loaded (before a team selection has been made, as this causes a crash).
(By pop-up I mean the info saying it's outdated.)
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