Make physics affect gibs more
02-01-2009 01:53 AM
Make physics affect gibs more
I've noticed that when someone gibs they all pop out with the same direction and speed. In TFC they were affected by whatever blew them up. For example a grenade gibs a guy and the gibs go flying away in the opposite direction like they were affected by the explosion.
Issue Details
Category Visuals
Status Implemented
Priority 6
Suggested Version Undefined
Implemented Version (none)
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02-01-2009 03:49 AM
I have noticed that TF2 gibs in a similar way. The main difference being that instead of the model disappearing, the model flies apart. I'm not sure if this is actually doable with the source engine or not. My reasoning is TF2.
But I'd like this as well.
02-02-2009 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Credge
I have noticed that TF2 gibs in a similar way. The main difference being that instead of the model disappearing, the model flies apart. I'm not sure if this is actually doable with the source engine or not. My reasoning is TF2.
But I'd like this as well.
02-24-2012 08:19 PM
Gets tickled by FF
I think I've done this now. Might need tweaking but its there - no more random gibs.
02-24-2012 09:19 PM
Thanks Elmo
02-24-2012 11:30 PM
Gets tickled by FF
Sorry it took 3 years.
What I've done is only for your own gibs at the moment it seems. Gotta find the server code to get it working for other players gibs.
02-25-2012 11:44 AM
where can i get this?
02-25-2012 02:55 PM
Gets tickled by FF
You can't. Next patch. Was just saying it's partially done.
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