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Make overpressure only affect enemies Issue Tools
issueid=351 06-28-2011 01:52 AM
FF Player
Make overpressure only affect enemies

I suggest making the overpressure only affect enemies. I keep getting pushed off ledges by fatties on my team.
Issue Details
Issue Type Feature
Project Fortress Forever
Category Classes (Scout/Engineer/etc)
Status Rejected
Priority 8
Suggested Version 2.42
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 0
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

06-28-2011 02:02 AM
Stuff Do-er
Might make it not push teammates with friendly fire off.
06-28-2011 02:13 AM
Stuff Do-er
Will be in 2.43.
06-28-2011 03:23 AM
Everyones favorite FreaK
I'm not sure about that change, you can help teammates up to higher places, like I helped a sniper get on top of the bunker in the yard of ff_well. I also use it to push teammates out of danger, as a heavy I can take a lot of punishment, but an engineer can't so if I see a mirv coming or something and I'm next to an engineer, I can overpressure him away from the blast and take it myself.
06-28-2011 03:25 AM
Stuff Do-er
Yeah, it has potential cool uses, but it can also be used for griefing, which is almost always worth avoiding, sadly.
06-28-2011 03:42 AM
Everyones favorite FreaK
I understand how it can be used for griefing, but so can a rocket, or a pipe, or a grenade, it's the slowest and most impractical form of griefing possible, bar maybe using a crowbar. The Heavy is slow and he needs to get right up close to a teammate to grief.

If someone wanted to grief, the best choice would be a soldier using the rocket launcher, long range with large explosions that can send teammates flying, and anyone who has been around FF pubs for a long time has probably been the victim of soldier griefing. I don't think the overpressure is a serious threat in that respect and it does have some potential cool uses that I believe shouldn't suffer because of that.
06-28-2011 03:46 AM
Stuff Do-er
Good points. Maybe people just have to start treating HWs like a pipe trap. I'll think about this some more.
06-28-2011 04:30 AM
FF Player
Yeah those are good points. You can really grief people with rockets too, and it's much easier to do.
06-28-2011 04:32 AM
Stuff Do-er
Won't be in 2.43 anymore. :)

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