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Sg detection time mechanic Issue Tools
issueid=316 10-16-2010 03:52 PM
Sg detection time mechanic
change way sg reacts to enemies

I've mentioned this before, but I've never officially submitted this. I wanted to propose a new mechanic for how the sg reacts to incoming enemies.

Short version:

Have REALLY good detection and reaction time for the direction the sg is facing, but poorer reaction time for enemies coming from other directions.

Long version:

I'm proposing putting a little more strategy into sg placement that I think might please both sides (O and D). FF has a great aiming mechanic for the sg that TFC never did, yet it doesn't seem to matter much what direction your sg is facing. I think lowering the scanning radius of the sg, but also lowering its response time for what's immediately in front of it would add to the gameplay. Alternately, if a player is running at the sentry from more of a side angle (say 60-180 degrees) it would take it notable longer to turn and start shooting them. This would accomplish a few things:

1. It would mean insta-death for people who try to charge a sentry head-on (as it should be). This is a buff for defense and would make things more satisfying for engineers.

2. It would create a bigger gap for O to slip in. Sg killing a scout? Try coming in from the other angle and have a couple extra seconds to manuever before the sg reacts. This is a potential advantage for O, and it encourages subterfuge and more thought-out maneuvering for taking out sg's, something TFC did.

3. It would cause players to think more about sg placement. Do you want your sg facing an entrance to the flag room, or the flag itself? Focusing on one area will create weaker coverage on another. It also means more engineers on a team wouldn't be as unbalancing because their sg's will only be able to face one direction each. It would also cause O to think more about their approach rather than just flying in, not caring what's there.

4. FF likes to emphasize teamwork, this will keep D teamwork up, because it means an ng can't defend an area by himself (not that he ever could in FF), but this way he would have more obvious strengths and weaknesses that other teammates could help balance out.

5. I think it will be more satisfying for both sides. I'd rather know that someone scored because they found a hole in our defense, not because they just ran by my sg, which was firing on them, but didn't stop them, and there wasn't much else I could do.
Issue Details
Issue Type Feature
Project Fortress Forever
Category Classes (Scout/Engineer/etc)
Status Suggested
Priority 5 - Medium
Suggested Version Undefined
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 5
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

10-16-2010 05:15 PM
Very interesting proposal. I'd want to test this in the beta if it was in there.
10-16-2010 05:33 PM
I like this very much, I'm gunna go try and change some variables and see if I can get something like it :]
10-16-2010 06:52 PM
Nade Whore
This would definitely encourage engineers to actually pay attention where they're facing their SG. One problem I would see is engi's having their ability to change the direction of their SG so if they have it in an area where they can see a scout or medic outside of the SG's reach, the engi could simply change the direction to face that offensive class and get an instant kill.
10-16-2010 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by KubeDawg
This would definitely encourage engineers to actually pay attention where they're facing their SG. One problem I would see is engi's having their ability to change the direction of their SG so if they have it in an area where they can see a scout or medic outside of the SG's reach, the engi could simply change the direction to face that offensive class and get an instant kill.
That's easily fixed. In normal games, you set your aim once and that's the end of it. You could have the new aim location move extremely slowly, (like 10-20 seconds to move it completely), or it could be something you have to wait on a delay from, like the spy's cloak.


Also it would still detect enemies not in its line of sight, it would just take longer to get to them. So if start walking next to the sg from a 90 degree angle from where it's facing, it might take 4-5 seconds before it turns to hit me. If I walk straight at it, it would be a fraction of a second.
10-16-2010 10:29 PM
The turret in Alien Swarm works like this. It only engages enemies in the 180 degree sweep immediately in front of it, while it lacks detection of an aliens in the 'sweep’ behind it. If I recall correctly, you could readjust the aim to a new direction, but the gun took a while to spin to that location and was unable to fire on enemies while doing so.

I think it’s an interesting idea and would like to see it tested. I have personal preferences that I would like to see tested with this idea, though. For example: I think the gun should only be one level (visually a level-2) and you should be able to redeploy the gun in a new location (at the cost of taking away readjusting the aim because people could just back it up against a wall and rotate it) and it should only detect and quickly kill enemies immediately in-front of it, being vulnerable at the sides with a small turn speed, and completely vulnerable at the back with zero detection.

But, this idea alone would be fun to test. :p
10-16-2010 10:35 PM
What you're describing sounds like more of an extreme that might not be as fun. In order to justify that it would have to be practically instagibbing in the front. Then if one person managed to get around to the side, the gun is 100% at the mercy of anyone, a scout could beat it to death with a crowbar without even moving. I don't think O players would like having a gun that acts like a sniper in how lethal it is and D might not like having their gun THAT exposed.
10-16-2010 11:19 PM
Yeah, I know what you mean.

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