Medic and armor with same voice actor
10-18-2009 03:42 AM
Pew pew ze beams
Medic and armor with same voice actor
Basicly i think would sound better if the all the voices came from the same voice actor :P bully
Basicly i think calling for medic and armor should came from the same voice actor bully :P Its kinda meh 2 different voices imo :)
Issue Details
Category Sound
Status Suggested
Priority 10 - Lowest
Suggested Version Undefined
Implemented Version (none)
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Assigned Users
10-18-2009 04:15 AM
+1 :)
10-18-2009 05:15 PM
10-24-2009 10:38 PM
Ambassador of Everything.
Lawl. I replaced all my voices with the TFC ones. Same with my weapon sounds. Unnecessary for me.
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