Logging of sentry sabotages
02-02-2009 05:25 AM
Logging of sentry sabotages
Needs logging of sentry sabotages
Sentry sabotages need logged!
Issue Details
Category General Game
Status Implemented
Priority 5 - Medium
Suggested Version 2.2
Implemented Version 2.4
Votes for this feature
Votes against this feature
Assigned Users
02-02-2009 06:18 AM
Community Member
Oh yes please
02-02-2009 12:27 PM
Scripting Trainee
Explanation pl0x?
02-09-2009 11:42 PM
Logging stuff still TODO:
- activate sabotage sentry
- activate sabotage dispenser
- use mancannons
- sabotage sentry
- sabotage dispenser
- Add player location to
---- build dispenser
---- build sentrygun
---- build detpack
---- kill dispenser
---- disguise lost
---- cloak lost
---- player killed (non-ff eventlog!)
- detpack defused
- Conc jump
---- Log timer to detpack, needs new GetTimer() function
It's on the list :-)
08-31-2009 08:15 PM
Sabotages are logged in 2.4
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