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Server Log Enhancements Issue Tools
issueid=86 01-21-2009 05:45 PM
Server Log Enhancements
Changes to make the logging feature better

ff_tiger - does not log command point captures or detting the control center.

I will add more as I come across them.
Issue Details
Issue Type Feature
Project Fortress Forever
Category LUA (Map Scripting)
Status Suggested
Priority 7 - Med/Low
Suggested Version 2.2
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 0
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

01-24-2009 02:04 PM
Yeah i've left the map-specific stuff up to the mappers themselves to implement the 3ish lines of LUA they need. I'm guessing probably no-one will bother until there is some stats software released, though :)
01-24-2009 08:25 PM
If it is a simle matter of editing the lua files, I would be willing to do it. If someone would just point me in the right direction concerning editing the lua files to make these changes, I will get on it.

Just an fyi, there is a stats program capable of tracking it, which is why I requested these changes.
01-27-2009 12:02 AM
Stuff Do-er
Just keep reporting them. I'll fix stuff like this as it gets reported.
01-27-2009 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by squeek.
Just keep reporting them. I'll fix stuff like this as it gets reported.
Ok, but if this is something I can do through lua, I would rather do it now so I can take advantage of it without having to wait for the next patch.
01-27-2009 10:12 PM
Stuff Do-er
Originally Posted by Dinosaur Gas
Ok, but if this is something I can do through lua, I would rather do it now so I can take advantage of it without having to wait for the next patch.

Originally Posted by AfterShock
SERVER LOGGING: added valve-standard LUA triggered logs. use like this:

LogLuaEvent(int victimID, int attackerID, string eventname)
LogLuaEvent(int victimID, int attackerID, string eventname, string key0, string value0)
LogLuaEvent(int victimID, int attackerID, string eventname, string key0, string value0, string key0, string value0, string key1, string value1)
LogLuaEvent(int victimID, int attackerID, string eventname, string key0, string value0, string key0, string value0, string key1, string value1, string key2, string value2)


LogLuaEvent(0, player:GetId(), "flag_touch", "flag_name", flag:GetName())


L 09/18/2008 - 00:50:33: "AfterShock<1><STEAM_ID_LAN><#FF_TEAM_BLUE>" triggered "flag_touch" (flag_name "yellow_flag")

For world triggered stuff just called with ID 0 for both players


LogLuaEvent(0, 0, "flag_returned", "flag_name", flag:GetName());


L 09/18/2008 - 00:58:58: World triggered "flag_returned" (flag_name "green_flag")
There are a couple examples of it in base_teamplay.

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