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Suggested engineer ability Issue Tools
issueid=73 01-15-2009 04:55 PM
Suggested engineer ability
Boost armor

If a medic can throw out a health pack that boost a team mates health, why can't the engineer throw something out that boost team mates armor? There is the dispenser, but something a little more "mobile" would be nice.

The medic can heal a team member over and over. But the engineer can only repair X amount of armor. Why is that?

If you dont like the idea of the engineer being able to throw out armor packs, let let him have the unlimited ability to repair armor.

In my opinion, whatever the medic can do for health, the engineer should be able to do for armor.
Issue Details
Issue Type Feature
Project Fortress Forever
Category Classes (Scout/Engineer/etc)
Status Rejected
Priority Unknown
Suggested Version 2.1
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 2
Votes against this feature 1
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

01-15-2009 07:03 PM
Time Lord, Doctor
Engineer shouldn't be able to repair armor if the target has none left though.

Same principle in that medic cannot revive a dead person. He is also repairing something not just healing it.
01-15-2009 08:00 PM
I think since the engineer can create ammo bags there should just be a set amount of armor in each one. Perhaps a little icon above the dropped bag to show theres armor inside of it or something. Boosting armor of teammates could be fun as well but i think the engy should be able to fix armor even if the player is at 0 armor.
01-15-2009 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by ensiform
Engineer shouldn't be able to repair armor if the target has none left though.

Same principle in that medic cannot revive a dead person. He is also repairing something not just healing it.
That makes zero sense. Sorry, you can't have any armor because you don't have any armor.

I approve of the original idea.
01-15-2009 08:19 PM
Keep On Keepin' On
Only 1 problem I see with this. The engy heals with cells. His whole system of repairing armor would have to be re-worked to an extent. Can't have him running around with unlimited cells.

Maybe 5 cells like the Medic to throw an armor pack or something IDK. But I think he should still have to overcharge his railgun to get the cells he needs, not just recieve them over time.
01-15-2009 10:34 PM
Time Lord, Doctor
Originally Posted by Crazycarl
That makes zero sense. Sorry, you can't have any armor because you don't have any armor.

I approve of the original idea.
How does it not make sense? Player has no armor, the wrench is to repair existing armor not create armor out of thin air. If he can toss a bag then sure, but the wrench still should not create armor out of nothing.
01-15-2009 10:43 PM
I think what carl meant was that it doesn't make any sense gameplay speaking, and I think he's right. It would lead to some pretty confusing gameplay eventhough it might be right in real life.
01-15-2009 10:50 PM
FF Loremaster
You could also argue that having a pipebomb in your inventory in left 4 dead should trigger a horde of infection when you walk through smoker smoke as it's a smoke alarm with a bomb attached.

But I don't think that's a really good idea.
01-15-2009 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by PartialSchism
Only 1 problem I see with this. The engy heals with cells. His whole system of repairing armor would have to be re-worked to an extent. Can't have him running around with unlimited cells.

Maybe 5 cells like the Medic to throw an armor pack or something IDK. But I think he should still have to overcharge his railgun to get the cells he needs, not just recieve them over time.
Instead of rewriting the whole system, here is something to consider.

Change the cell to armor ratio. Lets say right now it cost 1 cell to repair 1 armor. Change that to 1 cell to repair 50 armor.


One cell to full repair a teammates armor.
01-16-2009 01:01 AM
IRL Combat Medic
Credge, it's the internals of a smoke alarm. They most likely ripped out the Americium-241, which would render it unable to work, and just kept the beeping and flashing.

And I agree with kev.
01-16-2009 02:52 AM
I think it's a good idea, but it's not practical. Repairs now are kinda useless. When will the Engineer ever have time to repair his team mate's armor? When are the majority of Engineers ever in combat? If the team has to run back to their base, then they have better options for repairing armor instead of looking for an Engineer; such as bags or his dispenser. Instead, I suggest the ability to over-repair team mate's armor to 150%, in the same way the Medic overheals — At the cost of cells, of course.
01-16-2009 03:00 AM
FF Loremaster
Originally Posted by zSilver_Fox
Credge, it's the internals of a smoke alarm. They most likely ripped out the Americium-241, which would render it unable to work, and just kept the beeping and flashing.

And I agree with kev.
But it doesn't beep when it's in their pants or hand? They don't push or connect anything, it just gets thrown.

And that's my point. It doesn't have to make any sense in order to be in a game.
01-16-2009 03:53 AM
Beware the Hammer
Buffalo Butterpuss
could just make it so bags tossed by an engy contain X amount of armor, similar to medpacks. this way its a choice for the engy to make, either toss packs to repair his teammates armor and leave himself with less cells to repair his SG, or forget about his teammates and focus on keeping the cells for the SG.

also, keep the project discussions on topic please.
01-18-2009 08:34 AM
Kawaii! ルーキー
Originally Posted by Skanky Butterpuss
could just make it so bags tossed by an engy contain X amount of armor, similar to medpacks.
agreed i think he should make armor the same way he makes ammo when tossing a bag.

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