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Knockback Momentum Issue Tools
issueid=70 01-09-2009 04:44 AM
Time Lord, Doctor
Knockback Momentum
Have knockback be applied by supposed damage rather than actual damage

Could we have it so that knockback is always applied on projected damage to take rather than how much was actually taken in case of buddha?

This way if say a player is running with buddha or some server side lua effect that makes the player not take damage they can still rj and what not.

It's really irritating to be running around on localhost only to not be able to trickjump just because i had buddha on and forgot to turn it off and give myself health before doing any kind of jumps.
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Issue Type Feature
Project Fortress Forever
Category General Game
Status Rejected
Priority Unknown
Suggested Version Undefined
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Votes for this feature 0
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01-09-2009 05:05 AM
its only based on armor, if you have 1h and 0a push wont work, so what you need to do it knock down your health, once you do that if you have armor left it shouldnt be effected, since it has no health to obsorb, so try that before you do your rocket jumping.
01-09-2009 05:07 AM
Stuff Do-er
sv_cheats 1 and impulse 101

or modify your lua to do damageinfo:SetDamage( 0 ) in player_ondamage()

Buddha not allowing push is useful for certain things as well.

What maps are you trick jumping on?
01-09-2009 05:11 AM
[AE] 0112 Ihmhi *SJB
Any way we could code in like, buddha2 or something? Something that makes you invulnerable but still lets you move around and whatnot. Tapping impulse101 is a poor compromise IMO.

I think it could be done, especially considering how we've hacked the Hell out of the engine already...
01-09-2009 04:10 PM
Time Lord, Doctor
Originally Posted by squeek.
sv_cheats 1 and impulse 101

or modify your lua to do damageinfo:SetDamage( 0 ) in player_ondamage()

Buddha not allowing push is useful for certain things as well.

What maps are you trick jumping on?
How is it useful? And not necessarily any trick maps just hopping around placing waypoints makes it very un-useful. As far as i can tell hl and hl2 engines are the only ones that actually modify knockback based off on actual damage/armor rather than predicted before it actually happens. That's what i loved about Quake 1-4 SDK.

And yes Ihmhi i would love to see the true god mode cheat as well (and fix the printout for buddha to go to activating client rather than server console)

Also i say its irritating if i have to bind a key just to make sure i have health and armor :P.

I think tbh if you want to test Buddha without knockback should perhaps have a noknockback cheat/flag as well.

Q3 Knockback management:
01-09-2009 04:31 PM
Whitest Kid You Know
If tapping impulse 101 is such a big problem, just make a bind to where you're attacking and getting more armor at the same time.
01-09-2009 05:47 PM
Time Lord, Doctor
Originally Posted by CaLeB-
If tapping impulse 101 is such a big problem, just make a bind to where you're attacking and getting more armor at the same time.
My point was that I should not have to create extra unnecessary binds if it just worked properly. :)
01-09-2009 11:06 PM
Whitest Kid You Know
Originally Posted by ensiform
My point was that I should not have to create extra unnecessary binds if it just worked properly. :)
Well you won't have a problem at all if attack and impulse 101 are binded to the same key. :)

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