Limit Defensive Players grabbing of Packs
01-05-2009 02:07 AM
Limit Defensive Players grabbing of Packs
I think its on the second level of anti-citizen, the offensive team leaves their base, goes forward a short distance and turns to the left. Just outside of the offensive doors there is a two story room in the middle of the playing field with several resupply packs.
While in a game today, a soldier would rocket jump through the playing field and headed straight to the resupply packs. It then became a fight for that one section of the field with offensive players taking all of the packs and defensive players having to defend the supply packs.
Why are defensive players allowed to get all of the resupply packs right outside of the offensive doors?
There have been several times when I recommended that mulching maps (rocket arena) have resupply packs in them. This idea was shot down saying that people would start fighting over the packs. Well, that is exactly what has been going on in anti-citizen.
Cant we disable the defensive players from grabbing "all" of the packs that are directly outside of the offensive doors? 1 or 2 packs would be fine, but when there are 3, 4 or 5 packs and both teams can use them, that section of the map can become a big mulch pile.
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Category General Game
Status Suggested
Priority Unknown
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01-05-2009 10:54 AM
Those bags are there for a reason; It's a chokepoint. They are available to both teams to inspire high/low moments in the push for the second capture point. Either the defense uses the bags to defend or the offense to attack. It comes as sort of a de facto first objective before the capture point, to keep them back and control the bags or grab the bags as offense and wreck the defense. Why don't you complain about the first capture point and third? They both feature tons of bags and for the same reason. The only difference is the setting. You're more likely to get destroyed by grenades inside the building. Though, the balance is still there. To be honest, shouldn't people be fighting over the packs? That's what makes this game what it is. This isn't a 'Barney says share with the grenade packs' fun-quest. First one to the pack, first one to attack. ;)
01-05-2009 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Bridget
To be honest, shouldn't people be fighting over the packs? That's what makes this game what it is. This isn't a 'Barney says share with the grenade packs' fun-quest. First one to the pack, first one to attack. ;)
No, teams should not be fighting over "bags." They should be fighting to either cap the flag or defend the cap point.
The game play that I saw this past weekend on anti-citizen was disturbing to say the least. That section of the map on level 2 is WAY out of balance. There is no need in having the teams fight over every little section of that map. Even when we did gain ground, when an enemy player broke through our lines and was able to get to the packs, we had to go back and defend that point again.
Put a half a dozen resupply packs on the snipers deck of 2fort and lets see what happens. The focus of the map would shift to were players would be fighting over areas, instead of the real goal of the game.
01-05-2009 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by ~kev~
No, teams should not be fighting over "bags." They should be fighting to either cap the flag or defend the cap point.
Controlling the bags is vital to capturing the point or defending the point.
Originally Posted by ~kev~
Even when we did gain ground, when an enemy player broke through our lines and was able to get to the packs, we had to go back and defend that point again.
Thus the point of bags, to make sure defense isn't always solid and impenetrable. If someone can reach the bags, then he is rewarded for it with some addition health, ammo, possibly grenades. This gives his team a chance at breaking the defense which prevents them from capping. By defending the bags, you further defend the capture point.
Originally Posted by ~kev~
Put a half a dozen resupply packs on the snipers deck of 2fort and lets see what happens. The focus of the map would shift to were players would be fighting over areas, instead of the real goal of the game.
There's a difference. In AVD maps, you're SUPPOSED TO BE FIGHTING OVER AREAS. In a CTF match, the bags on sniper deck would aid in spamming the spawn, yes, and then it would be a problem, but in an AVD map, having tons of grenade bags makes or breaks a game for either team, and whoever utilizes the bags better is rewarded with victory. It's a legitimate part of the AVD experience.
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