Ready Up option to replace Prematch for pickups
05-27-2012 08:41 PM
Nade Whore
Ready Up option to replace Prematch for pickups
This would allow all users to hit an option that will set them to a Ready status, eliminating the need for a Prematch option.
It's simple, you join a pickup and instead of having the default Prematch countdown, have a menu pop up allowing every user to Ready Up, and then an indication to let people know everyone is ready, then a 3 second countdown for the match to start.
If a specific user does not Ready Up within a specified amount of time, it could give them a warning to respond before a sub user request would be initiated.
Issue Details
Category General Game
Status Suggested
Priority 5 - Medium
Suggested Version Undefined
Implemented Version (none)
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05-28-2012 03:45 PM
while i think all of the details aren't quite right, I don't think anyways. the concept itself is awesome. (hey you stole my idea.) but anyways yes implement something like this.
01-21-2013 07:04 PM
Or it could be like the tournament system on TF2, where a player can name the team, and then set the whole team's status to 'Ready' (bear in mind anyone can 'Not Ready' as well).
Then, a 5 second wait (so players can 'Not Ready', if they wish), before the match occurs!
01-21-2013 07:29 PM
01-23-2013 03:11 PM
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