I suggested this before, but I didn't do it in public where
everyone could comment on it. My suggestion is for a console command for server operators called sv_maxcaps — default 10 variable. Essentially, this set number determines the maximum captures a team must achieve before that team is declared victorious and another map is loaded.
There is no incentive to win in a pub, therefore the game tends to turn into midmap deathmatch game. Because there is no incentive to win, only a few skilled players actually play the game, but they get bored of having to repeat the same thing over and over with little challenge and drop, then everyone cries for a RTV, only to deathmatch on the next map and have the cycle repeat.
In addition, there needs to be even more incentive to win.
Therefore, I suggest and have suggested, I believe, the following:
- Rewards for capturing the flag, be it a health boost to all team mates or giving them double damage for a few seconds. What better way to motivate people to capture? "Goddamn, that Scout just killed me with a single shotgun with double damage. That's not fair! Oh wait, I can get double damage too if we actually work toward captures. GEE GEE GUYZ LET'S DO IT, GTFO BASE AND CAP :>"
- Perhaps some nice HUD visuals that show you(r team) captured the flag? Maybe like some fireworks, hey, that'd motivate me to get another cap. (Lmfao)
- End round statistics, who was the most accurate? Who had the longest killing spree? Who dialed in the most captures? Who had the longest death streak? Who had the most kills, the most deaths, held the flag the longest, whatever.
- "Victory Round" for the winners. TF2's little humiliation round makes victory feel good. It doesn't need to be that exaggerated, with the animations and voices and shit, but you can figure something out.
Crying that a specific feature is utilized by Team Fortress 2 is no argument — It's an ad hom attack. Address content instead of the character that creates it. Does a cure for cancer become something bad if it were discovered by, say, Adolf Hitler's crack team of NAZI SCIENTISTS? No.