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Medic: Hold key to see team mate HP? Issue Tools
issueid=182 06-23-2009 08:17 AM
Medic: Hold key to see team mate HP?

Medic is my favorite class, because I like to be helpful. Favorites aside, I think the Medic needs a feature to aid him in healing his team mates. Currently, he has to keep his crosshair on his team mate to see his health, which can be a pain when that team mate is dodging back and forth away from fire. After a while, you get used to it, but noting a team mate's health should be something simple outside of my complaint. So, I suggest..
  • You can hold down the new bindable button to reveal a medical cross (like the one used now when you call for a medic) above team mate's heads within a certain distance and not through walls.
  • You could also bind the button to toggle on or off, instead of having to hold the button down.
  • Turning the button on reveals a medical cross over team mate's heads. The color of this cross should indicate the status of the team mate.
  • Green for healthy (75-100% health), light green for damaged (50-74%), light red for severely wounded (25-49%), and flashy dark red for nearing death (10-24%)
  • Calling for a medic forces this medical icon to be shown, to alert the medic to your health. It disappears after a few seconds.

Yeah? No? Suggestions? MEDIC!?
Issue Details
Issue Type Feature
Project Fortress Forever
Category Classes (Scout/Engineer/etc)
Status Suggested
Priority 10 - Lowest
Suggested Version 2.4
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 11
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
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06-23-2009 05:33 PM
This is a really good idea. Instead of a flashy icon maybe more of an impulse, so the icon doesn't fully disappear.

Also, what if when someone was to call for a medic within your line of sight it would put one of the direction arrows on your screen (like those arrows that show the way to an objective) to show which way that person is. Maybe make this direction arrow a red cross or something though.
06-23-2009 06:33 PM
I like it...although I think it would be easier and more noob friendly to just always show team mates hp for meds. like instead of needing the x-hair, just have a small text above the player's hear that reads the hp / ar all the time.
06-24-2009 06:55 AM
internet user
why not have some sort of UI element that could show all of the eteammates health? or yea like a bar over their head at all times for medics

edit: yeahh derrr
06-24-2009 08:19 PM
Pon Pon is offline
Not choking. Yet.
I think the idea might work better with a precise health count given, instead of general colours for certain ranges... though of course having both would be useful too - colours for quickly scanning, numbers for deciding which to heal first.

Maybe also make the sprite bigger the closer to death the player is as well.

Or something.
06-26-2009 04:55 PM
A Very Sound Guy!
i'm in for a coloured bar. it's quicker and easier to see, and i don't see any reason why anyone would need to see a precise numeric value. also, can we make the button a toggle?
06-27-2009 01:46 AM
Gets tickled by FF
what he said
06-27-2009 12:19 PM
[AE] 0112 Ihmhi *SJB
I would rather we have a three-pronged system.

value_0 - off
value_1 - always on
value_2 - toggles with a button

Because frankly I'd always have this option on.
06-27-2009 01:49 PM
It should use the current medical icon. The fill should represent health visually. It should be colored according to how damaged the player is. The fill would be exact. (Ignore my shitty image editing/manipulating skills.)

  • Green: Healthy
  • Light Green: Good
  • Yellow: Wounded
  • Red: Heavily Wounded
  • Dark Red (Flashing): Near death - MEDIC!

There should be a few ways to use it. Enable it to stay on permanently, enable it via toggle, enable it via hold of a button, or enable it only on specific players by mousing over them. :s
06-27-2009 02:21 PM
Gets tickled by FF
lol the medic looks like an evil bastard in that picture :p

yeah bridget that would be all possible and all good to me, maybe even a another toggle for the type of display. Numbers or graphical or both if it felt required.
06-27-2009 03:19 PM
Would you be able to see this on disguised Spies too?

Not really very relevant, because then you are asking to get infected but whatever ;D
06-27-2009 03:20 PM
You can see the health info on disguised spies now, right?
06-27-2009 11:51 PM
I can't say, I just shot them right away =<

I'll trust your word though ;D
06-28-2009 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by Ihmhi
I would rather we have a three-pronged system.

value_0 - off
value_1 - always on
value_2 - toggles with a button

Because frankly I'd always have this option on.
06-28-2009 05:54 PM
sorry wrong thread
06-29-2009 04:46 PM
A Very Sound Guy!
Originally Posted by Bridget
It should use the current medical icon. The fill should represent health visually. It should be colored according to how damaged the player is. The fill would be exact. (Ignore my shitty image editing/manipulating skills.)

There should be a few ways to use it. Enable it to stay on permanently, enable it via toggle, enable it via hold of a button, or enable it only on specific players by mousing over them. :s
this whole thread just reminded me of Total Annihilation, which had a toggle button that just remembered its state between games. it also reminded me how effective that simple health bar can be. its very ubiquitous and tidy. i'm not so sure on a massive glyph :)
06-29-2009 05:16 PM
I like the current health icon because it's large and everyone would see it well. Though, I guess a 'minimal' version could exist too as an option.
06-29-2009 06:38 PM
I'm thinking just like a small bar that floats above the player's head:

[___] = Healthy (100 - 80%)
[___] = Good (80 - 60%)
[___] = Wounded (60 - 40%)
[___] = Heavily Wounded (40 - 20%)
[___] = Near Death (20 - 1%)
Then if the player used the med/engy help the bar gets replaced with the current cross. That way it's not quite as there for the med, but it's still easy to see at a glance.
06-29-2009 07:20 PM
Another suggestion/addon to that would be to make these bars (which would be filled with a more precise 'fill' depending on their health, right?) have a medium alpha value. Something that isn't 'in your face' but isn't too transparent that you can't see it and use the data. Then, when someone calls for medic, the health bar should up to 100% alpha for a few seconds.

That or the medic could 'focus' in on someone like he does now (mouse over) to have the bar reach 100% alpha until he takes the mouse off of that person.
06-29-2009 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by Bridget
(which would be filled with a more precise 'fill' depending on their health, right?)

Originally Posted by Bridget
That or the medic could 'focus' in on someone like he does now (mouse over) to have the bar reach 100% alpha until he takes the mouse off of that person.
I like this!

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