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Info_team_player_spawn Issue Tools
issueid=150 04-15-2009 04:07 PM
Another thing that's probably already going to be added but what-the-heck.

One thing that makes me cringe in this game - the fact that you can't change classes in spawn without suiciding.

Just add SOMETHING to put around spawn rooms allows teammates inside to actually change classes WITHOUT having to die.

And if this is already being implemented, then I apologize.

Issue Details
Issue Type Feature
Project Fortress Forever
Category General Game
Status Suggested
Priority 7 - Med/Low
Suggested Version 2.3
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 3
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

04-15-2009 05:06 PM
Time Lord, Doctor
This would only work if all the maps are recompiled not to mention it should probably have a timelimit unlike TF2 so that you cant go running back in respawn minutes later whilst retreating a battle just to instantly change.
04-15-2009 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by ensiform
This would only work if all the maps are recompiled not to mention it should probably have a timelimit unlike TF2 so that you cant go running back in respawn minutes later whilst retreating a battle just to instantly change.
A) Probably, but it's better then nothing, and there's really no solution that won't require that.

B) .....why? You can already do that, it causes death.
04-15-2009 06:44 PM
Good idea but yes it will need a time limit if this is implemented.
04-15-2009 08:01 PM
...I am honestly clueless as to why this needs a time limit.
04-15-2009 08:54 PM
Time Lord, Doctor
Because you shouldn't be allowed to retreat to your base just to change classes only to pop out as something else without having died first.

TF2 has this flaw on most maps if there is a spawn elsewhere you can just walk in and change. IE: forts (lower respawn still allows you to change classes and then bang you are upstairs closer to where the enemy with flag is) kind of a no-no.

The other reason would be for spam and limiting it by time makes it work for so long and thus effectively removes the spam concept. I also assume that FF has a cmd delay anyway so it should help that even more.

Don't get me wrong, I love this feature in TF2 i just think it can be abused a bit. The time limited method is how I went with my standalone q3 mod which deals with fortress as well (see sig).
04-15-2009 10:34 PM
Honestly, I think that's a TAD too hypothetical, but alright.
04-17-2009 10:29 AM
there's a risk it could cause exploit problems if you just changed class where you stood, but if we had it resetting you back to a spawn point rather than just changing your class where you stand then it would be fine. however...

i assume you've got the class switch auto kill thing enabled? the only real difference between that and the system you're requesting is pyschological (if this means anything to you, ignore spawn selection cos hopefully all random spawn lotteries should be removed anyway in time). what i mean is what's the difference between selecting a different class and being magically teleported back to the spawn point (as you're requesting), and selecting a different class and dieing and then instantly spawning back at the spawn point. the difference is in the fact you feel that you died rather than just teleported (and dieing is bad in games, right?..), but there's no actual difference in terms of the result to the gameplay.

what does have an effect on the gameplay tho is that damn delay when you use the "kill" command, so it's better to change class and then change back lol. the important point is that there shouldn't be any difference between using "kill" or the class switch auto kill thing. i think i put this on a list on the dev forum.

soooo, i think what needs doing is:

1) make sure the class switch auto kill thing is enabled by default if it isn't already.

2) add a "allow spawn suicide" or something flag to the noannoyance entity, and if possible copy the state of the no grens flag if it's not specified.

3) make it so that "suiciding" (either by using the class switch auto kill or the "kill" command - these should be indentical) does not _feel_ like a death when you do it inside your spawn, but instead feels like a teleport back to the spawn point (i.e. no effect on score, and ideally no death sound or ragdoll left on floor).

4) make it so that "suiciding" (either by using the class switch auto kill or the "kill" command - these should be identical) does feel like a death when you do it outside your spawn (i.e. add 1 death to your score, death sound and ragdoll left on floor).
04-17-2009 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by caesium
there's a risk it could cause exploit problems if you just changed class where you stood, but if we had it resetting you back to a spawn point rather than just changing your class where you stand then it would be fine.

Originally Posted by caesium
i assume you've got the class switch auto kill thing enabled? the only real difference between that and the system you're requesting is pyschological (if this means anything to you, ignore spawn selection cos hopefully all random spawn lotteries should be removed anyway in time). what i mean is what's the difference between selecting a different class and being magically teleported back to the spawn point (as you're requesting), and selecting a different class and dieing and then instantly spawning back at the spawn point. the difference is in the fact you feel that you died rather than just teleported (and dieing is bad in games, right?..), but there's no actual difference in terms of the result to the gameplay.
That's pretty much what I was saying to the people who thought there should be a delay. You can already do this, it just causes you to fall down and die.

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