03-10-2009 09:56 AM
Demos overwrite configs
Yesterday i watched a demo of somebody else and then shut down my computer. Later when i turned it back on and wanted to play FF, i saw that my config was changed. When i took a look at the config i realised that it was the config of the player i watched the demo. I watched some other demo's before and this didnt happen. It only changed my config, the class specific configs were the same as before. I dont know if this is already known, but i thought i should post it. Any idea how it happened?
grtz RainZ
Issue Details
Category Unknown
Status Confirmed
Priority Unknown
Affected Version 2.3
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug
Users unable to reproduce bug
Assigned Users
03-10-2009 11:56 AM
FF Whiner
It's a known bug.
The main thing we advise users, who wish to see a demo of someone, is to lock the config.cfg file as read-only. This way it your previously build config will not be overwritten when playing a demo.
03-10-2009 04:38 PM
Whitest Kid You Know
This is a source-wide bug, not just Fortress Forever.
03-10-2009 06:54 PM
Nade Whore
To do this, go to your fortress forever directory, go to the configs folder, then right click your config.cfg file and go to properties. Check off the Read-only option, and nothing can alter that files contents until you change it. This also means that in game, you cannot make permanent changes, such as changing your name and such, as it will revert back to the settings that it had when you set the file to read-only.
03-10-2009 11:13 PM
Ok thx , i will make it read-only!
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