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Pipe Friction Issue Tools
issueid=118 02-10-2009 08:10 AM
Pipe Friction
Same as conc friction

As we all know, pipes slow down as they come in contact with a wall or any other surface.

It would be great to have the pipes just slide down walls as concs do, like pretty much the same as the conc friction.
Issue Details
Issue Type Feature
Project Fortress Forever
Category General Game
Status Suggested
Priority 7 - Med/Low
Suggested Version 2.1
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 3
Votes against this feature 3
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

02-10-2009 06:20 PM
Instead of saying they should 'slide down the walls' it should be, without losing any vertical velocity.

They should still bounce off walls while losing a bit of horizontal velocity but I agree the vertical velocity should stay even when hitting a wall.

It's really incorrect how you can be falling, shoot a pipe, and you will reach the ground WAY before the pipe.
02-10-2009 06:50 PM
Beware the Hammer
Buffalo Butterpuss
Originally Posted by hlstriker
It's really incorrect how you can be falling, shoot a pipe, and you will reach the ground WAY before the pipe.
who taught you physics?
02-10-2009 07:32 PM
[AE] 0112 Ihmhi *SJB
Yeah, I really think you need to read up on your physics mate. If you drop two objects of different weights (and discount drag/air resistance, which I don't believe Havok factors into its calculations), the heavier object will fall first.

Even with air resistance, the heavier object would probably still fall first - unless the lighter object was significantly more aerodynamic than the heavier object.
02-10-2009 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Ihmhi
Yeah, I really think you need to read up on your physics mate. If you drop two objects of different weights (and discount drag/air resistance, which I don't believe Havok factors into its calculations), the heavier object will fall first.
if no air resistance is present, the rate of descent depends only on how far the object has fallen, no matter how heavy the object is. This means that two objects will reach the ground at the same time if they are dropped simultaneously from the same height. This statement follows from the law of conservation of energy and has been demonstrated experimentally by dropping a feather and a lead ball in an airless tube.
02-10-2009 08:08 PM
[AE] 0112 Ihmhi *SJB
Then I guess air resistance is present with Havok?

I don't think we've done any major special stuff with our pipe physics code.
02-10-2009 08:55 PM
Basicly what they are requesting is, that pipes work like in tfc, so we can play quad pipejump maps like we could in tfc, atm it sucks in FF. :D
02-10-2009 09:56 PM
I never said one should fall faster than the other; all I said was you will reach the ground (notice the caps) WAY before the pipe. This shouldn't be true unless you were dropping the pipe from an extremely high distance which would give the player more time to fall.

In other words, when the pipe hits the wall it loses a ton of it's velocity.
02-10-2009 10:08 PM
Official FF Medic
Originally Posted by hlstriker
I never said one should fall faster than the other; all I said was you will reach the ground (notice the caps) WAY before the pipe. This shouldn't be true unless you were dropping the pipe from an extremely high distance which would give the player more time to fall.

In other words, when the pipe hits the wall it loses a ton of it's velocity.
Actually, one should fall faster than the other. Depending on how you shoot it, the pipe will either hit before, or after you. Pipes are projectiles, they're launched with a propellant, which will affect how it travels. If you shoot it down while falling, it is already going at 9.80665 m/s/s because of gravity, plus whatever boost it got from the propellant that launched it out of the gun. If you shoot it up while falling, it overtakes the force of gravity and goes up, for a while, then slows and then finally starts to fall at 9.80665 m/s/s. Now those are the two extremes for direction, but the same math applies for whichever direction you face, except you then start to deal with horizontal velocity, instead of just vertical velocity.
02-10-2009 10:18 PM
Keep On Keepin' On
Originally Posted by EquilibriuM
Basicly what they are requesting is, that pipes work like in tfc, so we can play quad pipejump maps like we could in tfc, atm it sucks in FF. :D
Doesn't suck, it's just different, but w/e will bring more people from TFC is fine by me.
02-10-2009 10:18 PM
when the demoman is falling and shoots a pipe at a flat wall, or any object really, the pipe stops and bounces UP. While i guess skill maps aren't something devs are keying for, it would be awesome if that was somehow fixed.
02-11-2009 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by teh_rape
when the demoman is falling and shoots a pipe at a flat wall, or any object really, the pipe stops and bounces UP. While i guess skill maps aren't something devs are keying for, it would be awesome if that was somehow fixed.
Is what i was trying to imply. :X
02-12-2009 02:10 PM
Scripting Trainee
I already hate the concs. We don't need an explosives specialist to start doing the dame thing.
02-12-2009 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Nite]M[are
I already hate the concs. We don't need an explosives specialist to start doing the dame thing.
Well seeing as you hate them.
02-13-2009 04:31 AM
Stuff Do-er
Originally Posted by Nite]M[are
I already hate the concs. We don't need an explosives specialist to start doing the dame thing.
Way too late for that.

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