06-23-2012 03:44 AM
Nade Whore
Schtop changes
Changes to the map Schtop
The ladder outside each base is not long enough to reach most of the time. You literally have to jump out the water like a friggin dolphin to climb it. Water strafing/sharking to the ladder doesn't work because, well, holding the JUMP key makes you also JUMP off ladders.
Also, is there any way to make the water entrance more accessible? For instance, lowering the water level to about half the height of the water tunnel entrance would allow you yo shark your way through the tunnel fairly quickly. If the water level is lowered, either lower the platform at the end of the tunnel, or add a new ladder to climb.
Finally, it can be difficult sometimes to throw a flag through the bars near security. Is this how it is supposed to work or could it be improved?
Issue Details
Category Mapping
Status Suggested
Priority 7 - Med/Low
Suggested Version Undefined
Implemented Version (none)
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01-08-2013 09:09 PM
Gets tickled by FF
Many thanks.
02-06-2013 09:31 AM
I like to spam binds
How's this coming?
Did you widen the bars just a teensy bit?
Much <3
06-14-2013 10:08 PM
Sorry for the delay.
Issues fixed: - ladders extend to the water line and are flush with a wall
- more room around ladder for easier disembarking
- flag can now be thrown through the window
- attempted some optimizations, no promises here
download here
Let me know if there are any problems.
06-14-2013 11:52 PM
Nade Whore
Awesome! You are the man!
06-16-2013 05:24 PM
Tested it in Moto's server last night and wanted to report that some people had weird sound problems. Their sound would suddenly switch between mumbled and clear depending on the location. Was this intended?
06-16-2013 10:06 PM
Certainly not.
Try downloading the map from my post and test it out. If the problems are resolved, perhaps the client is not downloading every file from the server. If the problem persists, please describe the issue more specifically.
06-17-2013 04:45 AM
the problem at-least that i saw was sounds were heavily reduced (vc,guns,footsteps, everything else) inside the bases but outside in the yard it immediately works just like normal.
tried it on moto's server.
06-17-2013 05:06 AM
You should check in your maps folder to see if the soundscape file for schtop_k was downloaded. It could be that the server isn't downloading that?
07-25-2013 12:21 AM
I like to spam binds
GOod call on soundscapes. Downloaded from the post and no sound problems whatsoever.
The ladder and security window issue have been fixed. Schtop is now the greatest map ever.
Please add to pickup rotation, tahnk you.
08-10-2013 11:31 PM
I like Ceyx
u really think so largos?
08-21-2013 03:27 PM
I like to spam binds
I know so
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