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Jump pads don't allow for pyro push. Issue Tools
issueid=106 02-02-2009 10:11 PM
FF Loremaster
Jump pads don't allow for pyro push.
When jumping from a jump pad, the pyros flamethrower does not give push.

I tested and tested this and not once did I get an increase in speed or height when jumping from a jump pad and using the flamethrower. :(

Summary of the issue:

The code that was present from 2.0, and probably before then, is still present with the pyro. What this does is stop the pyro from using his flamethrower for push past 700 units of speed. While speeds like this were common and obtainable for the pyro pre-2.1, they no longer are as the skim cap exists.

Because of this, it is highly redundant to use the flamethrower to gain extra speed on maps with push entities, or to use that speed to get you across the yard with the flamethrower after jumping on a jump pad.

As said, this also effects maps with any sort of push entity that gets you above 700 units of speed, something that a >smart< pyro should be able to abuse. Maps like mortality are severely impacted by this. A pyro should shoot out of that entity like a rocket.
Issue Details
Project Fortress Forever
Category Classes (Scout/Engineer/etc)
Status Confirmed
Priority 8
Affected Version 2.2
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 2
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users Elmo
Tags (none)

02-03-2009 03:42 PM
FF Whiner
serves you right, darn flamer! :)
02-03-2009 05:11 PM
its because the flame thrower will only effect push if your under a velocity of 700 i believe. the jump pad pushes you at around 1000 i think. so it wont work until you slow down. its not a bug to my knowledge.
02-03-2009 06:17 PM
FF Loremaster
Originally Posted by Segundo
its because the flame thrower will only effect push if your under a velocity of 700 i believe. the jump pad pushes you at around 1000 i think. so it wont work until you slow down. its not a bug to my knowledge.
That is a bug. The design of the flamethrower is made in such a way where you will not continually gain speed, much like BHopping. However, unlike BHopping, there is no vertical gain to be had.

Unlike BHopping, there is a hard cap put in place on the flamethrower, which is an artifact of pre-2.1 patches. Nothing in the game has a hard cap that is obtainable. I.E. this is something that was not changed from 2.0 to 2.1.

This bug is the product of two different patches that addressed two completely different issues, none of which involved the pyro. The first was 2.0, which was fine then due to the skimming nature of the classes. This prevented pyros from going faster than scouts.

The second was 2.1, which introduced a Skim Cap, which has been present since then. It ensures that once a player going a certain percentage over their max speed hits the ground, they slow down until they hit that percentage.

In other words, the thing that stops the pyro from having his flamethrower effect his movement past 700 is a redundant fragment of the game left over from an older version with movement speeds that are no longer accurate.

A pyro >can't< go over 700 units of speed due to the skim cap. A pyro >should< be able to use the jump pad like a scout or medic can as there is no speed cap on the effects of a conc.

Even further, it looks retarded falling like a rock when shooting your flamethrower at your feet as you hit the jump pad while I can go from the bottom of pitfall to the middle level with one jump.
02-03-2009 07:56 PM
concing have a max air velocity after using a jump pad. for whatever reason it blocks u from going faster than i think 1200 units after comboing a jump pad and conc. if thats what your refering to. i thought the speed cap with the jump pad was intended tho, i guess im wrong then.
02-03-2009 08:52 PM
FF Loremaster
Originally Posted by Segundo
concing have a max air velocity after using a jump pad. for whatever reason it blocks u from going faster than i think 1200 units after comboing a jump pad and conc. if thats what your refering to. i thought the speed cap with the jump pad was intended tho, i guess im wrong then.
No, it doesn't. You can easily obtain speeds of 2k after concing from a pad.
11-27-2009 02:14 PM
Gets tickled by FF
confirmed but dont know if this is intentional or not
11-28-2009 07:40 AM
Credge - there IS a max speed for concs/rjumps/whatever, it's just very high. I've confirmed that it affects vertical speed, and I presume it works on horizontal movement as well.

Fixing the flamethrower would be nice.

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