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Johnny Mullet 03-09-2007 07:37 PM

Q3FX server back up
Hello Fortress Forever fans! Some of you may remember the news about Q3FX being released. Q3FX is Q3F1h modded and fixed and over 40 maps added for game enhancement.

For info and downloads, please see THIS LINK

Start up Q3FX and pull down the console and type.............


Hope to see some of you there for some "Old School" Fortress action Quake Style!

Circuitous 03-09-2007 10:31 PM


skuLL 03-11-2007 10:38 PM


Agret 03-12-2007 07:27 AM

Do you know if they plan to release a stand-alone version of this mod?

Everything 03-12-2007 02:17 PM

can this Mod be hosted anywhere else besides filefront? cause i need a download manager to download 400+ mb things :D, i coudlnt find it at fileplanet :cry:

pizzahut 03-12-2007 04:27 PM

Maybe you'll find a suitable mirror here:

Circuitous 03-12-2007 07:15 PM

Anyone wanna play today?

Everything 03-12-2007 07:26 PM

ill try, im downloading it now from softpedia..

Circuitous 03-12-2007 07:53 PM

/me sits in the server for a while.

Johnny Mullet 03-12-2007 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Kenny
can this Mod be hosted anywhere else besides filefront? cause i need a download manager to download 400+ mb things :D, i coudlnt find it at fileplanet :cry:

You can get the .rar version at

I will try and get on tonight ;)

Everything 03-12-2007 09:19 PM

Wow, my connection sucks.
80%...OMG Faster Damnit!....

Guy Incognito 03-17-2007 09:04 AM

Whats the community population like? Dead or kicking?

Everything 03-17-2007 05:51 PM

Probably dead right now, and i can't join any servers

Johnny Mullet 03-23-2007 12:06 AM

Well, the sad news is that the people hosting the Q3FX server have already seemed to have dropped it. It was only up for 5 days.

I am sorry. I did what I could to revive this "Original Quake Style" Fortress and there seems to be a total lack of interest from gamers of all sorts for older games.

At least I tried :rolleyes:

Maybe later I will actually pay for a server to host it on. I have not decided. If I were to pay for a server, I would probably want a popular game running on it.

To Circ, and all 15 other people I have played Q3FX with............ GG

Johnny Mullet 05-17-2007 07:29 PM

Quick Update
I managed to get a Q3FX server back up again. I don't mean to bring an old thread back, but I worked hard on this and know several of you enjoyed playing Q3FX.

Info and download link for Q3FX can be found HERE


Plusnet Q3FX - 27961


Circuitous 05-17-2007 07:39 PM


-=bingo-bango=- 05-18-2007 04:37 AM

thnx for bringing the thread back up, totally forgot about the old one, and hadent seen this one :lol:

Im gonna re "find" quake 3. And should be set up in a day or so. Should be fun ;)

-=bingo-bango=- 05-18-2007 11:37 PM

up for a game in a hour or two?

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