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o_dancingfool 11-12-2006 11:28 PM

Need Help Buying A New Vid Card
Alright so I'm on the market for a new video card and I was looking on Newegg at the Geforce 6800 512 mb and it was only 162.00$ so I was all "Oh awesome it sounds pretty sweet" but then all the reviews said it sucked ass, same with the Geforce 6600. So I need help finding a good vid card that's under 250$.

Edit: And a new cooling fan and/or heatsink for it, since I'm changing from a Geforce 256 mb 6200. And a new motherboard if necessary.

o_sizeablessonic 11-12-2006 11:30 PM

We were able to find a radeon 9800 for about 130 bucks...

o_dancingfool 11-12-2006 11:32 PM

Well that's not a whole lot much better than a 6200, so it wouldn't really be worth all of that money and time using it. I used to have one but it got fried in a storm.

mervaka 11-12-2006 11:48 PM

7900s are about to crash i think. they're currently half the price i got mine for :(

o_sizeablessonic 11-12-2006 11:56 PM

Yea, because the 8800s are about to come out (or are they already out?)

mervaka 11-13-2006 12:07 AM

yeah but he obviously isnt looking at being an early adopter now, is he?

o_dancingfool 11-13-2006 12:11 AM

I'm not really up to date on all this video card sp33k so if you guys could tell me what you just said...

o_psycnet 11-13-2006 01:01 AM

7800, 7800 GT, 7900, etc. will all drop in price within the next few weeks because of the release of the next-gen 8800-series cards. Sit on yer cash for a few weeks and thank us for it, cuz prices are guaranteed to go down.

o_dancingfool 11-13-2006 01:46 AM

Sweet, so out of all those, which is the all around best? And how much do you think they'll go down in percentage on average? Thanks alot btw.

o_coldy 11-13-2006 01:52 AM

Don't bother with the 7800 or 6x00 range. If you need a good card OMGRIGHTNOW buy a 7900GT; they're almost $300 australian so they should be well under your budget. The x1900GT is also a great card, if you can get it cheaper than the 7900GT then do it. If you can wait a few months and get some more money wait for the 8800GT, which will be the best price/performance card available for quite some time.

o_vistirix 11-13-2006 03:13 AM

I'll be getting this when its back in stock and the price drops a little more
When do you think the price will drop on this?

o_prankster 11-13-2006 04:36 PM

To pick the most worth while purchase we would need to know your PC specs and what resolution you want to use with what games you plan to play.

o_nuk3m 11-13-2006 05:18 PM

ati traditionall has stronger vpu's. i still dont get how they can get to like 90 C without exploding. ( with stock HS anyways. ) when the new dx 10 cards come out, ima get myself those. so if anyone is in the market for a new card when dx10 ati cards come out let me know, cause i have a ATi Radeon x1900xtx sitting in my pc right now. its good shit. i even have the original software that came with it.

btw Nvidia said janurary with the new dx10's right? I would only assume ATi would follow suit.

o_radeonspike 11-13-2006 06:18 PM

Sorry to barge in but I'm looking at replacing my system. I have an Intel P4 Socket 478. I'm not sure what type of ram I have but I have quite a lot (1gb)
I looking at buying a PCI Express so I can upgrade to all the new vid cards coming out. I was wondering if I might be able to take my Ram with me. I think it might be DDR1 but it might also be DDR2. Does PCI Express accept both?

mervaka 11-13-2006 07:06 PM

get a radeon :lol:

o_psycnet 11-13-2006 07:08 PM

ASUS P4GD1 is probably the only effective solution because that CPU is fairly out of date (computers eh?) but it only does DDR1.

Only newer intel/amd chips do DDR2, so you would be looking at a full CPU upgrade too if you wanted DDR2

o_leandros 11-13-2006 07:22 PM

I don't know the rest of your system's specs (DF) but if it's fairly up to date, get an ATi Radeon X1950 Pro (successor to X1900GT, slightly higher performance) or a Geforce 7900GTO (disguised 7900GTX). However I recommend waiting for the mainstream 8-series from nVidia or the R600 cores from ATi (Q1 07).

o_dancingfool 11-13-2006 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by nukem373
so if anyone is in the market for a new card when dx10 ati cards come out let me know, cause i have a ATi Radeon x1900xtx sitting in my pc right now.

How much you want for that when DX10 comes out?

o_nuk3m 11-13-2006 08:13 PM

It will depend on market price. some where below new. I only just got it in april, so itll only be less then a year old, in a high ventallated system and never overclocked.

probably like 300 or so.

o_psycnet 11-13-2006 08:27 PM

Bah! no ones gonna buy my GX2 :/

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