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o_robg 08-09-2005 09:20 AM

Big maps
Just wondered if there were any big maps out there that would have say very long flag returning times and/or staging points where if you get the flag so far the place where the flag returns to is closer to the enemy base, if you see what I mean.

Just thought it would be a good idea..

mervaka 08-09-2005 06:55 PM

mines huge, so im making it an A/D CTF map. that way it eliminates the need for splitting the team in two for O and D. im even considering sticking an APC in. giving it health will be a challenge for a mapper, but im up for the challenge :p

o_frenchtoast 08-09-2005 07:48 PM

I don't want to deter you from your goal, but imo an APC would kind of ruin that classic feel. But do it and it mmay be kind of cool.

I would much enjoy a big map. Something similar to Warpath (the greatest LAN party map ever) where you can spawn further up if you have captured something up there.

Bigger is better!

o_etzell 08-09-2005 09:20 PM

Put the APC in, make it so you can drive to the enemy base with a bunch of your buddies, and then release a patch that removes the APC.

It worked for CS. Oh, wait, NO IT DIDN'T! IT RUINED A GREAT MAP! :evil:

mervaka 08-09-2005 11:21 PM

APC's only for the sake of covering ground for the heavier classes. i just thought it would give it a better feel than putting a jetsons style travelator in the middle of a siberian valley..

the reason i want to make it destroyable is so that defence can actually defend from outside, but also so that someone doesnt have to keep ferrying it back to the spawn point - that would just suck

whats peoples thoughts for mounted guns? machine gun? minigun? rocket launcher? fast firing light cannon like the APCs in BF2? nothing at all?

the latter im sticking with for now, but it might give a wierd angle on things if i were to stick a turret on too :p of course if i did, id give the defenders the same weapon in a nest in the base

mirvin_monkey 08-10-2005 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Etzell
It worked for CS. Oh, wait, NO IT DIDN'T! IT RUINED A GREAT MAP! :evil:

i was glad when it was gone and i no longer fell for the "jump in an apc only for somebody to reverse it up to a wall so i could never get out again" trap

o_frenchtoast 08-10-2005 12:08 AM

That's your fault. Siege was my favourite map, then they ruined it :(

mervaka 08-10-2005 12:10 AM

i liked it, although i just didnt find it that useful in siege, or CS for that matter

o_etzell 08-10-2005 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by mirvin_monkey

Originally Posted by Etzell
It worked for CS. Oh, wait, NO IT DIDN'T! IT RUINED A GREAT MAP! :evil:

i was glad when it was gone and i no longer fell for the "jump in an apc only for somebody to reverse it up to a wall so i could never get out again" trap

ROFL! I never even thought of that... Ahehehe, it sounds so great, too!

o_robg 08-10-2005 07:51 AM

Looool I remember doing that in Seige. It's amazing how much fun can have driving an APC off a cliff :D Such a silly, unbalanced map, it was great fun.

/me buys a scout and waits for it to come out on Source.

o_psyave 08-10-2005 07:58 AM

siege wasnt unbalanced, it all came down to who had more flash bangs left :D

Anyhow, APCs are anouying for poeple just wanting to play the game without there teammate running them over

o_robg 08-10-2005 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by psyave
siege wasnt unbalanced, it all came down to who had more flash bangs left :D

I got accused of cheating more times on Seige than anywhere, just cos you can be last man standing in defence and there are so many fall-back places, you can sit, wait, BANG, retreat, sit, wait, door opens BANG, retreat, turn and face other way in BANG, retreat back...constantly and just win. So much fun :D

o_kam 08-10-2005 11:56 AM

Siege? ;)

o_nezumi 08-11-2005 04:32 AM

Yup. That looks like CS, Kamikaze.

But seriously, Siege was the most unbalanced map ever. What was the point in all the territory the CTs had to run around in? They might as well have spawned up next to all the chokepoint doors.

o_robg 08-11-2005 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Nezumi
Siege was the most unbalanced map ever.

Nezumi? Meet de_dust.
de_dust? Nezumi.

o_kam 08-11-2005 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Nezumi
Yup. That looks like CS, Kamikaze.

But seriously, Siege was the most unbalanced map ever...

Yeah cool notice the wink. Who gives a shit about cs.

o_stino 08-11-2005 08:50 AM

this will become a huge map:
my only limit: file size

o_robg 08-11-2005 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by kaMIKazE

Originally Posted by Nezumi
Yup. That looks like CS, Kamikaze.

But seriously, Siege was the most unbalanced map ever...

Yeah cool notice the wink. Who gives a shit about cs.

What a pleasant person you must be. If that's the best you can muster Chuckles, it may just be better to not hit reply.

stino - yeah I was looking at that, it looks lurvely :)

o_robg 08-11-2005 10:26 AM

Actually that was a bit harsh. Sorry kam, I obviously got out of the wrong side of bed this morning.

Which is bad, because the wrong side involves a wall.

o_etzell 08-12-2005 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by Nezumi
Yup. That looks like CS, Kamikaze.

But seriously, Siege was the most unbalanced map ever. What was the point in all the territory the CTs had to run around in? They might as well have spawned up next to all the chokepoint doors.

The point is there was an APC back in the day.

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