Fortress Forever

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KubeDawg 12-29-2012 02:18 PM

What are your biggest frustrations in FF?
I'm talking about anything from bugs or glitches to over or underpowered weapons, anything in game that is rage inducing.

My current frustrations are:
- Instant Respawn not so instant when killed with certain weapons bug (this annoys me to no end. I keep hitting enter or mouse1 or anything to try to respawn, but I have to wait 1-3 seconds each time I die at the hand of a super shotty or other commonly used weapons)

- Weapon switching switches back to previously used weapon. Example: Soldier Attack2 button switches to and from the super shotgun to the Rocket Launcher. Hitting that button more often than not while having my Launcher out switches to my shotty, then back to my Launcher again. Same happens if I start with my shotty and go to the Launcher. (this one sucks because who wants to be out of rockets, try to switch to their shotty for the kill and it switches back to the RPG Launcher? grrrr)

- Using the jump pad doesn't always work the way I had planned. Sometimes I gain virtually no height off the jpad which means my next jump thereafter is likely to be screwed up.

Rck 12-29-2012 02:25 PM

My biggest gripe so far is no players on at Euro times. Only get a decent game at 12-1am here

Lynus 12-29-2012 04:08 PM

small playerbase

CaptainAhab 12-29-2012 06:38 PM

Small player base and the pyro.

WiFiDi 12-29-2012 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 497655)
small playerbase


Features- 12-30-2012 02:52 PM

My issue is that there is hardly any advertisement for the game. Also, people complain about the small player base but yet themselves don't take the opportunity to join a pub and bitch about it. Also, overpressure is a fucking faggot fucking fuck fuckity fuck stupid mother fucking fuck.

Drakonal 12-31-2012 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Features- (Post 497681)
My issue is that there is hardly any advertisement for the game. Also, people complain about the small player base but yet themselves don't take the opportunity to join a pub and bitch about it. Also, overpressure is a fucking faggot fucking fuck fuckity fuck stupid mother fucking fuck.

Whats funny is when we do get more people playing we make them feel like dirt bickering over teams in pickups just because they are added and trying to play/learn.

Also ya fuck over pressure.

Features- 12-31-2012 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Drakonal (Post 497711)
Whats funny is when we do get more people playing we make them feel like dirt bickering over teams in pickups just because they are added and trying to play/learn.

Also ya fuck over pressure.

To be honest.. I think captains need to be taken away and just do the pool from IRC. 80% of pickups are unfair teams no matter what we do. Not saying I've never complained about a new person doing horrible.. but I think I've done better than most, and gotten people from pubs to play it.

CaptainAhab 12-31-2012 06:42 PM

Do you mean just randomly assigning players onto each team through IRC?

Features- 12-31-2012 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by CaptainAhab (Post 497714)
Do you mean just randomly assigning players onto each team through IRC?

Yes, if they are really bad the admin picks the teams.. if you don't like it then don't play or something. It doesn't matter what you do anymore one person always complains.

FDA_Approved 12-31-2012 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Features- (Post 497713)
80% of pickups are unfair teams no matter what we do.

Oh please. The majority of games I play in are always close games. Irc teams would just lead to more blow outs than anything.

Dexter 12-31-2012 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Features- (Post 497713)
. Not saying I've never complained about a new person doing horrible.. but I think I've done better than most, and gotten people from pubs to play it.

I can attest to this you were very nice and helpful while I was busy being shitty and drunk.

I dont like trying to pub against the same two people who only D soldier and demo on every map

nergal 01-05-2013 07:47 AM

my biggest frustration, the fucking grenades.....

and how the game seems more Deathmatching 1vs1 gamestyle rather than teamwork 01-05-2013 04:09 PM

I've tried many times over the past few years to really care about this game but inevitably the pickup community always ends up ruining it for me.

This game eats it's young and that self-destructive behavior will be its undoing (perhaps it's already undone).

Playing in a pickup is not fun for me, my heart rate jacks up to 120bpm if i even consider adding in mIRC... 180bpm if certain players are also added.

The only people left are the ones who are the worst of all, and that makes perfect sense if you think about it.

I'll never understand the point of being the king of Shit Mountain. There are a total of 20 people who play this game "competitively" and out of that group about 2-3 people that I actually enjoy playing with.

It's hard to give a shit or enjoy yourself when everyone bitches so much, complains, cries, rage-quits, gives up mid match, etc.

The learning curve in this game is incredibly steep and people seem to forget that. I've always been someone who is for the greater good and I'd rather lose a thousand times as long as everyone is having fun, than win every pickup and make people feel like shit. But unfortunately that is not the popular mindset.

It's the same shit now as it was two years ago, four years ago, and five years ago. And it's the same shit that happens in TFC too. It's as if the only satisfaction some people have about their lives is derived solely from their gaming ego.

We either need a competitive play pub with enforced O vs D rules or a more relaxed pickup environment where people who are only good at O can just play O and vice-versa.

I'd play pickups all day if I could just play two rounds of Medic. I don't feel like I can contribute as much by playing any other class and my team will suffer for it.

KubeDawg 01-05-2013 04:48 PM

I agree 100%. The mentality is to ostracize, patronize and demean people in pickups for people making mistakes. Sorry, but I don't respond well to negative reinforcement and have a big problem with authority in general. I do my thing, it's my style. I could give a fuck what class you want me to play or what position you want me to play. I want to play how I want because winning isn't everything, especially with a pretty much dead video game. I play to have fun and as soon as someone starts fucking with that, it makes me want to NOT play. As soon as you draw outside the lines, there's always someone there to tell you about it, like there is an absolute 100% correct way to play the game.

Sometimes it feels like I see a certain pickup player who has devoted so much time and effort into becoming the best and all I can do is pity them. Imagine what that kind of drive can do if applied to real life. Hell maybe they already have that kind of life, but I doubt it.

You have this game that starts to become a job of staying at the top. You create this illusion like you are improving, but you can only get so good before things become stagnant. Winning no longer feels as satisfying as it once did and you become bitter and cynical, which ultimately leads to acting like a douche to new players who couldn't possibly ever be at your level. That's gaming ego. At least that's my theory on why some players act the way they do. Maybe they're just following what other players do.

New competition usually fuels a community, but in this case, the FF pickup community is a powder keg that could explode at any moment. I've seen more drama on the pickup channel than on Jerry Springer.

Drakonal 01-05-2013 05:02 PM

You guys are just letting it get to you too much, i enjoy playing FF more then i did TFC, it was really easy to get into compared to TFC as well.

The pickup community is hardcore and competitive as shit, you can go to any game and you'll run into people who like to grief, rage, troll but i just enjoy it as free entertainment.

When i start a pickup for example, i set pre match to 15 minutes and suggest two people go captains then i sit back and watch t.v. or smoke while people get their troll/being difficult fix and eventually because people mainly just want to play settle down and teams are picked and the game goes on. If you try to play a pickup and expect it to work robot perfect every go your gonna have a bad time.

I enjoy the competition and always driving to be better at the game, not because of some eventual future for the game, but because it is fun now, and the community being the size it is makes you feel more significant.

Think about it in a game like WoW your a no buddy, even if you rape your server, your still technically a no body. I hate games like that. I enjoy Fortress Forever because it's not jacked huge. This is a nitch game created, played, worshiped by the players for the players.

Kube i agree with you i play spy and only spy on offense and i kept at it to prove it can be done, and i do it well enough in my opinion to where people accept it for what it is and play to it's strengths. Do i do perfect every game? No. But i still enjoy myself playing how i want to play. Now for the teams sake if asked, I'll switch to scout, and i'll play a defense class that I'm horrible at. In the end it's all about working as a team to beat the other team.

We should appreciate and enjoy more the fact that 20 people are so addicted to this game to play it all the time instead of it dying and having no point to continue working on it and enjoying it.

Enjoy it for what it is, Fortress Forever possibly because of the community, is a love or hate game. You'll either fall in love with it and play it often for that reason, or you hate it and don't like the style in which the game is played.

For the record Ian, lately Talos has been played exactly as you suggest, not because it is forced, but because that's just how players are playing it. which that in it self amazes me.

FDA_Approved 01-05-2013 06:15 PM

Drak that's a horrible excuse. The pickup games quickly devolve from an overly competitive environment to down right rule breaking and game ruining.

The fact of the matter is that our volatile community scares people away. There's no getting around the fact that more people would play if it wasn't such a horrible experience for them. There's no excuse for how some of our players act and treat new people.

There's one player I think who came from tfc, whose played in 2 maybe 3 pickups. And hasn't enjoyed it because he played on teams that gave up and resorted to team killing each other. And I know this player at least wanted to give FF a chance.

Even players that come from other competitive communities don't want to play with us, because of shit like that.

CaptainAhab 01-05-2013 07:47 PM

Nothing more to say, really. It has all been said. :-P :(

WubbaDucky 01-05-2013 07:59 PM

the amount of maps are not really frustrating but hard to remember all, since loads of them are rarely played in pubs, which stops me to add on a pickupgame, even when i know the teams can be balanced according to skill

Rck 01-05-2013 09:52 PM

I agree Wubba. I played for 2 weeks now and don't think I ever played same map twice!

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