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greenday5494 10-18-2010 03:13 AM

Ok my mind is going a million times a minute. i need some thoughts on this.

i went to a party last night and i got pretty drunk. some pictures were taken, but nothing was uploaded to FB with me holding anything, or even looking ♥♥♥♥ed up. except one, with me posing, and someone in the background with a drink. but i think she might have looked at the album of pictures since i dont think it's "friends-only" (its not my album on FB, its someone elses)

we decide to leave the party and go to another one. theres a girl in the car that was freaking out, because she was scared someone at the party was there (someone nefarious), and i was trying to make her feel better so i stayed outside with her on a parking lot type of thing. Cops showed up. i stupidly went behind a car because i was drunk and ducked. then i just went back to where i was and talked to the cops. i was talking to the girl about the us consitution and the rights. a cop then said "ok ill show you your rights" or something, i dont rmeember too well. he then proceeded to hit me up against a car, handcuff me, and throw me in the back of a cop car. apprently i screamed get your hands off of me, but i really do not remember. they let me go, and i said sorry to the officers, i didnt mean any disrespect. so i finally get home, and the next day, my cross country coach messages me on FB saying you have incriminating photos of you on there with people getting high and underage drinking. i might get kicked off the team, even though theres no pictures of me actually drinking or looking drunk

i feel kinda like ♥♥♥♥. i dont know what to do.
i didnt tell the coach anything specific, all i said i did not partake in any of those activities but she said it doesnt matter since i was AT a party involving pot and alcohol.
any ideas, or at least comments? i cant keep this in. im 16 years old

greenday5494 10-18-2010 03:18 AM

another take:
pretty easy story

he's at a party, getting drunk while everyone else is getting drunk. pics are taken.

him and other people leave said party to go to other party. girl in car is scared because she thinks there's someone at the new party who is an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥? trying to ♥♥♥♥ her? threatening to devour her soul? idfk

he stays in the car to comfort her/♥♥♥♥ her if he can (that's the reptile part of your brain)

cops show up

he bails somehow and ducks behind a nearby car, then grows a pair or realizes he'll probably be caught anyway and comes out. they arrest him. please note that you were actually arrested. technically and all.

they let him go? wtf are you just buzzed or something? they probably tossed him in pc for a while to sober for a bit, cops are either incompetent or felt bad for you. you're not hearing from them again, but they took your information as per procedure. don't worry about it unless you plan on pulling off a felony or something.

he thinks it's ok, because there are no pictures of him drunk.

his dickbag coach decides to either call him out on it because he sees pictures of him drunk somehow, or is a complete asshat and decides to bluff him on it. see which is the case. go as far as you're willing to go for a spot on this team, because no one else really gives a ♥♥♥♥, except your parents.

Crazycarl 10-18-2010 04:03 AM

You want advice?

1. Learn from your mistakes. Relevant lessons here are: Don't do anything in public (or at a party) that you don't want everyone to know about. Don't hide from cops or mouth off to cops.

2. Take your punishent. It's completely up to the coach whether you are on the team, and you won't gain her respect by trying to lie or weasel out of it.

3. That said, don't admit to anything if it can't be proven. There are probably a dozen people who, if asked, would say you were drinking at the party. So be honest about that.

4. Relax. You're not going to jail or anything. What is the worst that can happen to you right now?

GenghisTron 10-18-2010 04:12 AM

Don't party/socialize with people who will prevent you from meeting your goals in life. Best advice anyone can give you is to just learn from your mistakes, and do your absolute best not to repeat them, and look out for yourself and only yourself. Going to a party and doing something stupid or smoking some pot could ruin your life.

Bridget 10-18-2010 04:15 AM

Also, fuck the police.

GenghisTron 10-18-2010 04:18 AM

That too. Police are largely corrupt and are not working in the interest of the common individual. Do your absolute best to avoid run-ins with them. They are not your friends.

Etzell 10-18-2010 04:34 AM

Yep. Everyone here pretty much said it.

If you don't want to be kicked off the team for being at a party where people are drinking, perhaps you should... not be at that party.
If you don't think it's fair that they can do that, keep in mind that it's not your right to be on the team. They can make the rules. You're supposed to follow them. She might let you back on the team eventually, but in the meantime, you have to roll with it.

As far as everything else goes, you didn't get anything that goes on any actual records. Got off pretty lucky, all things considered.

KubeDawg 10-18-2010 07:15 AM

just say you were smoking a hand rolled cigarette and drinking zimas and you'll be fine.

BOSTWIX 10-18-2010 04:30 PM

Whats your best 5k?

Pixel 10-18-2010 08:43 PM

Its only a cross country team.

Hammock 10-18-2010 08:43 PM

Stay the fuck away from cameras at parties like that. There's no privacy in today's age, there's people out there who don't even own a facebook account yet have pictures of themselves all over it, and probably have no idea they're there (I have a few friends like that).

Too many people creep people's profiles for no better reason than to find incriminating shit. The next day your coach addresses you about these photos? That's not even a full 24 hours since those pictures were posted that's a big creeper right there.

You may have common sense about what you're willing to post on your account, but there's too many idiots out there that don't think before they post. Perfect example is yours, you're 16, your coach see's these pictures? Obviously some highschool student friended your coach without understanding that the risks of what this person could see.

I only have 1 current coworker on my friend's list, and he is set to limited profile (can't see anything of my account really), to prevent him from seeing any possible crazy shit I get into, not that he'd report me, but you can never be too safe.

Again, stay the fuck away from cameras.

Iggy 10-18-2010 11:12 PM

Go talk to your coach in private. Tell him/her that you screwed up, you know it, and admit it. Also that it won't happen again(and make sure it DOESN'T!)
Make sure to reiterate that everyone makes mistakes, and that you've learned from this one.
You might still get kicked off of the team, or get a suspension from it. Suspended from it is something you could ask for, if the approach the coach right. Suspended is better than tossed out. You could even ask the coach to make a "pledge sheet"(like the one in Dazed and Confused) for (you or everyone on the team) to sign. This way, you're showing that coach that you are honestly sorry for what happened, and won't make that mistake again.

Mooga 10-19-2010 12:47 AM

The first thing I did when I went to a party when I was under age was to scout out all the exits. I also didn't drink.

I also don't have much of a life...

N3RD RULE!!!!!!!!!!

Bridget 10-19-2010 01:11 AM

No, don't be a bitch and apologize to that coach. Tell him to mind his fucking business. If it means having to be suspended from whatever program you're involved in, then so be it. I wouldn't want to be enrolled in a program with, as Hammock points out, a massive faggot who snoops around on Facebook just foaming at the mouth looking for something to incriminate people on. You're not at fault here. The coach is at fault here for judging your performance in his domain on the performance in your personal (relatively irrelevant) matters. Don't let anyone here or elsewhere try to guilt-trip you. Lmao

GenghisTron 10-19-2010 01:12 AM


Lost 10-19-2010 02:12 AM

I think we should all live like Bridget. Fuck tha police.

Oh, and Coach.

Iggy 10-19-2010 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by Bridget (Post 476840)
No, don't be a bitch and apologize to that coach. Tell him to mind his fucking business. If it means having to be suspended from whatever program you're involved in, then so be it. I wouldn't want to be enrolled in a program with, as Hammock points out, a massive faggot who snoops around on Facebook just foaming at the mouth looking for something to incriminate people on. You're not at fault here. The coach is at fault here for judging your performance in his domain on the performance in your personal (relatively irrelevant) matters. Don't let anyone here or elsewhere try to guilt-trip you. Lmao

Did you miss the fact that he's underage? I know we've all done shit we weren't supposed to, that's a given. He has to balance out what is more important to him: Partying his ass off, or something he really enjoys. He sounds like he knows he was in a position he didn't want to be in, and that's ok. Like I said, we've all been in that position at one time or another. If he shows the maturity to admit he was in the wrong, his punishment will likely be minimal.

If being on that team means more to him than getting fucked up every weekend, then that's what he should concentrate on doing. If being fucked up every weekend means more than being on the team, then he should act on that too. It's HIS decision. To me, it sounded like he really regrets what happened, and would like to amend his actions. That being the case, I offered up advice on how to do that. If he wants to party and say "fuck the team/coach/whatever", then he should do as you suggested.

No regrets either way.

Bridget 10-19-2010 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Iggy (Post 476846)
Did you miss the fact that he's underage?

In regard to the alcohol consumption? Who cares? Tell me the difference that matters between a sixteen year old and a twenty-two year old that justifies having a drinking age or making underage drinking illegal? (For starters, if the drinking age were lower (say 16) then kids would be less likely to go to parties and run these risks, they would easily be welcomed into bars and the like.) Don't tell me 'maturity' because we all know that's independent on age. I know thirty year olds that are complete idiots compared to some responsible, well mature, sixteen year olds.


Originally Posted by Iggy (Post 476846)
I know we've all done shit we weren't supposed to, that's a given. He has to balance out what is more important to him: Partying his ass off, or something he really enjoys. He sounds like he knows he was in a position he didn't want to be in, and that's ok. Like I said, we've all been in that position at one time or another. If he shows the maturity to admit he was in the wrong, his punishment will likely be minimal.

Sounds like this was done in his free time as a personal choice. It seems balanced. I mean, the only issue here is that the coach has decided to punish him for what the coach perceives to be something wrong in a context totally irrelevant to the context it took place in. If you're going to punish people indirectly for your personal opinion (and not for their performance in your little program) then fuck that. I say to the person whom you punish to get out of there. That's some bullshit.


Originally Posted by Iggy (Post 476846)
To me, it sounded like he really regrets what happened, and would like to amend his actions. That being the case, I offered up advice on how to do that. If he wants to party and say "fuck the team/coach/whatever", then he should do as you suggested.

No, he's just conditioned by society to think he's done wrong. He did nothing wrong. Why defend the dumbfuck coach with the assumption that Greenday is the one in the wrong? If he made the decision to get drunk at a party and then, as far as I can tell, did nothing wrong except the fact, then what's the harm? It isn't like he got drunk and then went to tryouts or uppercut the coach into fucking oblivion. Shit.

Anyway, @op, if I were you, I'd just tell that lame ass coach to mind his business, as said above.

greenday5494 10-19-2010 04:25 AM

she told the athletic department. jesus christ. she said it was a "very serious matter"i barley even GO to parties, and it was homecoming night anyways, i wasnt about to go home when the friends i came to the dance to go to a party. christ.

i dont get fucked up every weekend at all.

i told her i was not drinking either, since she had no proof that i was "the picture in question was me fist pumping with another guy. i wasnt even in a picutre with beer, it was merely in the same album with other people drinking. i didnt look drunk at all. she quoted the "code of conduct" saying that if i was at a party with underage drinking it's in violation. i said she has no proof of said underage.

God damn. im laying low for a while. i went through my facebook friends and removed a LOT of people that i dont talk to, or i dont want them knowing my business. i also deactivated my account for a while.

Damn, looking at my old-ass siggy makes me remember how much of a nerd i was lmfao. how is everyone doin' here?

Bridget 10-19-2010 04:33 AM

You'll run into these people all your life. They're evil people who can't mind their business. A lot of people defend these people, too, because the majority of people are dumb and want to run everyone elses' lives even when they do a pretty piss-poor job of running their own. Lol

Like I said, just don't worry about it. The more you worry about it, the more credibility you give to the person's delusion that they're doing something just. I would just drop out of whatever program you're enrolled in. I mean, shit, if they're going to treat you like that, why stick around? I sure as fuck wouldn't.

Any code of conduct that requires an invasion into someone's personal life or business that has nothing to do with what the code was set out to conduct deserves no respect. Lmao

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