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Skanky Butterpuss 10-25-2009 08:04 PM

Tekken 6
Who is getting it? I got it preordered and should have it for PS3 on Tuesday. Any FFers want to throw down?

Anshinritsumai 10-25-2009 08:10 PM

I gave up on Tekken after 4.

I loved 3 and Tag Tournament, but 4 just felt... weird in some way.

Regarding Tekken 4 - It wasn't exactly the addition of 3d stages as much as it was the characters just felt alot different in both fighting styles and persona. My biggest complaint was probably the change of Jin from Mishima style to just a general style of Karate... Every time I went to pick him, it just wasn't the same at all.

Anyway, after 5 came out, I just couldn't play them anymore. 5 pretty much killed everything I loved about the series, so right now i'm hesitant about picking up 6 despite all the claims and hype saying that 6 is going to be amazing.

Paft 10-25-2009 10:54 PM

Tekken is my fave fighter. Used to love playing Tekken3 on the PS. That was the last one I played too. To me the graphics were impressive for its time.

MonoXideAtWork 10-26-2009 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Skanky Butterpuss (Post 455708)
Who is getting it? I got it preordered and should have it for PS3 on Tuesday. Any FFers want to throw down?

it's on.

PSN: MonoXideAtWork

Skanky Butterpuss 10-26-2009 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Anshinritsumai (Post 455710)
I gave up on Tekken after 4.

I loved 3 and Tag Tournament, but 4 just felt... weird in some way.

Regarding Tekken 4 - It wasn't exactly the addition of 3d stages as much as it was the characters just felt alot different in both fighting styles and persona. My biggest complaint was probably the change of Jin from Mishima style to just a general style of Karate... Every time I went to pick him, it just wasn't the same at all.

Anyway, after 5 came out, I just couldn't play them anymore. 5 pretty much killed everything I loved about the series, so right now i'm hesitant about picking up 6 despite all the claims and hype saying that 6 is going to be amazing.

4 is a piece of shit, and Jin has now been split into Jin (karate style shit from 4) and Devil Jin (Mishima style with laserbeams).

Like you, I had loved T3 and TTT, and when 4 came out, it was a sad day indeed. But 5 and 5:DR brought Tekken back to it's roots, feeling much more like a sequel to T3 than T4 ever was. T6 seems to be a continuation of that (hell, the new Scenario Campaign mode is quite a bit like the old Tekken Force mode from T3).

Sent you an invite, Mono. :)

Credge 10-26-2009 12:44 PM

I will have it at some point this week. It was shipped to me from Gamefly today, so I imagine it will be here on Wednesday.

I think my name is Yinmaren on my PS3. I'll get back to you on that tonight or tomorrow.

Circuitous 10-26-2009 02:21 PM

Ain't played a Tekken since 3. 3D fighters and I don't get along.

MonoXideAtWork 10-27-2009 08:51 PM

Got it. Who else? Add me!!!

PSN: MonoXideAtWork.

also, heartbroken to see that it is also for 360, tekken was the main deciding franchise for me in the console war. Oh well, bluray is still dope.

Skanky Butterpuss 10-27-2009 08:57 PM

im still waiting on mine to get here. damn ups!

accept my friend request ya knob!

PSN: SkaBupu

MonoXideAtWork 10-27-2009 09:04 PM

I will once I update my ps3 again...

sigh, lee's U/F+4 seems to have gotten a nerf. Marduk is still a monster though, watch out!!!!!

Skanky Butterpuss 10-27-2009 09:12 PM

goddammit i want my copy to get here! i heard they nerfed lili's u/f+3 so it doesnt launch on normal hit anymore. reminds me of when they made steves d/f+2 not launch on normal when T5:DR came out... that was a necessary change, but one that made me a sad panda.

how does zafina play? of all the new characters, she looks the most intriguing to me.

come onnnnnn ups!

MonoXideAtWork 10-27-2009 09:29 PM

Idk yet, bob looks like my intrigue of the new crew, and btw, eddy is still gay.

edit: kazuya is gay as well.

wakka 10-27-2009 11:51 PM

I'll be buying next week, have no idea what my PSN is though will "wak" it on here when i find out !

Skanky Butterpuss 10-28-2009 06:35 AM

this is fun as hell haha. i gotta get a mic so i can talk shit back to you guys :P

definitely having fun with the online. its a bit laggy at times and it feels like its really hard to land juggles that i can land 98% of the time offline, but its fun playin against you and your amigo. some good matches so far :)

MonoXideAtWork 10-28-2009 07:04 AM

Yessir. Only the ranked games turn into lag spam fests.

MonoXideAtWork 10-28-2009 07:06 AM

lil vs bob rnd 4. OMG comeback much?

Skanky Butterpuss 10-28-2009 07:11 AM

hahaha lili is my girl. you raped my jack with lee though :(

MonoXideAtWork 10-28-2009 07:14 AM


Skanky Butterpuss 10-28-2009 07:14 AM

lol that was my first time playin leo. i dont think i like her very much haha

lets see how this lars guy is...

Skanky Butterpuss 10-28-2009 07:22 AM

marduk vs lili next homie!

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