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Suite307 05-21-2008 03:06 AM

Damn it...
One of my girlfriend's boyfriend ( Which happens to be a good friend of mine also. ) is dying. Is heart is aging super fast. Unless he gets an heart transplant in the next 3 days , he's going to die...

Damn... i've been getting a lot of shit lately...

Scuzzy 05-21-2008 03:10 AM

Sorry about your friend's situation. We'll be praying for him.


SizeableSSonic 05-21-2008 03:33 AM

Wow. Is there any chance he could somehow get a transplant? What about an artificial heart?

Dr.Satan 05-21-2008 03:35 AM

Sorry to hear that man. I will pray for him.

Does it look like he has a chance to get a transplant at all?

Suite307 05-21-2008 03:58 AM

I'm not sure. Canada's system has crazy wait lines for transplants.

Backstaber 05-21-2008 04:02 AM

That's a shame for this to happen to him so early in his life. It really is. I will pray for him and hope that he makes it. I'm also sorry that this is happening to you and the rest of his friends as well.

zSilver_Fox 05-21-2008 04:06 AM

That really sucks :(. Try throwing a giant dildo in a freeway. People will be so shocked by it that it'll cause a massive pileup, and you'll get your heart.*

*Cue ethics discussion.

Demasu 05-21-2008 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by SizeableSSonic
Wow. Is there any chance he could somehow get a transplant? What about an artificial heart?

Sadly, probably not. The worse part is that's about the same for any organ. He's probably at the top of the list though, and if someone dies then he'll probably get the heart. Now as for an artifical heart, it's possible with the money, but they're damn expensive. However, he might be able to get a Heart Assist Device. If you don't mind me asking, Suite307, how old is he and what's wrong with him exactly? I hope they find a heart for him.

Suite307 05-22-2008 12:52 AM

He's 23. His Heart is aging real freakin fast. I don't remember the name of the disease.

Demasu 05-22-2008 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Suite307
He's 23. His Heart is aging real freakin fast. I don't remember the name of the disease.

That's weird, and really sucks. All the best wishes for you and your friend.

fireb0rn 05-22-2008 05:13 AM

Really sorry to hear it man. Hope it turns out well for you guys.

BinaryLife 05-22-2008 02:30 PM

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he can find a heart and doesn't go through too much pain. Be safe man.

Suite307 05-22-2008 05:18 PM

There's no hope, he's going to go write his testament (EDIT: His Will. >.> ) as we speak.

Innoc 05-22-2008 05:30 PM

Wow...just wow. I am so sorry to hear that Suite. I don't think anything gives you a check in your own life quite like experiencing something like this. I hope that your friend can find some measure of peace in this....I'm at a loss as to how but I hope he can find it.

Circuitous 05-22-2008 06:44 PM

That's pretty bullshit, I hope he gives God a piece of his mind assuming you're even allowed to have enraged thoughts in Heaven.

Demasu 05-26-2008 04:56 AM

Any news?

Suite307 05-26-2008 01:14 PM

None. Still waiting..

TurboWolf 05-26-2008 01:25 PM

If there's no exit, maybe you can get a pig's heart. I've heard it's extremely simmilar to a human one and there are lots of those kinds of xenotransplants.

Best of luck!

Demasu 05-27-2008 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by TurboWolf
If there's no exit, maybe you can get a pig's heart. I've heard it's extremely simmilar to a human one and there are lots of those kinds of xenotransplants.

Best of luck!

I don't think we can do that with a whole heart yet, I know we can do valves though, but I think a full heart is too different. Not sure though because I'm no expert.

Ihmhi 05-27-2008 01:37 PM

If whole pig hearts could be used, there would not be as many problems for heart transplants. Only the valves are usable. :|

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