Fortress Forever

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GeoKill-----> 02-27-2008 07:58 PM

Ideas for Next Video
Ok so Handym showed me this video here
We plan to do One Hundred Ways to die in FF Handym started thinking of some and came up with ten, then i told him, how about the community comes up with some funny ways to die in FF.

So this is were you guys come in.

So far we have,
  1. Laser being down in aardvark and I soon as you try to pass, the lasers come back in.
  2. Pyro trimp-flaming with flamethrower, runs out of fuel midair, dies from fall damage
  3. Medic concing into the gate on Well and dies on impact
  4. Scout going for flag, escaping through water tunnel then realized the grate is not blown so they drown.
  5. Slipping on a banana (shutdown2 plank,)
  6. Demoman laying pipes in the toilets, saying "HMMMMMMMMMMMMG!!!", pipes explode while he is sitting in the toilet in aardvark
  7. Randomly getting gibed
  8. Concing backwards (throwing conc up, pushes you down, thus killing you from fall damage)
  9. Spontaneous human combustion
  10. Dying from unagi power
  11. "Flying too far" xpress_b1
  12. Killed by 24 sentries
  13. Hiting the window on Aardvark
  14. Falling from a ladder
  15. getting crushed by a detpack
  16. Getting crushed by boat
  17. trying to jump from cp2 to cp3 as a pyro, but hitting the wall instead and falling into water
  18. trimping / bhopping on xpress and you go to dodge a solly rocket, but jump off on accident
  19. Trying to rj w/out enough health
  20. Getting squashed by security gate at openfire
  21. Into the Gas Chamber
  22. Jump pad launches you down the pit in crossover, dies from fall DMG..?
  23. Falling off a building while sniping.
  24. Killing your self with a blue pipe trying to hit a scout and it bounces off the wall and hits you
  25. shooting an enemy at close range with RPG and killing yourself
  26. launching off a jump pad into a wall.
  27. trying to pipe jump with 4 8!!!!! pipes
  28. standing under an elevator (shutdown2 ele)
  29. someone landing on top of you (preferably fatty [squished by a fatty!])
    How about a sniper launching a fatty across the map, victim gets hit by him and he dies, as fatty goes by.
  30. standing on a conc (fatty on dropped conc craters / or smashes into a wall)
    definetly fall damage again
  31. hit by the train in shutdown2
  32. protecting the civilian (hunted)...jumps in front of civi right as a sniper shoots
  33. using an enemy dispenser (engy blows it up)
  34. det packed by your own team's demo
  35. killed by your own detpack you tried to send up the lift
  36. fall off ladder while carrying flag.
  37. try to emp jump from flag to sg at cap point, fall.
    Epic win ^

  38. mirvjump out of crossover2 pit with flag, but barely miss the yard and fall back into the mirvlet blasts. <- done that. sucks, but if you make the video dramatic it will be hilarious. It will be, I can do that
  39. killed by own sentrygun shooting at enemy behind you.
  40. juggled up by soldier and fall to death.

  41. spy backstabs demo and gets killed as pipetrap dets.

  42. While disguised attempt to knive engineer, but miss and get shot up by SG.
  43. While going for the flag as Scout, about 10-12 enemy Heavies appear with their crowbars out, yelling in the mics, coming over to you, and bash you to death. ROFL win

  44. Demoman piping the flag, accidentally stands too close, scout fakes him out, kills himself, scout gets the flag.
  45. Dispenser kill from a HH conc.

  46. Sabatoging a dispenser, only to realize it blows up in your face.

  47. Heavies covering all directions in a circle next to each other, spy uncloaks in the middle and stabs each one to death.

  48. spy in flag room sneaking up to flag, then team of scouts comes out of nowhere and crowbars him to death.

  49. Getting killed by an SG's push in the lazers on aardvark.
  50. 23 snipers aiming at the ff_well spawn and 1 medic/scout trying to conc out of there without being shot! (Medic saying "O SHIT" before be gets pwnd)

  51. 1 medic (funnier) vs 6 other classes, let him win after totally pwning the 6 others, let him be the hero (play some ownage movie music) and him dying due to falling damage.
  52. Four bodyguards assisting the Civilian up the pipe in hunted. The last medic in line is a Spy - four backstabs for a win.

  53. Getting hit by a dead body (Fatty getting shot, hitting another guy who dies)
  54. Trying to figure out what pipebombs are. (Standing on top of some, crowbarring them, exploding..)
  55. Lay 6 pipes and a detpack outside of enemy spawn, have scout come out at last second and deactivate det, kill you with crowbar in one hit. Pipes blow, scout dies.
  56. have whole team guarding flag, have noobish sounding guy on mic come into map, and ask, "How do you set a detpack" then he lays next to flag. teamkill on, whole team dies half second later, "the enemy has your flag"

  57. Stabbing a demo, only to get killed by his own pipes.
  58. Getting stabed while looking at a porn spray.
  59. Rocketjumping into ceiling, then rocketjumping down off the ceiling, dying due to fall DMG.

  60. Getting killed by a detpack
  61. Rushing someone on the aardvark ramp with crowbar, crouchjumping towards a scout coming up the ladder. He steps aside, and you fall down, dying from fall DMG.
  62. Killing someone mipmapping a medic with the flag, only to realize he was your teammate; The enemy team captured the flag.

  63. An engi EMP'ing 8 pipes on the flag, thus killing 2 sentries, engineers and demomen nearby.

  64. Calling for a friendly medic, but getting infected by an enemy medic instead, dying.

  65. Trying to circle a sentry gun with medpack.

  66. Getting crushed by elevator

  67. Getting crushed by dispenser near elevator.
  68. getting exploded by jump pad
  69. getting EMP'd through floor

Adamido 02-27-2008 08:04 PM

13.Getting squashed by security gate at openfire
14. Gettin burned and gased by those things in aardvark.

Handym 02-27-2008 08:08 PM

Non-intentional ways of dying plx?

GeoKill-----> 02-27-2008 08:12 PM

Boat on Aardvark hiting a player

Dr.Satan 02-27-2008 08:25 PM

dood 100 ways...this is going to be tough!

Can we do team kills? I'm sure we can get a few funny ones out of like Solly air shotting team mate who jumps in the way at the perfectly wrong time.
  • trying to jump from cp2 to cp3 as a pyro, but hitting the wall instead and falling into water.
  • HH conc to crater into the ground
  • trimping / bhopping on xpress and you go to dodge a solly rocket, but jump off on accident.
  • Trying to rj w/out enough health
  • drowning?

Might want to strive for 50...100 might be too much.

GeoKill-----> 02-27-2008 08:33 PM

Well if Handym is down for 100 then we will see

greenday5494 02-27-2008 08:40 PM

getting crushed by a detpack (actually kills you when it falls!)

Dr.Satan 02-27-2008 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by greenday5494
getting crushed by a detpack (actually kills you when it falls!)

  • jump pad too!
  • Falling off a building while sniping.
  • Killing your self with a blue pipe trying to hit a scout and it bounces off the wall and hits you
  • shooting an enemy at close range with RPG and killing yourself
  • launching off a jump pad into a wall.
  • trying to pipe jump with 4 pipes
  • gassing yourself as a spy
  • standing under an elevator (shutdown2 ele)
  • someone landing on top of you (preferably fatty [squished by a fatty!])
  • healing your team mate (med)...someone could get shot by a sniper...hit medic call, med comes running...sniper head shots the med!
  • running over a dropped grenade
  • standing on a conc (fatty on dropped conc craters / or smashes into a wall)
  • sniping (do a montage or snipers getting killed in horrible ways...get like 4 / 5 really good deaths)
  • hit by the train in shutdown2
  • protecting the civilian (hunted)...jumps in front of civi right as a sniper shoots
  • using an enemy dispenser (engy blows it up)

more will come to me I'm sure

greenday5494 02-27-2008 09:31 PM

calling medic as a disugised spy, and getting infected!

Dr.Satan 02-27-2008 09:53 PM

  • slayed by an admin
  • stuck in the groud and killed by admin (I think that's available)
  • run over (do you want to include the buggies?)
  • det packed by your own team's demo

Sidd 02-27-2008 10:12 PM

on 2morforever:
crushed by lift
killed by your own detpack you tried to send up the lift
as an attacking spy, killed by the respawn turret.
on congestus:
fall off ladder while carrying flag.
try to emp jump from flag to sg at cap point, fall.

fishBurger 02-27-2008 10:31 PM

mirvjump out of crossover2 pit with flag, but barely miss the yard and fall back into the mirvlet blasts. <- done that. sucks, but if you make the video dramatic (so close to victory!) it will be hilarious.

killed by own sentrygun shooting at enemy behind you. not sure if this works in FF, I dont engy much.

entire team wiped out by one or two sabotaged SGs. especially in an open spawn area like cornfield.

juggled up by soldier and fall to death.

spy backstabs demo and gets killed as pipetrap dets.

exploding dispenser.

Dr.Satan 02-27-2008 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by fishBurger
killed by own sentrygun shooting at enemy behind you. not sure if this works in FF, I dont engy much.

it does :cry:

Circuitous 02-27-2008 11:28 PM

Going full-blast on a distant Scout and running out of ammo right as he runs up and crowbars you.

Everything 02-27-2008 11:34 PM

  • Delayed MIRV prime
  • While disguised attempt to knive engineer, but miss and get shot up by SG.
  • Accidently fall down the middle on Congestus as pyro with low hp while throwing a napalm, and causing it to land on you.
  • While playing as medic, get killed by a friendly heavy since he thinks you're a enemy spy trying to backstab him
  • Get boosted up to the glass on aadvark by a jumppad,(not sure if possible?)
  • Get detonated by a dispenser, from a friendly, while being spy in disguise, while HE thinks you're an enemy stealing his medal..

GoatMan 02-27-2008 11:36 PM

Ran over by a HL2 buggie. lol

greenday5494 02-27-2008 11:37 PM

getting killed by a detpack, with FF off, on your own team from the fall damage (happened to me so many times....)

Everything 02-27-2008 11:42 PM

While going for the flag as Scout, about 10-12 enemy Heavies appear with their crowbars out, yelling in the mics, coming over to you, and bash you to death.

reaper18 02-28-2008 01:07 AM

As was in the FF promo vid

A sniper or some class infected running in circles, yells "What the hell medicine was that, im infected, somebody *dies*" and ragdoll just flops to the ground as a few other players just stand and watch, including a med

KubeDawg 02-28-2008 03:49 AM

  • Crowbarring/knifing a level 3 sentry.
  • Knifing somebody in the face.
  • Setting gravity to 0, then setting it to 10,000.
  • Entering an enemie's spawn lasers by way of enemy rocket push.
  • Midair rocket to the face after a HH conc.
  • Lag out crowbar/knife.
  • Scout getting crowbarred by a heavy.
  • Demoman piping the flag, accidentally stands too close, scout fakes him out, kills himself, scout gets the flag.
  • Crowbarring an engineer standing right next to his SG who's otherwise blocking your ability to run circle's around it.
  • Dispenser kill from a HH conc.
  • Sabatoging a dispenser, only to realize it blows up in your face.

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