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~kev~ 09-27-2007 02:51 PM

Any hunters here?
Do we have any hunters here?

In a lot of states bow season opens in a week and a half, in november rifle season opens for deer, moose and elk season is coming up as well.

If your a hunter, or if you own guns - then drop by my site sometime.

The guns section

The hunting section

The feeders have been set up, and we have deer going to them already. I have a video of the trail camera and pictures of deer and wild hogs posted here

Sign up to see the pictures but anyone can see the video.

Ihmhi 09-27-2007 03:01 PM

The setup you have is uncomfortably close to canned hunting.

Innoc 09-27-2007 03:06 PM

Bow hunting is, quite often, all about finding an established game trail and camping it. The trick is finding an active trail and finding a good position that will let you have a useable field of fire.

I hunted growing up but have not in years. I still do target, tray and clays from time to time. Why don't I hunt anymore? Well...I am not much for being awake before the sun...

Atari 09-27-2007 03:54 PM

I bet it makes you feel like a real man.


High five.

~kev~ 09-27-2007 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Ihmhi
The setup you have is uncomfortably close to canned hunting.

A canned hunt is fenced off, the deer and hogs here are free. There is a big difference.

I also have a portable climbing stand I use on game trails and creek bottoms.


Originally Posted by Atari
I bet it makes you feel like a real man.
High five.

What is that supposed to mean? Do you eat meat? Do you eat steaks or cheeseburgers? I bet you feel high and mighty not having to kill anything.

Wild game is the best quality meat there is. No hormones have been added, nothing has been injected into this animal. The diet deer eat is natural food, mostly acorns.

Yes, I do feel good when I have deer meat in the freezer - I know my family is eating healthy meat that was not raised on a farm in cruel inhuman conditions.

LeMaltor 09-27-2007 04:04 PM

yeah im only lvl 8 though :oops:

Atari 09-27-2007 04:06 PM

lol was wondering how long it'd take.

Innoc 09-27-2007 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by ~kev~
What is that supposed to mean? Do you eat meat? Do you eat steaks or cheeseburgers? I bet you feel high and mighty not having to kill anything.

Wild game is the best quality meat there is. No hormones have been added, nothing has been injected into this animal. The diet deer eat is natural food, mostly acorns.

Yes, I do feel good when I have deer meat in the freezer - I know my family is eating healthy meat that was not raised on a farm in cruel inhuman conditions.

Kudos to you for remaining civil to impolite and immature responses.

~kev~ 09-27-2007 04:14 PM

Most people that have never been exposed to hunting, or eating wild game meat - I do not expect them to understand.

People today are insulated from meat processing. How do you think that hamburger got into that package, or that steak got on the plate.

Someone has to kill that pig to get pork chops or bacon. The difference between a lot of you and I - I kill some of my food. Someone has to do it.


Originally Posted by Innoc
Kudos to you for remaining civil to impolite and immature responses.

Thank you.


zSilver_Fox 09-27-2007 04:15 PM

I personally think that hunting is best done without feeders or stuff such as that, and that prey should be "hunted." However, good luck with the season :). It's huge in this area of Iowa, with kids getting out of school to go hunting.

Also, to those who think that it's "cruel" and "inhumane," get out of the city. Some natural conditions for deer are horrible, and deaths in the wild can be gruesome and brutal. Being eaten alive by a pack of wolves can really ruin your day. Deer population here has actually benefited from hunting in terms of health and population, as the weaker deer are easier to take down and hunt (They won't run 400 yards after a slug to the chest).

Good luck to ya :). Do you go to a butcher or do you do your own?

EDIT: The way that patty got to their plate at Mickey D's is the result of a hormone enhanced cow that grew up in crowded, shitty (literally!) conditions, and was then shot, ground up and processed multiple times, and then sent in a nice pre-made patty.

Paft 09-27-2007 04:18 PM

This type is stuff is out of my interest, but I watched some of your videos a few days ago out of curiosity. They held my attention and I enjoyed watching. I'll take a look a your others actually to relieve boredom.

Atari 09-27-2007 06:20 PM

Ok, I'll explain my thoughts on hunting a little more but tbh these arguments can go on for pages without going anywhere (like the guns should be illegal topic for example).

Firstly, just to clear things up: Yes I eat meat and no, I don't live in the city.

I make sure my children know what they're eating and have respect for what they eat - to not do so is extremely ignorant in my opinion. I believe eating meat is part of nature/the food chain.

In this day-and-age, I believe meat should come from a farm where the animals are raised to be slaughtered. I believe that when an animal is slaughtered, it should be quick and painless and the animal does not suffer.

Now, what I don't agree with is turning the slaughter of animals in to a sport or a family event/tradition. If an animal is hit by an arrow, that animal will probably stay alive a while (in pain) while the family high five each other or shoot at it some more.


Originally Posted by ~kev~
Most people that have never been exposed to hunting, or eating wild game meat - I do not expect them to understand.

The same can be said for those who have never not known hunting.


Originally Posted by zSilver_Fox
Some natural conditions for deer are horrible, and deaths in the wild can be gruesome and brutal.

And that gives you a right to kill them? Using that logic, surely you can also kill humans? Some of them live in bad conditions and some may have a gruesome death.

High five.

Innoc 09-27-2007 06:39 PM

So don't hunt Atari.

Ihmhi 09-27-2007 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by ~kev~
A canned hunt is fenced off, the deer and hogs here are free. There is a big difference.

Well, would the animals not congregate near the feeders you have installed?

So someone could reasonably just camp out in front of one of those, wait for an animal to come by for some vittles, and take it out, no?

So to me, this seems like a canned hunt with a very big can.

It would help to start by explaining the purpose of the feeders, salt licks, and cameras. In your own words, that is. I mean, I could probably explain them, but I would rather hear your own words.

Innoc 09-27-2007 06:48 PM

You know who else is a big hunter as I recall was Rayze but I don't recall ever seem him post here. The funny thing was that he spent a good amount of time in his teen years working in a zoo,

Atari 09-27-2007 07:23 PM

That's pretty funny.

uBeR 09-27-2007 07:25 PM

Thank you guys for reminding me there's still some hamburger left that I have to eat.

~kev~ 09-27-2007 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Ihmhi
Well, would the animals not congregate near the feeders you have installed?

Some times deer and hogs do NOT go to the feeders. There are people every year that do not see anything all season long. A lot of animals move only at night. That is usually when the biggest bucks feed. I have seen trail camera pictures of deer next to the feeder at 2:30 am.

Sometimes hunters leave too much of their scent around the feeder. The deer smell the hunters scent from a hundred yards and will not go near the feeders.

A buddy of mine showed me pictures of the biggest deer I have seen in a long time. His trail camera took the pictures at night. He never once saw that deer during the day light hours.

Deer can hear, smell and see better then you. Last year a deer heard me turn my camera on at 100 yards away. The slightest movement or sound and they run away.

In the past 2 years, my dad and my brother have not seen a single deer worth taking.

The salt and mineral blocks, and the feed are to maintain a healthy herd. The big timber companies have clear cut most of the land. This clear cutting has destroyed the natural forest that took hundreds of years to grow. A deers natural food is acorns. Most of the oak forest have been cut down to build our homes. Its a cause and effect. Timber companies cut down oak trees to build your home, deer have less food, hunters put up feeders to help maintain a healthy deer population.

Atari - what you "think" and what is reality are two different things. These wild deer and wild hogs will die sometime. Death is a fact of life. Since they are going to die sooner or later, it is better that some benefit comes from their death. Either a hunter will eat that deer, or wolves, coyotes, cougar / mountain lion, worms or a buzzard will.

I would much rather have that deer meat in my freezer, then for it to be on the side of a road rotting. Every time you see a deer dead on the side of a road, that could have been a meal to a family. Instead the maggots and buzzards get to feast.


Originally Posted by Atari
And that gives you a right to kill them? Using that logic, surely you can also kill humans? Some of them live in bad conditions and some may have a gruesome death.

Yes, I do have a right to hunt. I bought a hunting permit from the state of Texas.

Since most of the predators have been displaced, it is our job to keep the deer herds thinned out. Its either over population, starvation, and more deer - car accidents, or hunt them and thin the herd out.

This thread was asking is anyone here hunted, its not flame war for anyones opinions on hunting.

Atari 09-27-2007 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by ~kev~
Atari - what you "think" and what is reality are two different things.

Yeah, thanks for emphasising the "think", obviously I'm a little bit mental and not living in reality because I don't go round huntin. *High five*


Originally Posted by ~kev~
Since they are going to die sooner or later, it is better that some benefit comes from their death. Either a hunter will eat that deer, or wolves, coyotes, cougar / mountain lion, worms or a buzzard will.

Could you explain the "some benefit comes from their death" part for me, I'm not sure I see it.


Originally Posted by ~kev~
I would much rather have that deer meat in my freezer, then for it to be on the side of a road rotting. Every time you see a deer dead on the side of a road, that could have been a meal to a family. Instead the maggots and buzzards get to feast.

How did the deer get on the side of the road? Are we now throwing road-kill in to the argument?


Originally Posted by ~kev~
Yes, I do have a right to hunt. I bought a hunting permit from the state of Texas.

I'll give you that one, it is your right in Texas so it's all good.

High five.

uBeR 09-27-2007 09:27 PM

Let hunters hunt. Let thrill seekers and sportsmen who kill get hit by a bus. Let poachers die. That's all I have to say.

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