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Circuitous 09-14-2007 11:41 PM

Finding help in-game!

In order to make it easy for a new player (or just a confused player) to get the help they might need in-game, I propose a simple tag you can add to the end of your name to indicate that you're willing to provide the aforementioned help.

In other words, if you want to help people, add *h to the end of your name (marking you as a helper).

Expect people to come to you with questions. Be willing to give advice, even hundreds of times over if need be. Show people what's what, help with binds and SG placement and whatever else.


Look for anyone with *h at the end of their name, and ask them for help! Easy peasy.

StatisticZ 09-14-2007 11:56 PM

I'll be a helper, when I can run it properly =(

nodnarb 09-15-2007 12:00 AM

-=DoM=- Mechaincal Rabbit*h

TwoTired 09-15-2007 12:36 AM

HiPengus Bastardus*h

Do you need professional HALP?

GenghisTron 09-15-2007 12:41 AM

halp me

StatisticZ 09-15-2007 01:31 AM

If you see me in TFC nM| StatisticZ .::.*h lol

Ihmhi 09-15-2007 02:44 AM

Guys, do not forget - in-game is not the only way to help people out. You can help out in FF's public IRC and Steam Groups chat room.

Hell, last night in Steam Groups chatroom we had a kid feeding rock music over the voice chat. It was a tiny party. d:

nEo-1664 09-15-2007 02:46 AM

[JfL][nEo-1664][H] If you need help :)

As will our gaming community website - have info on it soon. Still creating the front end :P

And no doubt, [JfL]Milhouse will also help out if he wants to! :P

nodnarb 09-15-2007 03:57 AM

the format is "*h" nub. :D

Doompiggy 09-15-2007 04:11 AM

Sasuke -|InS|-*h



One of those will be my name, Im willing.

Desyphur 09-15-2007 05:41 AM

I'm a helper :D


or -[CfH]-insomniac*h (mainly this)

GeoKill-----> 09-15-2007 05:42 AM


Mooga 09-15-2007 02:55 PM

I've been helping people in the steam chat. Drop in there if you need help... Everyone is quite friendly.

4est 09-15-2007 03:00 PM

*h Means nothing to a person that has not read this thread.

*FF_help or FF_helper MIGHT give them a hint as to what the tag means.

GenghisTron 09-15-2007 03:32 PM

I think helping people is a great idea.

I also think there's a lot of things that a player can't help with.

For example, I've noticed that MOST servers I've been in, have been a giant DM fest in the yard. Whether it's Crossover, Aardvark, Shutdown2, etc. Rarely has there been a true CTF environment where Red was actually defending and Blue was actually attacking. I don't want to sound like an elitist, but we need to teach the newcomers how to actually play TEAM Fortress. Not DM-in-the-yard-Fortress.

C-Aim 09-15-2007 05:04 PM

To be honest: you may not want to sound like an elitest, but you do... I have yet to come across a server where there wasn't defense and offense running, but if people want to DM in the yard then fine; the game is about having fun. If we start trying to tell other people how to play the game it is going to become TFC all over again. One of the reasons I stopped playing TFC regularly (other than lack of time) was the fact that everybody seemed to have something to say about what you play. Can't play defense spy, can't play offense HW, don't play sniper, don't OvO... where's the fun?

If you are in a server and you aren't enjoying yourself b/c you want to attack against a defense, then seek out another server. There are plenty where this is going on. At least, that's what I do anyway.

SizeableSSonic 09-15-2007 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by [StatisticZ]
I'll be a helper, when I can run it properly =(

Everything 09-16-2007 01:15 AM

I'll be a helper

Mooga 09-16-2007 05:58 AM


Circuitous 09-16-2007 10:44 PM

I've started using Helper:Circuitous :D

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