Fortress Forever

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Johnny Mullet 11-01-2007 09:59 PM

Fortress Forever 1.2 Wishlist
What would you like to see for the next Fortress Forever update? What kinds of changes should be made to any classes or maps? What maps would you like to see included or ported for Fortress Forever?

Please discuss................

bokko 11-01-2007 10:33 PM

coffee machine in respawn

EquilibriuM 11-01-2007 10:35 PM

cookies and milk FTW yeh?

-=Roland=- 11-01-2007 10:50 PM

Personally I'd like to see more than a day go by before people start yelling for the next patch ;)

Magical-Mark 11-01-2007 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by rkarnes
Personally I'd like to see more than a day go by before people start yelling for the next patch ;)

mervaka 11-01-2007 10:57 PM

complimentary mints.

TheWetMule 11-01-2007 11:18 PM

A can of coke every frag, so everybody gets fat from drinking excessive coke, eventually making them unable to move, forcing them to play FF to keep their daily limit of coke intake to an average amount of 300 cans a day.

Chaotic Llama 11-01-2007 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Johnny Mullet
What would you like to see for the next Fortress Forever update?

People to play with!

richard nixon 11-01-2007 11:30 PM

I actually want more maps...2fort,bases,avanti. single shotgun animations..unnerf the hwguy a bit, med/engy menu to be fixed (ammo request still doesn't work)

and a baseball bat for the scout...


squeek. 11-01-2007 11:36 PM

Training mode. Seriously.

df` 11-02-2007 01:38 AM

Animation/model improvements. 2fort. Medic more of a medic. Scout actually good. Sniper nerf. Fortress points awarded for a wider variety of things.

greenday5494 11-02-2007 01:57 AM

df got it down!

leilei 11-02-2007 03:17 AM

awesome machanima intro to classic song, like TF's Ecce Gratum intro

Surrealistik 11-02-2007 03:45 AM

A Spy class that's competitively viable.

At least improved cloaking.

Ihmhi 11-02-2007 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by squeek.
Training mode. Seriously.

Yes, and everything in this thread. After all, it is a log of what the community has asked for in the last like... 3-4 months?

I know personally some of the devs look at it to see what to implement since I keep it up to date (what's in, what's in partially, what's not yet in).

Camphlobactor 11-02-2007 04:02 AM

Overhaul of sniper rebalancing.

RocKwell 11-02-2007 04:49 AM

The startup menu screen really needs to go. Placing one of the ugliest models in one of the least played maps isn't a good idea, and could be so much better. Create a huge epic photomontage of all the classes fighting one other, grabbing flags, destroying sgs, etc. Make someone who just downloaded this mod say FUCK YEA FF after seeing it. Make those who are playing TF2 realize what they're really missing. It would go along great with that intro music, too.

Medic is still a hybrid class that's good at anything and everything. Make him more of a support character and the scout more of an offensive character and see if that works. Perhaps set them up as a combo together. I love medic to death, but he needs some sort of limitation.

New models and animations, 2fort, no death with medkit aids (maybe a 50 hp decrease over time or something). Nerf super shotgun damage greatly at far range. Include training mode, help files (like TFC's when it came out).

Aside from all that jazz, still the best mod I've played. Keep up the great work.

Private_Joker 11-02-2007 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by RocKwell
Medic is still a hybrid class that's good at anything and everything. Make him more of a support character and the scout more of an offensive character and see if that works. Perhaps set them up as a combo together. I love medic to death, but he needs some sort of limitation.

This sounds too much like TF2 for my taste. Watch it.

I partially agree; the medic is not only a support class, but neither is it the core of a good offense. As a player who plays mainly medic, I can understand what you're saying.
In reality, though, the problem is with soldiers. In TFC, a good majority of instances where a defense would stop me as medic was with the soldier--that's not true now. Now I can usually get by a soldier easily. I say, make the Rocket Launcher what it used to be--it doesn't push me around enough anymore.


Peon 11-02-2007 07:22 AM

Glitch death and more
I would like the, supposedly well known, glitch that causes you to only pull one nade/conc, after pressing the button twice squashed. Some guy in the server I was in (real specific huh?) said that it was a known glitch.

I also have problems with the Medpack registering a heal or poison, by making a sound, but then nobody has been affected. I was told that this was known also.

It also seems that the burning person effect, that happens when you burn someone as a pyro, randomly fails to occur. It barely affects me, but it would be nice to know who is still burning.

-On the subject of adding/subtracting from the game mechanics:

The Spy
I think that the Spy's poison canisters need to have a more severe effect than they do. Once you get past not knowing what your life is, and the team color switch, there's not really any fear factor associated with them......I just barrell on through now.

In TFC they would do gradual damage depending on how close you were to the center of the effect. If you were stuck on top of one in the middle of a fight, you lost your ass quickly. Plus, I seem to remember that it continued to chip away at your life in small increments even after escaping the cloud, which was a real detour for you if you were low on health.

The poisoned effect looks cool, but it's easy to remember that you are gassed while it's going on. In TFC, you could learn how to ignore the hallucinigenic effect, but once in a while you will reflexively act on one of them, cause your screen looked mostly normal.

Anyone who plays FF for any considerable amount of time will learn to adapt to the Spy's gas nade, and won't fear them anymore. The only effect that remains for me is that, as many tutorials point out, it gives away that there is a Spy in your Fortress.

I have to say in TFC the poison capsule was a double edged sword, for the above described effects, and now in FF it's just one backward edge.

As far as what it should do, the gradual damage was good. Another thought is random blur/black outs, where you become blind for a random 1/2+ seconds. Something that might unneccasarily tax your computer would be random enemy ghosts.....just a thought. Yet another thought would be that you would randomly fire whatever weapon you had out. If you wanted to get really disgusting you could have someone randomly drop a random nade. The last idea would be that your nade timer is inactive while poisoned......and why not make it ALL timers while we're at it.....buildable timer.....hack timer.....gattling timer...etc.....but the items still work.

BTW.....when I say randomly, I don't mean all the time while poisoned, I mean once every 8 seconds at the most. Random but limited.

The Pyro
I think that the Pyro needs to be more effective in some way against other Pyros. Pyro vs Pyro fights pretty much suck, and usually boil down to a frag nade battle. After having played for a while, I notice most Pyros ignoring each other unless it's pertinent. They just pass by each other on Well2, with both of them thinking "You're no fun....I can't burn you."

I suggest that the Pryo's crowbar should do more damage to another a lot.

This one might be a little bit of a fantasy, but would it be possible to have reddish and blueish flames for the respective Pyros?.......I'm not holding my's not a big deal.

The Medic
One idea I like might bring the Medic down a peg, seeing as many think he very powerful. The Medic should be mostly immune to an enemy Medic's poison, but not totally. Exposure should affect the Medic for like 3-5 secs. It would also spice up the Medic vs Medic fights. Maybe he could have purple dots around him? Infected Medics should explode upon contact with another infected medic......just kidding on that one.

As a last resort, make it so you can't throw any nades while conced. It would reduce the effectiveness of concers, who some hate, and encourage them to be more used as an offensive tool, which is rarely done.

The HW
Just repeating a prior suggestion, that he should damage people when he lands on them. More of a gee-whiz tweak.

-I have a feeling that this thread is going to end up in the "Ideas and Suggestions" area.

KubeDawg 11-02-2007 01:25 PM

lol yeah I don't know how many times I ran around the corner after being hit with a hal grenade and seeing a real grenade and trying to jump out of the way, only to realize it was fake. While I don't think the current effect should be removed, I think hallucination's should be brought back.

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