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trepid_jon 03-04-2015 03:12 AM

Source 2


I like all of that.

Headz 03-05-2015 10:03 PM

Sounds like pretty good timing to me, ff gets on steam soon, draws in old and new players, hopefully some of those will be talented enough to take ff to source2 with some old and existing devs, it could become reality.

I read ( forgot link ) that you can import .vmf into the new hammer, so there is plenty of porting to be done while you code professors are busy.

Looking forward to the new tools and improving my own mapping.

If enough people get on board I see it could move very quickly onto a new engine. All in all, quite excited about ff's future potential.

trepid_jon 03-06-2015 07:29 AM

Yeah, I think it's great timing. Whenever we get access to this stuff, we'll all be able to do some pretty amazing stuff.

The vive/vibe sounds good too, all the VR stuff is pretty much on point.

It's just time to make and release some new stuff.

Starscre4M 03-11-2015 02:17 AM

Some pics of the Portal VR demo on Source 2

trepid_jon 03-12-2015 04:49 PM

I like how they're just screenshots of some portal stuff.

I have this theory the only reason we haven't seen hl3 stuff is because valve is waiting for mainstream vr previews.

PHISH 06-17-2015 11:08 PM

Sneak preview of source2?

As part of the dota2 reborn beta they revealed some source2 tools/features

I can definitely see some of what they show here extending to general source2 mod tools in the future (LUA integration....sounds familiar!). It's promising to see how much effort they seem to be putting into making things EASIER to mod, including creating a marketplace around it.

trepid_jon 06-20-2015 06:02 AM

Yeah it is nice seeing a good focus on tool usability.

I went to that and afterward talked to Lombardi, asked about licensing and whatnot. He seemed receptive and said to send an email. With any luck, at least some answers could come from this. He hinted that it's close to being ready for folks like us to which I replied something about how we can help get it ready amiright...

I should add he may have been specifically talking about just SDK access vs actually licensing, I have no idea. It was a brief interaction and I kinda babbled a bit haha

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