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daPope 09-16-2007 01:48 PM

[Request] discard on forward

I want all classes except the engineer to discard when I press the uparrow key which is also my key of choise for walking forward.
I've tried it several times last evening but I only succeeded at discarding but walking forward wouldn't work no more.
How to do this?

Thanks in advance

PorkChopVII 09-16-2007 02:02 PM

of course for the other classes just have this in the cfg file, kinda tricky but you do need to create it like this

alias +disforward "+forward; discard"
alias -disforward "-forward"
bind w "+disforward"

then for hte engineer.cfg just put this in
bind w "+foward"

and there ya go :D if it doesnt work right message me on what was the expierence and ill tweek it..

daPope 09-16-2007 03:18 PM

Works like a charm!

Ihmhi 09-16-2007 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by PorkChopVII
then for hte engineer.cfg just put this in
bind w "+forward"

Fixed. d:

PorkChopVII 09-17-2007 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ihmhi
Fixed. d:

what needed to be fixed :D

SoBe Green 09-18-2007 06:00 PM

But you are of course making it impossible to assist those engys in battle. :-P

EquilibriuM 09-22-2007 02:19 PM

ok i tried the bind alias it discards for all classes like it should but the engy still cant move forward i also use uparrow to move forward plz help FTW !

Acciaccatura 09-22-2007 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by ZeRo SkillZ
ok i tried the bind alias it discards for all classes like it should but the engy still cant move forward i also use uparrow to move forward plz help FTW !

Add the line:

bind "UPARROW" "+forward"

to your engineer.cfg file.

PorkChopVII 09-23-2007 02:20 AM

lol figured he read my whole post could have figured that out too :( glad someone pays attention

DarK_TaO 09-23-2007 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by PorkChopVII
lol figured he read my whole post could have figured that out too :( glad someone pays attention

For my cfgs I had to get discard out of engy. And in some cases, some the spy and engy, get bugged and don't stop going forward on respawn, so I had to bind a key to "-forward;-back;-moveright;-moveleft" and my problems were solved, i just click that every time I spawn

In the class.cfg:

alias +antibug "-forward; WC; -back; WC; -moveleft ; WC -moveright"
alias -antibug "bind mouse1 +attack"

bind mouse1 "+antibug"

rannibunny 09-24-2007 10:30 AM

That's nearly my Autodiscard+Autoreload config.
With PgUP pgDN, you can toggle between attacking(autodiscarding) and defending.
After Firing, you start reloading
And the stuff that happened to the movement keys is for zigzagging.
Instead of alternatingly hammering the two keys, you can hold one key and hammer the other. (If you don't believe me, feel free to complain about how it doesn't work, without even trying ^^)


say_team "I'm playing as %c on Defense"
alias disco ""


say_team "I'm playing as %c on Offense"
alias disco "discard"


alias +attagg "-reload; +attack"
alias -attagg "-attack; +reload"

alias fb "f; b"
alias lr "l; r"
alias f ""
alias b ""
alias l ""
alias r ""
alias +f "-back; +forward; disco; alias f +forward"
alias -f "-forward; alias f wait; fb"
alias +b "-forward; +back; disco; alias b +back"
alias -b "-back; alias b wait; fb"

alias +l "-moveright; +moveleft; disco; alias l +moveleft"
alias -l "-moveleft; alias l wait; lr"
alias +r "-moveleft; +moveright; disco; alias r +moveright"
alias -r "-moveright; alias r wait; lr"


bind w +f
bind s +b
bind a +l
bind d +r

bind mouse1 +attagg

bind "PGDN" "exec beDef.cfg"
bind "PGUP" "exec beOff.cfg"

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