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angrypyro 07-07-2010 08:35 PM

Ways to defeat Sniper at long range
I was wondering what the best way to defeat a sniper from far away was. Other than being a sniper yourself of course.

The things I've tried so far are: Engineer's rail gun and Soldier's rockets
Are there any other methods?
Is the single shotgun effective for this task?

mervaka 07-07-2010 08:57 PM

cr_sniper 0

but seriously, there's been tons of discussion about this. the sniper rifle really is in a world of its own. discussion has usually devolved to a pro/anti sniper flamewar.

Pixel 07-07-2010 09:59 PM

If I'm not being serious I'll spy cloak and tranq snipers from across the map.

Crazycarl 07-07-2010 11:35 PM

Spy cloak if they are distracted. Medic conc attack. Demoman pipe jump.

Bridget 07-08-2010 09:31 AM

The best way to defeat Sniper is to remove it from the game.

NeonLight 07-08-2010 02:19 PM

Aaaand here we go :rolleyes:

moosh 07-08-2010 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Bridget (Post 472654)
The best way to defeat Sniper is to remove it from the game.

Best way to beat someone in a sniper argument is to just shut the fuck up. ;)

Bridget 07-08-2010 07:39 PM

That's something a Sniper would do. Cower a mile away and not fight like a man.

To the original poster: You can't beat a Sniper from far away. That's what makes it an unfair class. Every other class has some way to deal with one another given they all fight within about the same range of one another. The only practical counter to Sniper is another Sniper. Your best bet is to not even fight at long range. Invest your time in closing the distance.

Then, feel free to camp the Sniper until he cries about how you're not supposed to be able to kill him, as Snipers have some false sense of immunity and consider self-defense to be spawn camping because they choose to pick people off at their spawn for the ease of running back in when an actual challenge comes along. Do this until they ragequit. Watch out though, Snipers usually play up to the admins, who will ban you for being angry at a class that doesn't actually play the game because it was implemented as a tiebreaker class to appeal to those sitting on the fence: "Hm, look at all these classes. They all look pretty tough. Oh, hey, Sniper! I can shoot people across the map without having to worry about them fighting back. This game's awesome."

For bonus fun, go Scout and throw concussion grenades up on the Sniper decks of various maps. The Snipers' aim will be messed up for a long time due to the terrible concussion mechanic, which I would normally find pathetic to use considering it's such a bad counter-intuitive mechanic, but when it's going to use toward Snipers? Have at it!

GenghisTron 07-08-2010 08:50 PM

Bridget, TF2 zealot.

Bridget 07-08-2010 09:20 PM

I hate Snipers in Team Fortress 2.

Lynus 07-09-2010 08:11 PM

in a ctf game, ive yet to have trouble with an offensive or defensive sniper.
in avd and escape maps spies wreck snipers.

angrypyro 07-10-2010 06:44 AM

Hmm I guess there isn't any real effective counter then. Why doesn't the Fortress Forever mod team just add long range weapons for a couple other classes then?

squeek. 07-10-2010 08:03 AM

Because long range doesn't fit very well with the game as a whole. The sniper class is a carryover from previous versions of Team Fortress and will likely see an overhaul in the future.

We had a huge discussion about the sniper fairly recently in this thread.

episkopos 07-11-2010 10:25 PM

The problem with the sniper is that he is overpowered when it comes to dealing with other players, but in terms of attacking or defending objectives he is far less useful.

He is out of place: an immobile long-range class in a game that emphasises movement skills and medium-range combat.

Bridget 07-12-2010 07:23 AM

^ This man speaks the truth.

Hammock 07-12-2010 05:48 PM

It all depends on how good the sniper really is. I can out snipe a sniper with the single shotty if they're only an average sniper.

Luckily FF only has a handfull of pro snipers that actually cause annoyances.

I really don't care about them in full on pub matches, the just add another element to them. Where I dislike them is when there's low numbers, we're playing a small 2v2 - 3v3 OvD ctf match, then a sniper comes in and ruins thing. Since there's only 2 O to watch out for and it's OvD he knows where to sit and wait with his little red dot to make easy kills, without any fears of being harassed.

I also dislike snipers on the map express, they should be disabled on that map, or atleast have an option to vote to disable them (only for that map though).

This map is the number 1 map where the problem I stated above occurs. Having a fun 2v2 OvD going on, then 1 sniper joins the game either side, and just fucks it all up. It's different if the map gets voted on for next round, and there's already 20 people in the server, who cares what's going on, but there's pleanty of times just 2-3 people will be playing and then someone comes in and goes sniper, talk about frustrating.

episkopos 07-13-2010 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock (Post 472768)
It all depends on how good the sniper really is. I can out snipe a sniper with the single shotty if they're only an average sniper.

How can you outsnipe a sniper with a weapon that does 4 damage per shot at long range, when he has a gun that does a minimum of 45 damage per shot at any range and doesn't even shoot that much slower?

Hammock 07-13-2010 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by episkopos (Post 472807)
How can you outsnipe a sniper with a weapon that does 4 damage per shot at long range, when he has a gun that does a minimum of 45 damage per shot at any range and doesn't even shoot that much slower?

I have a zoom script that lets me zoom in a bit with the weapon. Even though it does small damage, there's still a spray on it, so doesn't need to be deadly accurate, so long as my cross hairs are on him, he's getting hit, where he has to be spot on to inflict any damage.

I'm usually a solly when doing it, so I have way more HP's and armor, and I have rockets I shoot at him to distract him, maybe I'll get lucky and 1 of them will even hit him.

Other than that, it's just strafing side to side unpredictabley to avoid getting hit.

KubeDawg 07-13-2010 09:01 PM

In other news, the FF dev team has released FF 2.5 with a new weapon for the sniper replacing his nailgun. Ladies and gents, I give you the SNIPER SHOTGUN.

episkopos 07-13-2010 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock (Post 472824)
I have a zoom script that lets me zoom in a bit with the weapon. Even though it does small damage, there's still a spray on it, so doesn't need to be deadly accurate, so long as my cross hairs are on him, he's getting hit, where he has to be spot on to inflict any damage.

I'm usually a solly when doing it, so I have way more HP's and armor, and I have rockets I shoot at him to distract him, maybe I'll get lucky and 1 of them will even hit him.

Other than that, it's just strafing side to side unpredictabley to avoid getting hit.

But that won't work unless the sniper is someone like me who can't hit a moving target with that bloody rifle. P:

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