Fortress Forever

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o_ginger lord 08-02-2005 09:47 AM

Mulch_Trench Remake
If you've been keeping up with my Epicenter remake you'll know that Mulchman has kindly given me permission to remake his map, mulch_trench.

Whilst I won't be starting on this the moment I hit "Submit" I'd like to get some background info on the map. I played TFC devoutly every moment I could around 2000-02. Then I switched to DoD and all but forgot TFC, recently I've got back into it but I have forgotten a lot of the tactics etc for most of the custom maps.

So what I'm asking you all is to input what you liked and disliked about mulch_trench and what you'd like to see in it.

Gameplay style
Map styles
Little quirks
Things to keep
Things to get rid of!
Clipping issues
Def/Off issues.

Post away!

o_donny 08-02-2005 11:52 AM

I have not played that map, or I have but just not remember the name...
I have to look in to this :?

o_kam 08-02-2005 03:04 PM

Spammy as fuck tbh. Any half decent dm meds can clean it out and it doesn't help that it's tight and enclosed (hi tfc nade radius). I must say it's awesome to play offence on, but totally MEH to defend.

Good thing is that spies are effective on it. Yard is originalish and the high battlements makes it harder to conc up there and something you have to learn sorta.

Offense never take the tele when they spawn bottom and end up going out via stairs and get spammed a bit~
Top can be really boring to defend, not very fun and both easy and hard :|
Resup pretty far away and bag in attic only gives a bit of armour (but one gren1). Bottom entrance is one of the easiest choke points to spam in the world.

umm yeah it has more good points but cbf atm~

omega 08-02-2005 03:49 PM

you'll need to make it a lot more defensive. i think the main problem is that the offense has the high ground on the fake flag defender, making it extremely easy for them to just toss nades down over and over to kill him. if you reversed this, I think it'd help it a lot. the upper ramproom is alright, although i think the flagroom is slightly cramped (and too dark).

o_fresh 08-02-2005 03:50 PM

*less grens
*more fluid resup
*more space in the base itself instead of loads of unused space outside
*Origional balk height was good, posed a challange
*FR is messy and wierd and tight
*Upper level to attick is good, ramps in the RR good for a slide to attick
*Corners to tight, corridors too short
*Texture theme not to brilliant
*Midmap was abit crap / square
*Sounds were nice, keep them imo.


o_pussyhunter 08-02-2005 04:34 PM

For me:

Resups are too far from the flag room,
the balcony serves no real purpose as a route in or out,
the spiral steps in the lower RR (although pretty) just get in the way,
& (as pointed) out the offy have a massive advantage due to the 2(3 if you include lift) elevated spam positions at the lower choke point.

Lot of work needed to balance it out yet remain true to the original...

Mulchman MM 08-02-2005 04:43 PM


yeah, the map is highly offense oriented. tbh, i've never played defense on the map myself nor wanted to.

the flag room is dark as crap and hard to tell teams apart

the 1.5 patch made the high battlements suck and the battlement to battlement conc nearly impossible for even scouts but i still would like a tall battlements :P

and the fake flag area gets spammed like a mofo

i like the lightning quick lifts (hate waiting for elevators and such)

and let me say it again, the 1.5 patch made the battlements suck

edit: some switch or button to hit that would kill all the snipers outside would be nice too

edit: edit: that sniper killing switch was a joke

edit: edit: edit: no it wasn't

o_docwolfe 08-02-2005 05:25 PM

aye was a very fast paced map, caps almost happening every 5 minutes. One of the things about this map I enjoyed was that it was fairly easy to do battlements->battlements concs ;) think that was one of the reasons it was so fast paced.

The actual trench was an absolute spam hole too :P so it was always a good idea to avoid it

o_drtom 08-02-2005 05:29 PM

all the things people are moening about is what makes a map a map.

i LIKE the fact that if your a d sol and youve got a match coming up on mulch your bricking it before you even start.
i LIKE the fact that its basically a cap race and defs only job is to slow the other offy down so your offy cap more.
i LIKE the fact its dark and you can hide in there, and you think the frs clear and then some scout comes zooming out of the corner.
i LIKE the fact it makes you paranoid if your shooting your own def or something.

take all that away and youve got what? a mulch_trench shaped 2fort? woo...

o_prankster 08-02-2005 05:30 PM

hmm so in other words just make a new map :P

o_ginger lord 08-02-2005 05:48 PM

After talking with MM about it we've decided to actually have a trench *shock horror* in the map, not a little dip.

It'll be a nice simple trench system in the middle providing semi cover from the spam etc, making the bottom route and I quote "not a HWGAY spam".

I can keep the darkness, but make it decent like having light where the paths are but keep dark areas for people poncing around in the corners.

Jiggles 08-02-2005 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by drtom
all the things people are moening about is what makes a map a map.

i LIKE the fact that if your a d sol and youve got a match coming up on mulch your bricking it before you even start.
i LIKE the fact that its basically a cap race and defs only job is to slow the other offy down so your offy cap more.
i LIKE the fact its dark and you can hide in there, and you think the frs clear and then some scout comes zooming out of the corner.
i LIKE the fact it makes you paranoid if your shooting your own def or something.

take all that away and youve got what? a mulch_trench shaped 2fort? woo...

I agree. Trench was unique for these reasons. I've always found the batt-to-batt conc on Trench to be much easier than the 2fort one. Against a good yard HW, the battlements became a vital entrance. Plus, if you want to run a Spy, a Medic can get on the battlements and rain grenades on the HW, while the Spy slips by.

I also really liked the quake textures used on the map - I'd consider making some custom ones of a similar style.

Make sure you keep the ridges in the yard that make easy drop conc assists possible.

Finally, make the fake flag glass breakable, so the O can take that flag too! And make it worth 10000 points. :wink:

o_zsleek7 08-02-2005 07:14 PM

I saw this AVI one time of a demo guarding his FF with mirvs and blue pipes. It was an american match, forgot which clans though. Lets just say he had a very unpopular way of doing it :) . I think that should be fixed!

Put a ladder next to that ledge near the FF so offy can go to batts easier
Maybe even put a gren bag up on the batts so people are encouraged to conc over.
Also i would remove the raised flag platform, but thats just a personal preference.

o_jackal 08-02-2005 08:30 PM

rofl, hopspam.avi

o_kam 08-03-2005 12:52 AM

lol ^

p.s drtom is offy bias :p

o_sid6.7 08-03-2005 02:10 AM

fix the bottom. i think it would be a better map if you made the lower door and the ff the same height, and moved those stupid stairs. the stairs can be moved to right next to the lower door so they let the o still attack from the balcony.

o_ginger lord 08-03-2005 09:41 AM

So...key things to do:
  • High Battlements
  • Better no mans land, possible mini trench network
  • Keep the darkness, but make it balanced/useful
  • Better Resupply/easier routes to it.
  • Make Battlements useful besides conc'ing across
  • Make it purdy!

o_pussyhunter 08-03-2005 09:42 AM

I'd like to see how ginger can continue his 'no-ladder' policy on this one... :-)

o_ginger lord 08-03-2005 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by PussyHunter
I'd like to see how ginger can continue his 'no-ladder' policy on this one... :-)


o_pussyhunter 08-03-2005 03:54 PM

<mr.burns> Excellent </mr.burns>

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