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GambiT 02-25-2008 06:32 PM

update 6-20-08

ensiform 02-25-2008 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by GambiT
work in progress so be nice, act like dicks and i'll confine the SS's to the beta section out of your view.

Very nice. :twisted:

Looks really close to the current media tbh.

Dr.Satan 02-25-2008 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by GambiT
Rock2 is far i have a little more than what you see in the media for rock2. i kept the same look in the yard as in those SS's.

^ ;)

Firefox11 02-25-2008 07:41 PM




Get tis done! NAO!

Seriously now, it looks freaking sweet. When is it released? =P
By the way, the rain eats lots of FPS?

GambiT 02-25-2008 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Firefox11
By the way, the rain eats lots of FPS?

no, its so minimal i dont think it will have much of an impact, i will compile with and without it later to see. if it does, well, i'll just pull it out, or decrease the amount until it doesnt effect fps. right now its at 5% out of 100%, so its not much. also, at the moment it is un-optimized.

MightyLotu 02-25-2008 09:00 PM

if you could make the inside sorta look like that hl2 map dm_lockdown or something, that would be tight

at the gas chamber you could put an electric chair somewhere, so when the switch gets pulled, you can see it spark (possibly make the lights near the gas chamber flash with sounds when it gets pulled)

DarkieJ 02-25-2008 09:07 PM

Wow really cool to see, GambiT
And so quick, You need to do allot work i know to finish it but plz work faster haha cant wait! Seriously its really nice what you are doing and if you need some ideas just post here :p


GambiT 02-25-2008 09:28 PM

i'm planning on having a really nice siren sound when the key is capped(gas started), flashing lights are not a good idea as they drastically decrease fps(for some ppl), but i was thinking about a spining kinda light like you would see at a jail(ya know?)

also, i welcome any ideas that you may have, may not use them, still they might lead us to better ideas, feel free to post, but be nice, i dont do well with dicks...

as far as the look goes, i'm trying to go with a realistic jail type setting, but i have to dumb it down for gameplay ya know, i think the end result will be very nice.

ensiform 02-25-2008 09:33 PM

Don't forget nobuilds around the gas chamber door areas. (Maybe a few units out of both sides too).

I assume there is still going to be secret entrance from behind detpack wall to the library, no? Where bookcase is a hidden door from button.

Hirohito 02-25-2008 09:36 PM

Those screenshots rock, dude!

GambiT 02-25-2008 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by ensiform
I assume there is still going to be secret entrance from behind detpack wall to the library, no? Where bookcase is a hidden door from button.

i have no idea what your talking about...screenshots??

Bully 02-25-2008 11:55 PM

Nice ;)

zE 02-26-2008 12:05 AM

cool but
Rock2 rocks! but i think the majority of players prefer to play a clear map and medium size one, than a huge and dark map, in my server i notice that a lot.
Like FF team darkened a lot crossover2, its ok to give some sun to rock2 ^^

GambiT 02-26-2008 12:09 AM

well i can brighten it up a lil bit, but i see everywhere very clearly. although i did notice while looking at the SS's today at work on my computer that they look very dark. but right now on my computer they seem brighter. i dunno. i dont want it to be bright because one of the things i liked about rock2 was the ability to crouch in a corner or against a wall in the yard and not be seen in most cases(unless they are looking for you of coarse). i will try to find a nice medium, maybe brighten up the surrounding lights a lil bit instead of the light_environment, please remember i just started on this map, its a work in progress...

ensiform 02-26-2008 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by GambiT
i have no idea what your talking about...screenshots??

These of course not TFC but it was supposedly based on the original layout from Leon's QWTF version. At least according to Q3F's site (ETF was basically Q3F2.3 with fixes and such)

GambiT 02-26-2008 02:57 AM

ok i thought you meant in tfc. i really dont see that being added, i dunno. let me build a lil more of it and look at other options.

greenday5494 02-26-2008 02:57 AM

gamit, please, please keep in mind that rain and fog interfere with the spy's shaders. test alot before realsing!

ensiform 02-26-2008 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by GambiT
ok i thought you meant in tfc. i really dont see that being added, i dunno. let me build a lil more of it and look at other options.

Alright. Was loads of fun so please keep this in mind. Even if you TFC vets never had it...

PS that door only opens from the button on inside.

greenday5494 02-26-2008 03:04 AM

oh, and i almost forgot, there was something about the jail cells in QWTF, i cant remeber i read it somewhere, it was a preview of TFC 0_o. if someone remembers speak up

GambiT 02-26-2008 03:05 AM

there will be NO fog, just to clear that up, lol.

i'm well aware that fog pretty much renders the cloak useless..

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