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truplaya 10-29-2014 07:42 PM

FF Revival In Progress?
So FF is greenlit now, when does the public actually access it through steam / release date, so at this point are we just waiting on steam? If i see some more players comin into the pubs/community on a reg basis I think im gonna start playing again seriously as I would hope the rest of the old community.

Watching some vids of neon's in his you tube channel made me remember the good old days of FF before things started to trail off. I miss the old faces, shit talking, good pickups and league play. I loved the toxic community. I want it back, hopefully this is what's gonna get together the fans of the game again.

Hope to see everyone soon and click on each other on our computer screens and talk shit and start the hierarchy all over again.


aleXtric 10-30-2014 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by truplaya (Post 504584)
I miss the old faces, shit talking, good pickups and league play. I loved the toxic community. I want it back, hopefully this is what's gonna get together the fans of the game again.

THIS. Haven't had toxicity in my life in so long. I miss it. Fuck all of you


Originally Posted by truplaya (Post 504584)
Hope to see everyone soon and click on each other on our computer screens and talk shit and start the hierarchy all over again.

I am still on top. Headmin hasn't been passed down. Can't wait to ban you all again.

Features- 10-30-2014 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by aleXtric (Post 504585)
THIS. Haven't had toxicity in my life in so long. I miss it. Fuck all of you

I am still on top. Headmin hasn't been passed down. Can't wait to ban you all again.

Think you unbanned me more than you have banned me. Thank you sir.

truplaya 11-01-2014 04:24 PM

alex u never banned me i dont think, and also, you wont be on top for long, post ff greenlight 2014 headmin elections approaching and my vote will probably be for stiffy LOL JKJ KJ, i think i would vote for angry bob, he would bring a lot of fun and be a cut throat abusive dictator. No offense stiffy i think you are very fit for management.

Stiffy 11-06-2014 09:09 AM

I just read all of the good news and it makes me smile baby :mrgreen:! I have to say, I honestly miss all of you f0rtress fagg0tz more than I'd like to admit! I have tried for months to find a game to play on the reg but there's nothing out there that can hold my attention for more than a short while.

As for new headmin elections after FF is officially Greenlight, I have only one thing to say:

Have you stepped outside your 'box' to view yourself with your mind's eye recently? Probably not, but that's understandable baby! Not everyone has the mental capability to journey to such a far out wavelength, which is why you should vote StiffyBabyyy for Headmin 2015. Let a seasoned and ego-less traveler who isn't afraid to admit his faults help bring the community back to the people through positivity and good vibes!

VOTE FORThe King AKA StiffyBaby!!!! AKA StiffMyWiff for Headmin 2015.

Warning: This has not been paid for by TheKingStiffyBaby, but he DOES approve this message.

aleXtric 11-06-2014 09:39 AM

do you guys even comprehend FF? there are no elections, there is no democracy. the power is passed down from headmin to headmin, I will pass down my legacy when I see fit. I am the true King unlike the self proclaimed "KingFagg0tHater" Mr. Jimmy.

FDA_Approved 11-06-2014 12:10 PM

Mutiny. Kill the king.

XPelargos 11-06-2014 07:21 PM

Clearly, headmin can only go to another Alex.

Move over, chumps.

truplaya 11-07-2014 10:30 PM

now were getting somewhere...

I don't care about a headmin election but I will comment.

Stiffy is obviously very enticing for many reasons...

Alex's lion king VHS cassette is still stuck in his mom's mini van vcr, which is still his current vehicle.

Neon is on point with his shit all around and likes to swing his big balls around as well.

Squeek would be jesus headmin, the overall best choice.

Anyways, start pubbing more and start coming in and idling in ff pickup again old faces because shit needs to get rolling again. Just in the last couple weeks since i have started playing again ive seen more regulars coming in and out and we've had some fun games, although i would like to see more pickups.

KubeDawg 11-07-2014 11:18 PM

Squeek has much work to do. He therefore cannot devote time to headmin.

I nominate Stiffy.

Oreoman 11-08-2014 12:00 AM

i will tongue punch all of your fart boxes

homie in reboks' 11-08-2014 01:43 AM

6/8 please add

NeonLight 11-08-2014 01:46 AM


homie in reboks' 11-08-2014 01:52 AM

go back to your league of legends arams with PoC nerd

Peppas 11-08-2014 03:50 AM

truplaya 11-09-2014 01:53 AM

full server on Saturday night!!! yea baby...
19 peeeps
revolutionary 9:53 est

aleXtric 11-09-2014 09:16 AM

I feel like everyones forgetting how much we all hate Stiffy, you'll all remember soon I'm sure. I can't believe I used to call Stiffy's phone on a daily basis when he'd disappear for 15 minutes the second after a pickup filled.

"Sorry Caitlyn made me get her a coconut bar"
"Did it fill? Oh it did? I'm so sorry Mr aleXtric" (he voted for a map literally 3 minutes prior and left a wall of text about how hes going to the bathroom and will be back shortly)

truplaya 11-10-2014 09:55 PM

as stiffy and i both know, girls and FF (or 30 min non stop pickups to be exact) do not mix. If you play FF and ignore your woman for a second then you're prob not gonna get any pussy. Unless you fall into some god given miracle situation like pike an hasenfefr have where they both ff and have sex and eat all day, 1 in a million scenario, girls and ff pickups don't mix. Maybe you can once your bitch is gone out or to work or maybe the warden has gone to bed early...that's a prime time ff window.

I don't care if the bitch is 300lb+... if she plays ff, cooks and gives a good slurp every once in a bit - then shes for me, (lady death u still out there,you can make a hot pocket/ pop tart combo right?)

Be wise, don't follow in the footsteps of angry bob and lose your first marriage over ff / tfc, although it is tempting....

Dexter 11-11-2014 02:49 AM

i can cook hot pockets

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