Fortress Forever

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cownaetion 01-15-2008 01:51 PM

Orange Box SDK problems? Anyone else?
I'm almost finished with my free lancing projects so I'd like to get the SDK setup so I can just jump right in and start when I do finish. Problem is I bought the Orange Box and after installing that I cannot get anything to compile. At first FF would not even load up in Hammer. I had to edit the gameinfo.txt and replace the application id with TF2's id. Now I can do everything except compile and this isn't just FF specific. I can't compile anything, whether it's HL2DM, TF2, Portal, or what not. I'm not at the computer now so I can't get the exact error message but I believe it had to do with the compiling programs; VVIS wouldn't create the '.bsp'. I scoured Valve's site for answers but all I found was a nice disclaimer note stating that "Orange Box fixed some bugs but created a lot of other bugs." So I'm gonna put my money on that but this was right after Orange Box was released.

So has anyone had the same problem or would even know why the problem exists? I've tried wiping Steam out, and not installing Orange Box, just installing the SDK through Steam. However that creates another problem. All the SDK files are now the ones used in the Orange Box product and when I goto load up Hammer, it only shows TF2, Portal, or EP2 in the 'Current Game' list, when I don't even have the games installed. I wiped Steam again, this time replacing my whole XP partition back to it's vanilla state (I have an image of XP right after an install with updates and settings set before anything has been installed after) and still goes back to Orange Box.

My fix for the moment is to reinstall HL2 from the CDs I have and just add FF and work that way. But the problem is I need TF2 for my next map cause I plan on developing the same map for TF2 and FF.

Any help or information on Valve's great assortment of shi..., I mean buggy, software would be great. Thanks for your time, sorry for the lengthy post but tried being as detailed as possible.

BlisTer 01-15-2008 05:08 PM

You have to set the launch option of Source SDK to "-engine ep1", and you have to pick the vbsp, vvis and vrad from the $SteamUserDir\sourcesdk\bin\ep1\bin\
directory, and finally you have to set your vmf folder inside the fortress forever folder and you have to compile with steam.exe as executable and set -applaunch 215 in the compile options' last line.

cownaetion 01-15-2008 08:28 PM

Yes I've found those set of instructions and still doesn't work. When I set it to engine episode 1, it doesn't even work. And the original compile programs have been replaced with the ones under Orange Box, hence the problem I tried installing without Orange Box and it still installed them. I haven't tried the applaunch so I'll try that but I don't think it's going to help the other build files. Right now I'm just trying to get it to compile TF2 maps, I can always set up a dual boot config with one image with FF compile and another image as TF2 compile. I'll let you know how it goes, thanks for the response.

GambiT 01-15-2008 09:01 PM

you dont need -engine ep1 or whatever to compile tf2 maps, we're talking about FF here, you are on the Fortress Forever forums you know.

sorry to be rude, but why the hell would you ask us to help you compile TF2 maps?

own3r 01-15-2008 09:51 PM

Now that its working with FF build and test with FF then install TF2 later, cross that bridge when you get there.

cownaetion 01-16-2008 12:38 AM

I see my topic still isn't clear. Originally before I installed Orange Box, everything worked dandy. FF and everything else played/compiled just fine. After installing Orange Box, the Hammer editor got awry. It automatically reset the Current Game list with the games that came with Orange Box (TF2, Portal, Ep2). No big deal, just setup Hammer for FF again. Did that, couldn't load up Hammer with FF's gameinfo.txt. Had to replace the application ID to match one of the pre-existing mods (even though FF is there). Ok, so now after doing that, I can go back to making my maps with Hammer, however I cannot compile, but not just FF, TF2 or any mod as well. That's the problem. I cannot compile FF, TF2, Portal, nada. My solution for FF was to go back and reinstall the 5-disc version of HL2 when it first came out and then add FF. That's redundant and shouldn't have to. The point of asking here is because I know many people have installed Orange Box as well and are using the newly acquired Orange Box SDK files and am asking if they have ran into the same problems, and if so have figured out a solution or at least know why. If you can't help GambiT, please don't respond as it is over your head so it appears. The topic isn't meant for TF2 specific, it's for figuring out why FF and along with it all other bugs, are just that, bugged. Using 'Ep 1' as a parameter is a fix on Valve's website for the Orange Box distro so technically, yes, you would need it. However like I've stated it breaks the editor, doesn't even load. If Valve could actually produce something that worked right I'd be amazed but you can only work with what you've got.

So, in short, nothing compiles, the original SDK build files were/are replaced with the ones from Orange Box when installing/updating. I could hunt down the original SDK to even see if that works but then I couldn't compile for the newer mods, (Portal, TF2, etc). So is anyone using the current build files from Orange Box for FF and if so is it very recent that you've been or as soon as Orange Box was released (November). Thanks.

nodnarb 01-17-2008 02:46 AM

The problem is that you don't have "-engine ep1" in your launch options for source sdk.

-=Roland=- 01-17-2008 02:58 AM

I also have -nop4 in my launch options. Don't remember what it fixes, but I needed it to run right.

Of course for EP2 and TF2 you don't need those, so a lot of people are setting up desktop icons to start each way.

Also mind posting your gameconfig.txt? Might be something stupid like my problem

Pixel 01-17-2008 03:04 AM

I think your problem is you write too much...

cownaetion 01-17-2008 04:13 AM

Brandon, when you learn how to read, please come back. I've already stated that I've used it and it doesn't work. Pixel, no one's forcing you to read unless there is a gun to your head then I do sympathize for you. Roland, I thought so too about the gameinfo.txt so I cracked it open but it's all legit. I went back on Valve's site to scour any more information and I found a couple posts that have the same problem. Now that I'm on the computer that hosts the SDK, the actual error I get is that the 'system cannot find the file.' Hence, all files are there, even remapped everything so there could be no misconceptions in the directory/file structure. No one on the site found a fix either but after tinkering around some more I've found that it's just a bug that, how the hell they screwed it up is beyond me, but their batch processing. It doesn't run the compile programs with any parameters, even though it says it is. I've tried every combo but it's a no-go, so I tried it from the command line and it worked. A bit of a hassle to go through, especially when your tweaking it for every little thing but I'll just have to set up my own batch files and write a script to monitor the directory I store the .VMF's in and to just recreate the batch file with the newest created file, so I don't have to keep opening it up and hard-coding it in.

Thanks to all who tried to help, appreciate it. If anyone would know how to fix this bug now I'd love to hear it, but as far as finding a solution that's just gonna have to do for now. Thanks again.

BlisTer 01-17-2008 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by BlisTer
... you have to set your vmf folder inside the fortress forever folder...

You probably did this but i'm just making sure. As i think i got that 'system cannot find the file.' error too, when the folder of my .vmf wasn't somewhere within the fortressforever folder.

Darkness 01-18-2008 09:03 PM


First we have to change the launch options

So go to your tool section on steam.

Next Right click Source SKD and click properties

once your instead click on Set Launch Options

In the Box type -engine ep1 (some people might have to add a -nop4 after ep1)

Then click OK then click close, and start up Source SDK

Start up hammer with current game as Half life 2 then once started click the tools tab up top and click options

Next click Edit beside Configuration

Click Add

Type in Fortress Forever and click ok

Next Fortress Forever Should appear and if it does Click the Close button

Now you should be at Configure Hammer again, click the arrow next to Hl2 and click Fortress Forever

ok fill in all the information you see in this picture for your configuration (if you have something different use that then)

Game Data files
$SteamDir\steamapps\SourceMods\FortressForever\for tressforever.fgd

Texture Format
Materials (Half-Life2)

Map Type
Half-Life 2

Defualt PointEntity class

Default SolidEntity class

Default texture scale

Defualt lightmap scale

Cordon texture

Game Executable Directory

Game Directory

Hammer VMF Directory
$SteamDir\steamapps\SourceMods\FortressForever\map s

Next click the Build Programs Tab and under configuration click Fortress Forever

Next this section should look exactly like this

Game Executable

BSP Executable

VIS Executable

RAD Executable

Place compiled maps in this directory before running the game
$SteamDir\steamapps\SourceMods\FortressForever\map s

After that click apply and then ok, and exit hammer and under current game select Fortress Forever

After that start up hammer and you should be ready to go!!

nodnarb 01-20-2008 10:37 PM

cownaetion, please do not insult me. All I was doing was trying to help you. Everything you described was indicating that you are having problems with the lauch options. If you are only getting the Orangebox games, then it is because you have not included the -engine ep1 launch option.
Darkness' tutorial was very well put together. Please follow this verbatum.

Yours truly,

-=Roland=- 01-26-2008 03:37 AM

Beta Source SDK released today. You no longer need the EP1 and nop4 switches. Going to be brave and try it, wish me luck :)

nodnarb 01-26-2008 04:19 AM

you have to add an argument to your steam startup.

Dr.Satan 01-26-2008 06:49 AM

wait...what the fuck? I finally get it working and they fix it, or did they fix it?

BlisTer 01-26-2008 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by nodnarb
you have to add an argument to your steam startup.

put -beta srcsdk0122 in the STEAM shortcut (not the sdk shortcut).

The update includes:
* Half-Life 2: Episode Two game source code.
* Removal of the need to use command-line parameters to access the Episode One-era tools or the new studiomdl and vmex.
* Hammer 3D Lighting Preview (including 3D ray-traced).
* scenes.image compiler for choreography creators.
* Various bug fixes.

Nezumi 01-26-2008 10:51 AM

^if they got the vgui model browser working I'm gonna pee all over the walls.

Nezumi 01-26-2008 11:01 AM


How long did it take them to fix that? Was that like 2 1/2 months? Not a bad turnaround time for a crippling hammer bug, to be honest.

shadow 01-26-2008 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by BlisTer
* Hammer 3D Lighting Preview (including 3D ray-traced).

WHOA! I have to test this now!

edit: aww doesn't work with the ep1 engine...

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