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SomeOldGuy 01-12-2010 01:19 PM

The Disposable Worker

"Pay is falling, benefits are vanishing, and no one's job is secure. How companies are making the era of the temp more than temporary."

While I am a capitalist at heart, articles like the above scare me. Not for myself (although like many my company is holding on but barely and still waiting for the "turnaround")... I am afraid for the next and future generations. Greed and corporate narrow-sighted short-term bottom line decisions are painting a very bleak future for the generations to follow mine.

Don't know where it's all headed (and neither does anyone else), but the lack of concern, caring, and consideration for those not in power by those with it is not a good sign for our future. Not good at all.


Scuzzy 01-12-2010 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by SomeOldGuy (Post 462140)

"Pay is falling, benefits are vanishing, and no one's job is secure. How companies are making the era of the temp more than temporary."

While I am a capitalist at heart, articles like the above scare me. Not for myself (although like many my company is holding on but barely and still waiting for the "turnaround")... I am afraid for the next and future generations. Greed and corporate narrow-sighted short-term bottom line decisions are painting a very bleak future for the generations to follow mine.

Don't know where it's all headed (and neither does anyone else), but the lack of concern, caring, and consideration for those not in power by those with it is not a good sign for our future. Not good at all.


Too many individuals here have been coddled and grown up with a "I deserve" "you owe me" mentality. They have no real idea of what real work is. How many parents tell their kids that if they want that Ipod they'll have to get a paperroute, mow lawns, shovel driveways, walk dogs, etc, now-a-days? The school systems are creating individuals with a false inflated sense of self worth and entitlement. We've taught men and woman that commitment to family is conditional and disposable, "you can have kids and dump them and your wife for someone younger". All in the name of "love" and "peace". You get the workforce you create. This is the end result of failed social policies, a failing economic environment.


FrenchToast 01-12-2010 03:15 PM

Meh, I know one person who is truly spoiled. All my friends are paying for their own educations, have had part time jobs since Grade 9 or 10... It's a well known fact that every generation is discontent with the next one.

stray kitten 01-12-2010 07:23 PM

What also scares me is the increasing hostility towards corporations and globalization. Not the nature of globalization necessarily but our policies and how we are dealing with it. For example, we have to compete with some dudes in India or Malaysia or Eastern Europe and Africa in almost every field. Except maybe banking and congress is systematically destroying that industry. Another is medicine and we know where that is going as well. The government is continually spending money it does not have (greed and ignorance) even with less industry to drive tax revenue. While at the same time making it ever more difficult to conduct a business in this country. And speaking of greed, in a time of decreased jobs and tax revenues, congress and the executive takes money they don't have which was approved for a specific purpose (the dumbfuck bail out) and uses a big chunk to give out salary increases. Alot of us are lucky if we don't take pay cuts these days. And especially lucky that we have a job.

Shrink the economy / expand the government. That's good for our future. If you work for the government that is.

Credge 01-12-2010 07:29 PM

I'm not paying for my education, yaaaaaaaaaay.

But fuck anyone who thinks I think I'm entitled to it. I'm lucky and privileged and I'm grateful that my father has worked hard so I could get an education without working.

stray kitten 01-12-2010 07:31 PM

All that I ask as a tax payer is... you better fucking make good use of it. :D

FrenchToast 01-12-2010 07:46 PM

I lol greatly, because the system in the states, and to some degree canada is SO unbelievable borked. The price of tuition is retarded. If you want to moan about your population being stupid, then make education accessible.

uBeR 01-12-2010 10:13 PM

There appears to be a vicious cycle.

Iggy 01-12-2010 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by uBeR (Post 462206)
There appears to be a vicious cycle.

The truly sick part about this fact is that it's going to end up in a class war that's going to be insane. The last time such an event happened, it was peasants wielding farm tools against armies with swords and bow & arrow. This time around, it's going to be nasty, because of the weapons available to both sides.

Chances are, once the rich and powerfull are forced into a corner, they will bring out the military might. It will be similar to the "Machines vs Man scenario as seen in Terminator movies". The semi-poor that have weapons, will have to sneak around and strike with Guerilla/Terrorist tactics, while the rich/powerfull will be flying above in strike helecopters shooting at anything that moves. Anyone not armed or at least knowledgable about guerilla warfare, will, well, be eliminated with no problem.

As many will note, some of the more restrictive laws concerning legal gun ownership and use, will either limit the weapons available.... or make it easier for the government to swoop in and confiscate them as needed(read: at the start of it all).

Backstaber 01-13-2010 02:09 AM

I'm also one of those lucky fellows getting state tuition for my community college education, parents figured it's just about the best tax money spent so far.

But I also work at a place where a temporary work force is just that. It's a seasonal job during the summer, and the workers are treated like crap (minimum wage everywhere, even management who is part-time or seasonal makes crap (which I am)) while anyone who is full-time is making quite a living. You can tell when they come in and they have very fancy cars, yet the company itself is going bankrupt.

stray kitten 01-13-2010 06:05 PM

I didn't pay for my 1st degree. So at least for a large portion in this thread education is accessible through free tuition.

My second degree however I am STILLLLLL paying 200 a month for. And I didn't even really need it to get by. A pain in the ass when I want to buy a new boil kettle or circulating mash tun but also not bad and reasonably accessible.

FrenchToast 01-13-2010 09:51 PM

$200 a month is all you're paying? I think the program I'm looking at will be somewhere in the area of 10-12 thousand for a year.

stray kitten 01-13-2010 10:25 PM

That was financing almost 20k that covered 2 years of school.

Credge 01-14-2010 05:12 PM

Just a correction:

My father is paying 100% of my bill. Like, totally 100% of it. Everything about it.

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