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be_ 08-10-2017 08:52 AM

wtf, I remembered my login
seriously surprised I even remembered my username. wth is up guys? I once made a few youtube vids for FF back when youtube wasn't popular. wow, times have really changed. anyway, thought I'd look up FF for nostalgia cuz I've been seeing the words over and watch all over the internet lately. I finally fairly looked at some gameplay, and said to myself, "this is like tfc... this is like FF." And I don't even mean the game, necessarily, I mean the general attitude that seems to come out of it is starting to remind me of the fortress games. it's multiplayer, teams, class-based, fast-paced, supposedly competitive, but I'm not gonna comment on that since I haven't even played it yet. Anyway, I'm an adult now and I'm hearing some little kids talking about this game called overwatch and the way they talk about it, it's starting to remind me of the way I used to talk about these games. And a part of me wanted to slap the tablet out of their hands and say "noobs! you don't know team-based twitch-aiming competition. I mean yeah you have actual professional gaming now, but fuck, if pro-gaming had been around during Fortress-Forever's time, it would probably make overwatch "competitive players" look like scrubs!"

Anyway the moral of this story is I feel old, and I might try OW.

Iggy 08-11-2017 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by be_ (Post 511705)
Anyway, I'm an adult now

I'm sorry for your luck.


I still check in on the forums now and then. There isn't much activity, aside from the issues being addressed within the game itself. Such a shame, this used to be a very active forum.

Innoc 08-11-2017 05:05 PM

I still drive by from time to time as well.

be_ 08-11-2017 05:50 PM

What games are you guys playing nowadays? I have stayed away from almost all multiplayer games since FF. Nothing came close to that kinda badassery for me. Nothing! But that one modern game called Overwatch is making me start to think about trying it out. As for single-player, I just went through the remastered Bioshock trilogy.

Innoc 08-12-2017 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by be_ (Post 511708)
What games are you guys playing nowadays? I have stayed away from almost all multiplayer games since FF. Nothing came close to that kinda badassery for me. Nothing! But that one modern game called Overwatch is making me start to think about trying it out. As for single-player, I just went through the remastered Bioshock trilogy.

I absolutely love Fallout 4. Stalker Call of Pripyat also gets replay from me after all of these years. Love the post apocalypse genre. Plus I can play for 10 minutes and go back to what I was doing previously.

be_ 08-14-2017 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Innoc (Post 511709)
I absolutely love Fallout 4. Stalker Call of Pripyat also gets replay from me after all of these years. Love the post apocalypse genre. Plus I can play for 10 minutes and go back to what I was doing previously.

Sweet, I dig the post apocalyptic genre too. I once spent several months playing Fallout 3, and by playing, I mean adding a lot of mods and hoping I didn't break the game, haha. Making different mods compatible with eachother became kind of an obsession for me. I intend to give Fallout 4 a go eventually for sure. As for Stalker, that series has been on my list for some years. But I got the feeling it is going to be one of those games that I play for a long time, so I am saving it for the right occasion. There's a lot of good stuff out there.

caesium 08-15-2017 10:52 AM

Nice story.

Overwatch is alright...*sigh*... I play now and then (caesium#21806).

That's all I play other than maybe 20 mins of FF once a month or so when I see a busy server on a good map. I'm hopeful Quake Champions will be gud although I can't even be bothered to try it until it's out of beta and on steam. Also tempted to try LawBreakers but........*sigh* I guess it's not just you that's old :)

be_ 08-16-2017 06:33 AM

Hey caesium,

Pretty cool that you mentioned Lawbreakers. Well to add to my story here, I was practically opening my wallet to buy Overwatch when I stumbled onto something that was talking about Lawbreakers. It looked fast paced and more along the twitch-style of gameplay that I was looking for vs Overwatch. It kind of reminded me of Unreal Tournament with all the low gravity. Even the weapons and armors look similar. So I just got that one instead. I'm trying it out and getting my ass handed to me. Probably by fuckin kids... smh. But that's fine. Give me a few months and I'll figure it out.

As for FF, I checked out the Pyro Overhaul Teaser. That's some serious change :S
I think I'm the only one who was fine with original Pyro. In fact, he was all I played in TFC - in pubs of course. I'm sure no clan would have wanted that.

Innoc 08-19-2017 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by be_ (Post 511714)
Hey caesium,

Pretty cool that you mentioned Lawbreakers. Well to add to my story here, I was practically opening my wallet to buy Overwatch when I stumbled onto something that was talking about Lawbreakers. It looked fast paced and more along the twitch-style of gameplay that I was looking for vs Overwatch. It kind of reminded me of Unreal Tournament with all the low gravity. Even the weapons and armors look similar. So I just got that one instead. I'm trying it out and getting my ass handed to me. Probably by fuckin kids... smh. But that's fine. Give me a few months and I'll figure it out.

As for FF, I checked out the Pyro Overhaul Teaser. That's some serious change :S
I think I'm the only one who was fine with original Pyro. In fact, he was all I played in TFC - in pubs of course. I'm sure no clan would have wanted that.

Playing a solid pyro was an artform. If you could cross the gap to the fatass you could circle strafe him until you cooked him. But, yes, pub only. I was usually playing Demo, soldier or Scout at match time.

be_ 08-22-2017 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by Innoc (Post 511717)
Playing a solid pyro was an artform. If you could cross the gap to the fatass you could circle strafe him until you cooked him. But, yes, pub only. I was usually playing Demo, soldier or Scout at match time.

That and aiming/firing the rpg ahead of a scout or medic about to conc jump. Not as easy with distance and such a slow rocket. The spread of the blast helped, though. Good times.

Innoc 08-24-2017 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by be_ (Post 511719)
That and aiming/firing the rpg ahead of a scout or medic about to conc jump. Not as easy with distance and such a slow rocket. The spread of the blast helped, though. Good times.

Mid air pipe detting from the Demo against that same Medic or Scout. Pure gold when you could make it happen.

GaryBase 12-04-2019 10:33 PM

Got to remember it all the time. I put mine in a notebook with a small lock.

FDA_Approved 12-13-2019 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by GaryBase (Post 512292)
Got to remember it all the time. I put mine in a notebook with a small lock.


Rawh 12-22-2019 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by GaryBase (Post 512292)
Got to remember it all the time. I put mine in a notebook with a small lock.

Was removing dead (read: 2+ month offline ppl) from my friend list and noticed Squeek's absence. Couldn't just remove him and poked around his profile for a bit. At some point I couldn't resist and ended up on this website/forum after a few clicks.

Turns out I still have access to my old e-mail address. A few pw resets later and tada.... here I am :)

squeek. 12-23-2019 11:47 PM


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