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Undesirable 06-21-2011 02:49 AM

I Don't Hack
As in title. Unban plz.

Dexter 06-21-2011 03:05 AM

well thats helpful

Undesirable 06-21-2011 03:09 AM

Sorry Dexter, I was banned from Talos, accused of wallhacking again. Been the same ever since TFC really. I think it's just because I wrote the book on sniping:

Dexter 06-21-2011 03:34 AM

oh ok got it. have you considered posting on their forums?

Undesirable 06-21-2011 03:45 AM

I got the link to their forums on IRC. I'll see if anyone has any pity for ol' Undesirable on there. Doubt it, but still.

TheKing 06-21-2011 04:25 AM

Dexter 06-21-2011 04:48 AM

I like how the easiest class to play ever has all these derpy websites since day 1

TheKing 06-21-2011 07:27 AM

Apologies for the edit. Undesirable definitely does not cheat, he's just good. Being good (not just ok) at the sniper may be more difficult than maybe some people think, but everyone is entitled to their opinions. Have a wonderful day :)

FreaK367 06-21-2011 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Dexter (Post 485996)
I like how the easiest class to play ever has all these derpy websites since day 1

I wouldn't say it's the easiest class to play on FF, any class that doesn't require such accurate aiming is easier. People new to sniper in game get destroyed by the experienced snipers, they take too long to aim.

Bridget 06-21-2011 11:22 PM

No, it is.

Crazycarl 06-21-2011 11:25 PM

Civilian on waterpolo with insta-gib tommy gun is the easiest class.

Dexter 06-21-2011 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Crazycarl (Post 486028)
Civilian on waterpolo with insta-gib tommy gun is the easiest class.

this is a good point

Raynian 06-22-2011 03:12 AM

IMOIMOIMO the civ should have the tommygun in hunted. Also buff its damage slightly, say 25%. And maybe remove spies. One of the two options would be nice, might actually make playing hunted fun.

Undesirable 06-22-2011 10:08 PM

Well, as far as I can tell, they've refused to authenticate me on the forum and so I can't even speak up for myself on there. Apparently they've got some rock hard evidence recorded in a demo that I'm as guilty as sin. Either that or some power-hungry admin with a chip on his shoulder has something against snipers and dislikes being killed by them so much that he has to instantly spectate and demo record them to death until he's convinced himself they're somehow cheating. My money's on the latter.

FreaK367 06-22-2011 10:33 PM

Yeah I've fought Undesirable in game with sniper, he doesn't wallhack, he's just rather good at playing sniper.

I think most decent snipers have been called hackers at one time or other, but it doesn't deserve a ban. When people accuse me I just have a laugh and explain how awesome my hax are. Nobody takes it seriously. But... it is Talos.

Good luck getting unbanned Undesirable, if I see any Talos on FF, I'll vouch for you and talk to them. I have a few on my steam friends too.

Undesirable 06-22-2011 11:23 PM

Thanks to all those who spoke up for me.

Hammock 06-23-2011 03:39 PM

Catching hackers in FF is far more difficult than in TFC, as there doesn't seem to be any really good tools for it. As such most accusations of hacking are mearly guesses. Most people in this game don't even know what to look for in a demo to catch a hacker. Other than blatant hacking where the person isn't even trying to hide it, the totaly number of publicy caught hackers is soo minimal that this is actually a far more serious accusation than people might think.

It sounds sorta silly to say but since FF is such a small community, demo's should really be posted publicly for review by anyone who has experience in catching hackers. I personally have no experience what so ever in catching a hacker, but I know others on this forum do.

But without an actual demo for peer review, I would instantly default into believing you were banned by an admin with a chip on his shoulder. Which is really weird because there isn't exactly a lot of TALOS admins that play anymore. Which means you were probably accused by someone who doesn't play very much and didn't like being owned, since you're a regular and play quite often with the regular admins that do play, if they thought you were hacking you would have been banned ages ago.

p.s. Your sniper has never bothered me, but your spy sure pisses me off something fierce. But I've never thought of you as a hacker, you've never performed any action that I haven't seen another good sniper or spy do.

Peppas 06-24-2011 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock (Post 486155)
I personally have no experience what so ever in catching a hacker, but I know others on this forum do.

I do! :mrgreen: And apparently they said they have a demo, i'll investigate.

DeToXxX 06-24-2011 01:53 AM

This guy downloads the same skills as DFA.

When you watch the demo, keep in mind I just accused him of being a hacker along with numerous others in the server including mooney. After I went spectator he seems to not show it. Until at exactly 2:20mins into it. He uses his superior "skills" and jumps off bats and crowbars a engy that was obviously there.

Anyways, here is the demo.

Don't forget to type in

sv_cheats 1
r_drawothermodels 2

DeToXxX 06-24-2011 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Undesirable (Post 486110)
they've refused to authenticate me on the forum and so I can't even speak up for myself on there.

Nostromo is the one that accepts new forum accounts. He hasn't been around in awhile. So, as soon as he gets a chance it'll be accepted. Nobody has refused you. And, feel free to post on the forums about it. I doubt it'll be reversed due to me being the one that banned you. Unless one of our other admins says you're legit. And they can over rule my decision.

Ask anyone. We don't ban people for anything, ever in TALOS. It's not some super uptight Mormon ran server (cough). However that's something that wont be tolerated unfortunately.

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