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Bogdan6 06-26-2015 08:12 PM

Apple removes games containing the Confederate flag

“We have removed apps from the App Store that use the Confederate flag in offensive or mean-spirited ways, which is in violation of our guidelines,” Apple told the site in a statement.

[...]Other major retailers like Amazon and Walmart have too ceased all selling of merchandise featuring the Confederate flag. Apple’s response to the issue brings to memory its reaction to games with violent imagery, which resulted in the removal of number of screenshots for some games.

Isn't this going a bit too far? I mean I know the Confederacy Flag is now linked with rasicm and pro-slave-labourism, but still, I find it silly to remove it from games/films just not too offend someone. There are also a bunch of games having the Nazi flag (ex. Wolfenstein or Sniper Elite), but besides Germany (and I do think they are over-bashing themselves for it) nobody really protests against it. It's part of the history, of the past, you cannot deny nor censor it.
Plus certain games such as Ultimate General: Gettysburg are designed to be about historical events. Censoring bits of them would mean removing historical accuracy.

Furthermore, isn't the Confederate Flag, a part of Mississipi's present flag? It was here since 1894 and apparently nobody complained about it for over 120 years as far as I know.

Anyway do you agree with Apple's/Amazon's/etc measure?

Patito 06-26-2015 08:19 PM

"Freedom of expression"

KubeDawg 06-27-2015 01:07 AM

traxamillion 06-28-2015 04:24 PM

When I think of the Confederate Flag I think of revolution, not bigotry/racist etc.

If the Glorious Battle Flag is such a tool for spawning hate, then why are Alabama, Louisiana and Georgia at the bottom of the Hate Crime List and DC, Michigan and New Jersey at the top? Obviously the "hate" is not generated in the south...but in the heart.

Some people find the American flag 'offensive' is that the next thing to get axed?

Also, KubeDawg, the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage gives the lefties even more fuel to pour on the fires of anti-Christian bigotry that they were already fanning furiously.

Bogdan6 06-28-2015 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by traxamillion (Post 509224)
Also, KubeDawg, the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage gives the lefties even more fuel to pour on the fires of anti-Christian bigotry that they were already fanning furiously.

Kinda off topic, but can an american give me their definition of "lefties"? I've seen it mentioned a bunch of times. For you anyone sympathizing the left-wing is automatically comparable with USSR's communism? AFAIK being "left-sided" (at least, what they tell us here) is that you sympathize the community as a whole rather than a certain individual and you try to improve an individual's life, by making the common society life level better. A right side would focus on the opposite improving the common society life level, my making individual's life better first.

Being left-sided or a socialist isn't actually quite related to atheism and so on here. At least this is what I understand from you guys.

Innoc 06-30-2015 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by traxamillion (Post 509224)
When I think of the Confederate Flag I think of revolution, not bigotry/racist etc.

If the Glorious Battle Flag is such a tool for spawning hate, then why are Alabama, Louisiana and Georgia at the bottom of the Hate Crime List and DC, Michigan and New Jersey at the top? Obviously the "hate" is not generated in the south...but in the heart.

Some people find the American flag 'offensive' is that the next thing to get axed?

Also, KubeDawg, the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage gives the lefties even more fuel to pour on the fires of anti-Christian bigotry that they were already fanning furiously.

Not everyone views the flag the same way. Look at the nonsense over the Swastika and the ignorance that those objecting have WRT to other contemporary use. Those objecting behave as if their emotional reaction is the single most important element of the debate over what the symbol can or does mean. Is it something that belongs on public/government controlled land? Perhaps not but the outright censorship by so many left-leaning organizations is simply made possible by the association with the shitbag Dylan Roof.

As to Apple...I don't like Apple from a tech perspective and I certainly do not like their corporate activism. My last Apple product is my iPod Classic. When it dies that will be the last evidence of any revenue Apple will ever have had from me. I should point out that this was my view prior to this nonsense over games being removed over the Confederate Flag.

_BEAN_ 07-08-2015 01:04 AM

The fact of the matter that the flag that use to fly over SC is not the Confederate Flag. It is the Virginia Battle Flag. Even if you don't agree with the history that is connected with the flag people have a first amendment right to display the flag. There are black people in the south that wear the damn flag, but it is suppose to represent racism and slavery? It truly bothers me that people who watch the mainstream media do not question the misinformation that comes through their screen. It is scary how people blindly follow false data as if it were historically factual.

Apple is a disgusting company that should not be allowed to conduct business. Steve Jobs was one of the most disgusting human beings to have ever lived on planet Earth. This man allowed slave/child labor in China to build his products. The work environment at these facilities is so bad that the workers were going to the roof to jump off to commit suicide. This came to a halt when Jobs and Al Gore, of course Al Gore, made sure there was safety netting at the top so their slaves could no longer kill themselves..Utterly despicable company that overcharges for technology that is not that good. In fact you can build a tower for 1000$ that will out do almost anything apple sells to people. I never have and I never will support Apple. No one should support that horrible company.

Bogdan6 07-08-2015 08:32 PM

Regarding the issue with chinese workers building Apple products. It's not entirely their fault, Apple does not manufacture their products themselves, but another company, Foxconn. Foxconn is the company that hired those people to work and provide poor working condition and furthermore, they are not only Apple's manufacturer, but also Sony's, Nintendo's, Microsoft's and many others. Sure, Apple deciding to work with Foxconn are a little bit guilty of the poor work conditions and stress caused for chinese workers, by taking part it this bussiness, but fully throwing the blame on them isn't a solution.

I'm not defending Apple by any means, but just felt like I needed to point out they're not entirely responsable for the situation in China.

GaryBase 12-06-2019 04:26 PM

Well, at this point, it will just keep on coming back.

Innoc 12-28-2019 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by GaryBase (Post 512300)
Well, at this point, it will just keep on coming back.

What will keep coming back?

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