Fortress Forever

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fused2explode 08-14-2014 11:31 AM

Old Q3F / ETF player
Hey I'm an old player from way back, do people / clans still play? I'll pick up half life 2 if anyone still plays right now

FDA_Approved 08-14-2014 11:45 AM

You don't need HL2, the source sdk base 2006 is free to download, and all you need to play. The pub gets going every day. Pickups have been quite stagnant, we played a few in the last couple weeks. If you hang around in the irc channel and express interest we're more likely to get one going though. There's definitely still people who want to play, it's just a matter of getting enough of them together at the same time.

Channel is #ff.pickup on quakenet.

Best times for pubs or pickups is around 4pm-12 EST.

fused2explode 08-14-2014 08:29 PM

Cool. Do I find the pubs on the game itself or do I need another app for scanning servers? BTW do you guys duel at all 1 on 1 soldier?

the_cake 08-14-2014 08:45 PM

There are some people willing to SolVSol on mulch_dm if you ask. If you mean etf_duel and ass_dm style maps I don't think they even exist in ff.

FDA_Approved 08-14-2014 09:27 PM

Yeah, all the servers should show up in the in game browser. In terms of 1v1 there's mulch (long rectangle rooms), ass_dm (much closer quarters circular room), and rookie_dm which is a mid sized square room with configurable platforms and stuff to stand on. Oh there's also a directs only map for no splash damage, and there's squeek DM, which you might know as endif, air shots only. Not a big fan of squeekdm because it has a largely increased knock back.

None of that is very popular but I'd be willing to play it with you and there are a few others who would as well, from time to time.

Then there's also my super cool multi arena DM map that is just waiting for some lua wizard to come do all the hard work.

AI_ 08-15-2014 09:21 PM

Im very down for sol v sol dawg

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