Fortress Forever

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FDA_Approved 06-15-2015 04:56 AM


People are getting all excited about a back-to-the-roots title. It does look promising but tbh I could do with out all the dumb cinematic take downs and stuff. That's just me being overly cynical though. As long this game doesn't have me listening to retard NPCs telling me what to do, or sending me on escort missions, I'll be super stoked.


Also the cyber demon sounds like a generic lame ass. To be fair so did the original. But why can't they make him sound bad ass like the hell night/barons where:

Innoc 06-15-2015 01:28 PM

The clomp clomp clomp of the Baron was always more unnerving than any other sound it made. Especially when out of sight.

Dexter 06-17-2015 04:06 PM

might be an ok single player experience. rest looks bad (I already incoherently ranted this to FDA, sorry)

i mean soz m8

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