Fortress Forever

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tixx 09-21-2014 02:11 PM

Where did the community go??
Hello all,
I played a long while back when FF first came out and have been long gone from the game due to other games, new friends to game with, etc. etc. However, I have been thinking of TFC as well as FF as of recent and have decided to jump back in to see what has been up with the I download the game and there's 9 servers on the server list, all empty...Where did the community go? What games did people run off to?
For me, I went out of this community and started up TF2 as little as I wanted to but it was where most of my friends have gone. Then I went off to L4D2 and then CS:GO when that came out. Simply put, I have gone into games with piss-poor communities and am interested as to where to the people of this community have gone to..
Thanks for your guys' time.

Features- 09-22-2014 11:05 AM

Pretty sure spoon ate everyone..

biohaZ 09-23-2014 03:01 AM

There are organized pickups every Sunday at 6PM EST right now. The server is and the password is pickup .

Other than that, I have no idea.

the_cake 09-23-2014 08:12 PM

Well it's been seven years. The likely-hood of a game that doesn't make money and content through subscriptions or f2p still having an active community after that much time is really unlikely, let alone a source mod that had a fairly small player base to begin with. Honestly it's really kind of amazing a non-commercial source mod with a rough start made it 7 years.

You can still find a pub game going at Moto's Funhouse occasionally, or if you want to play organized there are pickups on Sunday as bio mentioned.

Headz 09-23-2014 09:17 PM

we come and go like timeless music faintly heard on a multi directional wind that separates us only to unite at random occurrences.

/I am under the influence, a small concoction of home made alchemy.

WiFiDi 09-26-2014 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Headz (Post 504342)
we come and go like timeless music faintly heard on a multi directional wind that separates us only to unite at random occurrences.

/I am under the influence, a small concoction of home made alchemy.

+1 we are here silently waiting for prophecy to be made true and on that day we shall unite on mass to face our enemys in heated pointless battle that is TEAM FORTRESS!!! :mrgreen:

Agent Buckshot Moose 09-26-2014 08:55 AM

Seven years, direct competition with a game that is much more popular, no real marketing campaign, and a lack of updates = a mostly dead game.

Sometimes people play in the evenings EST. Even at the beginning of this year there were many more people regularly playing in the night but lately I've seen less playing in the night. The population slowly dwindles I think.

Private_Joker 09-28-2014 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by spoon` (Post 504337)

I fuckin' LOL'd.


XPelargos 09-29-2014 09:40 PM

From what I've heard in passing, FF could be greenlit but devs haven't sent a final release binary to Valve.

Is this true? Because there seems to be 0 progress on 2.5, which is okay, but if there's not going to be anymore support, might as well get one last breath of life through a greenlight.

Neotokyo had a huge surge 2months ago and regulars were calling it a zombie mod for becoming un-ded.

AfterShock 09-30-2014 11:54 PM

AFAIK they won't accept mods on an old source engine so we'd need to port it before we can put it on greenlight, but porting is a huge amount of work - it's a nightmare. I tried once in the past, I sunk about 8 weekends into it and got about 4% of the way through or something. Jon tried to port it all in one go a while back, and loads of stuff wasn't ported properly and/or was totally broken. The latest attempt was squeek and dexter, I don't know how far they got, but I suspect they got burnt out before getting too far (heresay only - I wasn't involved).

The main benefit of greenlight was auto updates and an ability to push a beta test build I believe - but didn't squeek get auto-updates working anyway?

I'm sure FF could un-die too, even with a few interesting changes to bring people back again that would probably be enough.

I think the best thing to do right now is improve the current game to bring players back. It's when the game stagnates that the playerbase falls. The problem is basically that we've often been super scared of releasing changes even if we're fairly sure it'd be better for the game in the long run. Pretty much every change we've ever made has had at least one player violently opposed to it, but if we never change anything, the game stagnates. It's a catch 22.

Another issue we've had is trying to balance simultaneously for competitive / pickup play, and keeping public servers enjoyable. Some changes have been targetted at public play to the detriment of pickup play, and other changes have been for pickup play, to the detriment of public play. Turns out it's pretty difficult to deal with both at once.

FDA_Approved 10-01-2014 12:47 AM

I may be wrong, but from what I've heard FF could be put on steam as is right now. That's the jist I got from some body I was talking to.

The biggest benefit of being on steam would actually be just being on steam. People are too lazy/untrusting to go download a game somewhere else. Steam would make the game easier to acquire. Loads of people would load it up just to check it out, and even that steady flow of 1 time players would help a little bit in retaining the ones who are actually interested.

Also there's plenty of minor changes that could be made to the game, very subtle polishes that shouldn't make any one mad. Not to mention the update this game most desperately needs is in visuals, which would mechanically change nothing. Models, animations, textures. Game could also be cleaned up substantially and made more solid and consistent. As it is, some of the movement mechanics are iffy.

Fact is there's nothing standing in the way of FF. It's dead because it's run out of man power and resources. Literally no one is working on it any more, so it's not even worth talking about what it needs. Because there's no one to get it done.

Private_Joker 10-01-2014 01:04 AM

Gaming has changed. Competing with commercial titles like the Call of Duty franchise etc. is futile. Fortress should give up on trying to attract casual gamers.

The Natural Selection 2 team has got it figured out. Make sure the game's learning curve isn't impossibly steep, but otherwise forget about trying to hang onto any players who don't love the game for what it is. Your community will always be finite, but as long as there's always a server to join, then why is that a bad thing?

I'm sure that this point has been argued like a million times, but, I like to hear myself talk.

Love and feels,

Bully 10-01-2014 08:36 AM

Sounds like there's a lot of us that still care about FF. Someone needs to to take the lead and move this thing forwards ?

aleXtric 10-01-2014 07:45 PM

i'd play in a league. other than that, no point. pubbing sucks, pickups are impossible to fill

Headz 10-01-2014 10:35 PM

If I could help I would ( as many regs would ), kinda shocking what AfterShock said about all those hours put in and little return to get it on 2013sdk.

Can you guys ask for assistance from Valve to port it? if not ask if they can just add it to steam anyway as a final product ?

KubeDawg 10-02-2014 12:02 AM

FF needs to just be taken behind a shed and put out of its misery already. There have been plenty of attempts to bring it back from the dead and this latest push to get it on steam is, in my opinion, no different. I usually keep an optimistic view when it comes to this game, but it's been too little, too late for so long that even I have lost hope for its potential future success.

The only way we are ever going to get people to play is if a new game with a new development team and new ideas gets started on it. Put an emphasis on a matchmaking system for competitive matches so people aren't forced to use stupid shit like an IRC channel to play. Make it have autoupdate feature so any buggy updates can be reverted wholly or partially if something goes wrong and so people aren't forced to download each update manually. How many updates has FF had over the years? Who wants to keep updating that shit on their own? Ain't nobody got time for that, not even those who are hugely passionate about FF's success.

In any case, those who still care about this game need to step up and become the new breed of individuals who would be responsible for continuing this style of gaming in the future. Team Fortress Classic is and always will be one of the best FPS games of all time and it had plenty of flaws, as did FF. Moving to the future without the foresight to change what is necessary when it is clear that the ever-changing gaming industry as a whole pretty much requires it, will only lead to failure.

the_cake 10-02-2014 01:41 AM

There are issues with FF specifically that make it exponentially more difficult to port to a newer source engine than most mods. This is why the port didn't happen 5 years ago and why the idea of a total rewrite is frequently brought up in discussions of FF's future.

WiFiDi 10-02-2014 09:35 AM

i see a lot of separate attempts these 2 guys tried or this guy tried. why not all of you guys together, which is what it will realistically take. this isn't a 1 man job its simply to much work even if he was doing it full time. (which should be apparent)

caesium 10-03-2014 08:05 AM


Oh, and back on topic, I play Mario Kart now. Yes I do.

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