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o_puppychow 06-12-2006 11:52 PM

favorite move/technique in tfc?
ok, now i know what i detail below is not unique by any means, but its just a move that, when i pull off, is pretty fun/rewarding. ive always been a very average player (except low g - then i own), but this particular move, ive got down pretty solid...

just the simple if getting low on health, especially if playing a lighter class, and if having to run away from someone about to kill you, running down a hall towards a wall, or even if in a wide open space, but towards a wall, priming a nade, releasing it in front of you so it hits the structure in front of you, then rebounds straight back past you, killing the would be enemy without knowing what hit them. esp. effective aginst spies dying to get that knife in your back.

yeah, not unique, but ive got the timing down pretty good on that in terms of not getting my own splash damage.

any moves that you have that you kinda call your own or go to in a crunch?

o_shadow34721 06-13-2006 12:03 AM

frontstab, many people have no idea how to do it. (or they think they can but they really have no idea)
done right, itll leave people calling you a hacker.

on a side note, so your trademark technique is running away from offenders rebounding nades back towards them if theyre foolish enough to follow you? touche.

o_bokko 06-13-2006 12:19 AM

donkey hopping

o_mikefed 06-13-2006 12:33 AM

Can it be anything except the hh conc, the feeling when you get one just right, just awesome.

o_afla edge 06-13-2006 01:25 AM

Eh just off the top of my head I love rj up to a battlements and having a rocket and grenade primed to go off in a snipers face. They don't even have time to move their dot. Either that or juggling medics with rockets.

o_toastie 06-13-2006 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by shadow34721
frontstab, many people have no idea how to do it. (or they think they can but they really have no idea)
done right, itll leave people calling you a hacker.

there is no backstab, just gotta make sure you can hit em and are facing the right way(the same way).. now they know! but its not really a front stab its more of a side stab

o_zaskar 06-13-2006 02:35 AM

Nade Jumping as a Sniper on Sniper maps to get to the other side :D

You usually gotta do it just perfect enough where u land ontop of another building cause the fall back down would of been enough to kill you after that :P

Well that is assuming that Mirror dmg is turned off. Cause if it isnt my favorite moves are jumpin on a Friendly nade and watchin my teammate Gib :P Or goin spy and discuising yourself as a enemy sniper and goin on their battlements and watchin our own snipers headshot themselvs on me :P (back when that worked :P)

Circuitous 06-13-2006 06:08 AM

Organizing a perfect hunted round, as follows:

Soldier up the vent
Medic crouches at vent and boosts me in
Conc on the floor in front of vent, boosts me up.
Soldier is busily clearing SA3 and box platform.
I run up to box platform while Soldier primes a nade.
Medic that went the normal route has already conced into tower and opened the doors.
Grenade goes off, and I curve smoothly to the SUV.

I've only done this like once, maybe twice. You can usually only do it one time that quickly before Snipers start getting wise and pouring down the vent, so you gotta nail it the first time, and it's soooo sweet when it works.

As far as individual skills go... I used to be able to jump out of crossover2's basement with one rocket. That was pretty sweet when it worked. :D

o_groovyf 06-13-2006 07:40 AM

Concing up to the top floor, from the flag point on Mortality....

Wonderful feeling :D

o_qui 06-13-2006 08:13 AM

As spy, sneaking around the top of the pit on cz2 (the flag is out in the open bit of the pit).

Waiting for an opportune moment to leap down with a nade primed, and having it detonate just as you touch the flag, to propel yourself out of the pit with the flag.

Leaving the defence for dead, such an ace feeling. Anyone who has been in a clan with me will know the ego flowing on voice comms when i do it :p

uhhh yeah crossover 2 not cz2 :p

o_mikefed 06-13-2006 09:06 AM

Your clan mates probably made fun of your tfc map knowledge though

Cz2, deary me :P

o_tercel 06-13-2006 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by puppychow
just the simple if getting low on health, especially if playing a lighter class, and if having to run away from someone about to kill you, running down a hall towards a wall, or even if in a wide open space, but towards a wall, priming a nade, releasing it in front of you so it hits the structure in front of you, then rebounds straight back past you, killing the would be enemy without knowing what hit them. esp. effective aginst spies dying to get that knife in your back.

any moves that you have that you kinda call your own or go to in a crunch?

i like to think i invented bunny hopping. oh, and the HH conc too. ;-)

o_nezumi 06-13-2006 11:52 AM

Going spy and befriending an enemy to the point where you're sharing pictures of your kids then gutting them.

Being a pyro then catching a HW in the Ring of Fire while listening to the song Ring of Fire.

Puppychow, I love doing that grenade thing off a doorframe as I run though it.

o_3vil9rin 06-13-2006 12:29 PM

Oppose2k3_lowgrens(not sure?, whichever one gives offy full concs).
Priming a conc as medic before being restocked as you leave spawn, then running round to the balcony and concing through the window, sliding off the bridge and going through the balcony window on the other side. Only managed it about twice.

HH Balc to Balc as medic on mortality.

Other than those two, most slides are pretty satisfying when you pull them off, even if they offer little to no tactical use, something about hitting the ramp just right.

o_ghost 06-13-2006 12:32 PM

The most fun and rewarding would have to be pulling off a conc to the flag, grabbing the flag, and having another conc primed so you instantly conc away when grabbing the flag. The Rizzo cap would be the epitome of is.

As for technique while playing demo I find landing a perfect pipe-grenade combo to be the most rewarding. Being able to take out a fully loaded soldier in 3-4 seconds (softening em up a bit with a couple pipes while the grenade is primed) leaves them going "WTF!"

o_vibez 06-13-2006 12:45 PM

its gotta be on schtop, the conc to sec, rampslide sec ramp, prime another conc, land on the flag, round the SG on the steps, jump off the platform, your conc goes off and you shoot off down the ramp to FD. no feeling like that knowing you just got a flag out without killing any of the defence.

also, eat more pics of new schtop! :P

o_bumgravy 06-13-2006 12:48 PM

Rocket jumping over somebody or a sentry, then turning and throwiing your primed grenade so it explodes on them but gives you a further air-boost with the splash damage to propel you away from them

Shooting someone up in the air up a wall, then hitting your second rocket on the wall above them just as they start to drop, so it propels them into the ground and makes them crater

Dustbowl CP1, comig out the door towards the cap, rocket jumping up with a curve round the curved-wall, then hitting another rocket off the wall at your apex to propel you downards right at the cap - almost undefendable if done right, and less obvious than a nade-jump.

Firing a rocket, nade jumping fast enough to overtake your own rocket and hit yourself :D

o_mescalito 06-13-2006 01:00 PM

I don't have a technique or a move (workin' on it :D) but sending someone up the sky with a rocket and then finishing him off with a shotty while he's still in the air, is fun.

What i fucking hate is when two soldiers start play ping pong with harmless me, barely giving me a chance to touch the ground :mad:


o_balls 06-13-2006 01:27 PM

The most fun things to pull off are:




Also, balc to balc on 2fort as a medic is quite fun and concing from op_lg water up the ramp to the flag and out again in 2 concs always gives me a buzz

o_mescalito 06-13-2006 01:55 PM

you can't airshot in tfc. that's bollocks.

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